A Question Regarding Punctuation

Grammar question--regarding punctuation?

Princess in this case does not need to be capitalized because it's not being used as a proper noun, it's actually being used as an adjective (he's giving her the attributes of a princess).
Sir does not need to be capitalized here because it's not a proper noun, either. The only time you capitalize "sir" is if it's at the beginning of a sentence or it's used as a title (as in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

I can't recommend any reference materials on capitalization, however if you want to read an entertaining and informative book about puncutation, I suggest "Eats Shoots and Leaves " (the title of that should be italicised or bolded, but Yahoo Answers doesn't give you that option) by Lynne Truss. It teaches the correct way to use punctuation marks that are often misused: the comma, the apostrophe and, yes, even the colon.

Remember, no matter how intelligent you are, spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes always knock you down a few notches.

Question about italian punctuation.?

yeah, you know...forty years, I've been studying Spanish, and I think the only name for that is Punto de pregunta inverso...Honestly! NEVER heard anything more.

And, no. They don't use it in Italian. Or much else, for that matter. No tilde (~), and their accent goes the other way...' not ´

Most of their punctuation is just like English.

Wait! I haven't gotten to anything that has quotation marks, yet.

What punctuation should be used when phrasing a question that compares two options?

In your example, the colon is absolutely correct. It would be possible to use a comma, but I feel the colon leaves less room for ambiguity.I wish more people would learn to use colons and semicolons; they add nuances beyond those available with commas and periods.

10 Questions please help questions on punctuation please help thanks :)?

Which of the following sentences uses correct end punctuation?

My mother walked through the door!
Did your mother walk through the door.
When did your mother get home?
4. Which of the following sentences uses correct end punctuation?

My sister dyed her hair purple!
Who cares about politics.
I am going to the store?
5. Which of the following sentences uses correct end punctuation?

Ellen decided to buy four shirts from the store,
What time is it!
Yesterday, Hank went to the mall.
6. Which of the following sentences uses correct end punctuation?

Desiree hid her mom's present under the bed.
Is it raining outside.
Please help me find my keys,
7. Which of the following sentences uses correct end punctuation?

How many questions are on this quiz:
When is summer vacation?
Bob wanted to go to the movies!
8. Choose the correct end punctuation for the following sentence: My mother loves to go shopping

Question mark
9. Choose the correct end punctuation for the following sentence: Later today, will you remind me to take out the garbage

Exclamation point
Question mark
10. Choose the correct end punctuation for the following sentence: Help me

Exclamation point
11. Choose the correct end punctuation for the following sentence: How many apples did you bring for lunch

Question mark
12. Choose the correct end punctuation for the following sentence: Dad said he had to go to work on Saturday

Question mark

A question about numbers and punctuation in Persian?

yes, these numerals are using in Persian/Parsi language but are not official, we use the same numericals as Arabs do. we do not use any punctuation in our writings but some times it happens that two words are completely similar to each other, so we should use some punctuation marks to prevent misunderstandings in writings. we use , . / ; : ' " ( ) though.
we use exclamation marks as any other languages to show expressions.

and no we write right-to-left like Hebrew, Arabic.

at last proper name of Iranian language is Parsi/Persian (Like the proper Historical Title "Persian Gulf") not Farsi because Farsi is Arabic form driven from original Persian word "Parsi". F instead of P it's because arabs don't have P in their language and instead they use F and unfortunately other countries used to say it wrong all the time....

i hope it helps...

more info with pic and whole Persian alphabet here at :

Why can't people just let questions with minor grammar/punctuation errors on Quora go? I'll get an edit suggestion, change it, and end up having Quora edit it back. I'm reasonably educated and my question's aren't super complex. Why all the fuss?

Because moderators and Top Writers are two cheeks of the same derriere and busy themselves with excuses for editing, collapsing or deleting anything their tiny minds dislike or cannot comprehend. This is why Quora is more a haven for writers with Dunning-Kruger disorders than a place where you will find qualified writers like Richard Dawkins. Good writers, like Richard Dawkins, would be censored out of existence on a site like Quora, which is why they don’t bother with it and we’re stuck with all the rubbish ones nobody else wants.

How do I punctuate a sentence that starts as a question but ends in statement as a two-part sentence? Do I use a semicolon to separate the parts and then have the question mark at the end, as in “Who is that guy; I wish they would tell us?”?

A sentence is a complete thought or idea: You would get nothing from the phrase, “Is that guy.” Someone would literally walk up to you and ask, “Is that guy, what?”“Who is that guy?” is a complete idea. It expresses your need to know who a person is. “I wish they would tell us.” is another idea. I think I’m getting what you’re asking because I’ve been having the same problem as of late. It usually starts with a question about an event that may have happened but not always. Should I believe him when he says, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”I mean, in that situation, do you put a period after what he says or do you put a question mark after the entire question? Do you put a period inside the parenthesis and a question mark outside? It’s an imperative-interrogative and I have yet to find a satisfactory answer.

Multiple choice english question on punctuation. Please help! Thanks =)?

Choose the sentence that has correct punctuation.


A-- “More and more teenagers are being diagnosed with type II diabetes,” said Mrs. Allen, our school nurse.

B-- “More and more teenagers are being diagnosed with type II diabetes” said Mrs. Allen, our school nurse.

C-- “More and more teenagers are being diagnosed with type II diabetes,” Said Mrs. Allen our school nurse.

D-- “More and more teenagers are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes” said, Mrs. Allen, our school nurse.