A Quick Question About The Age Of Consent

Why is the age of consent so low (14) in Germany? Does this have an adverse effect on German society?

Because a fair number of fourteen-year-olds are well into puberty, and sexually active. It has to be said, though, that this is not a simple all or nothing matter.The full age of consent for all kinds of sexual activity is actually eighteen.Sex for payment involving those under eighteen years old is illegal, for example, as are sexual relationships between persons under eighteen and those who are entrusted with their care or education. Sixteen is another relevant age. The legalese is a bit hard to work through, but what it boils down to, as far as I understand, is this:Fourteen- and fifteen-year-olds can consent to sexual activities, but if these involve a full adult (over twenty-one), the standard assumption is that the adult is exploiting the minor's lack of maturity (which is illegal. Whether this is the case is decided on a case-by-case basis).Sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds can consent to sexual relations, with the exception of prostitution, porn and other sexual activities for financial gain. If there is reason to believe the minor's capacity for informed consent is lacking, or an exploitative relationship is in place, these can still be deemed illegal on a case-by-case basis.Those over eighteen are pretty much free to do what they like.The rule of thumb we used when we were in the relevant age group went something like this: Kids can fuck around among themselves all they want, those eighteen and above should stay well clear of under sixteen-year-olds, and be sure the parents of sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds they'd like to get involved with were ok with their kids being sexually active.The important thing is: people under fourteen are considered children and strictly off-limits to anyone, sexually. They're supposed to be fundamentally incapable of informed consent to sex.For those above, in the end the individual's maturity, as judged by a court and court-appointed experts is the real test. The age limits are more or less guidelines.As usual: I'm not a lawyer or even cooking for a law firm, so this is in no way, shape or form meant to be something even resembling legal advice.Thanks to Andreas Ziegner-Rößler for pointing out some misconceptions. Any remaining errors remain strictly mine, obviously.

Age of consent, legal drinking age, smoking age serious question?

Right, I am a normal guy from the UK, who can't sleep due to insomnia anyways quick question really.

The country Croatia states 'The age of consent in Croatia is 14 as specified by the Croatian Criminal Code. The acts themselves ban "sexual relations with a child" while it is later defined that a child is a person under the age of 14.'

Now it states as well the age of drinking in Croatia is 18 and same for smoking.

Why is it that the age of cosent is 14 but drinking is 18. If they class anyone under 14 as a child then anyone 14+ must be adults.

Why can't 14 year olds drink and smoke, I mean if they are old enough for intercourse and old enough to be classed as an adult then they must be old enough to drink and smoke.

Anyways, please what is your veiws on this?

Age of consent and sex ed in South Korea?

There is sex ed in Korea, but it isn't the same as you may be familiar with. It's very limited, only a quick overview of bodily functions, with drawings and charts. It's more health ed than sex ed.

As for the age of consent, may I suggest that you keep it zipped up unless you're with an adult your own age? It's nonsensical as to why anyone would want to engage with a little kid in the first place. There is no age of consent anyway, it's a case-by-case basis, with the age usually being 18. If you are from the United States, the age is definitely 18 due to your country laws. If you are a normal, non-perverted person, the age is 18. Just 18 period.

Youngest age, for snake bites in maryland, with parents consent, PLEASE HELP?!?

im 13 years old, and i want snake bites badly!(:

i know my mom will let me get them,. i just want to figure out all the information before i ask.

so what is the youngest LEGAL age to get your lips pierced in maryland with your parents consentt, i need answers quick thanks.

Why is the age of consent 16 when the legal age to buy porn is 18?

hey dansmith, point taken, but even with federal laws, the age of consent is lower than the age for pornography viewing, all the states laws can do is raise the ages, because that maintains federal law, so in most states and in the federal government, the discrepancy between ages still exists

What is the legal age of consent (of thee sexuhal type ;]) in the fine country of Uganda?

You see friends, i have been site seeing in this Devine Country of Uganda. And I dont mean to be a perv... but i got ahh salami to hide! And excuse my french, i wants to "geit iet on!" -or so to speak.... im actually not exactly sure how old this slave is, but she is ah'driven me BAnAnaS!! -or so to speak. Just curious, cuz the last thing i want is to get my dick mudelated by her master.... NEED HELP! i gotz "blue balls" so heavy they is ah'draggen behind myself, i need to "make some puddi'n" right quick or im goin to have a firework show goin on in my pants..... yah catch my drift???

What is the age of (sexual) consent in North Carolina?

Oooo baby, you sure know how to rock that mullet.

I believe in N.C. it doesn't matter what age as long as they are a relative.

Make sure you clear out the beer cans in the back of the truck before you do it back there.
