A Really Weird Dream Came True

Do dreams really come true? Why?

Very well. To answer this question, we need to understand-What are dreams? Dreams basically refers to a vision that a person saw when he/she fell asleep. It is a situation where a person basically visualises a real/fantasy world when he is asleep. And normally, most of the dreams we see at night are forgotten within 10 sec after waking up.So now, a question may arise-Do Dreams Come True?Yes!There are several incidents came that prove that some dreams may come true. Such dreams are called Prophetic Dreams. In other words, “Prophetic Dreams are those dreams which a person see the real or the similar vision which very soon tends to happen true in his real life”. Such dreams are sometimes referred to as messages from Lord Jesus who want to convey some messages to their child. Several incidents that proved such dreams are:Joseph in the Bible saw the 11 stars of the Zodiac Bow to himself.Albert Einstein visioned about The Theory of Relativity.Joan of Arc envisioned of her own death.Abraham Lincoln deamed of his own death before his own assassination.The defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo was also envisioned.Now, I think that I am clear with the topic. Thanks for Reading… :-)

Do some dreams come true? I have a weird dream for 2 days in a row five months ago, then the place in the dream came up again 2 weeks ago.

Hi. Yes, sometimes dreams come true. Sometimes they are literal, but other times are filled with symbolism, using places, people, things, topics and themes. The individual has to then try to figure out what in their life or who in their life the symbols represent, and what the dream means. In dreams where in real life the place exists, you probably have a dream that is going to come true. I have had such dreams and they came true. So pay heed to those dreams.

Weird dreams - My dreams come true?

First of all, if you want to make records of your dreams for your own benefit, do so, but you have nothing to prove. I would not waste your energy there.

Your brain is just doing its job. According to hypothesis, your brain picks up on many things during the day - only some of which you are aware of - and sorts everything out at night. What else would be the purpose of being out of contact with the world for 8 hours a day. You are having premonition dreams, based on putting together information from clues you have not consciously picked up on. Most often, we are not aware that the chances are tilted in favor of an event happening, and that information comes to the fore in dreams when we are not busy doing anything else and our minds are free. However, if you dream about moving to a new house and it blows up, it could just mean that some plan will "blow up" or "backfire", it does not have to always be literal. Dream images are often figurative with respect to the label you would give the image.

There is more than one kind of dream. During stages of sleep dreams become progressively vivid up to the REM dream. Your "not really dreams" are just NREM dreams - non - REM. And by the way, we all have both types every night whether we recall or not, it's all normal.

Don't let these natural processes *freak you out*! You have excellent powers of observation and mental skills that are being used as you dream. Remember, not all dreams have predictive meaning, some only have personal meaning. Cheers!

I had a dream come true and it scares me?

I had a dream that a black cat was attacking me. I don't know how that came to be. It was a dream. I was standing in front of my house and there were bugs and snakes and I kept trying to get them off of me and get back in my house. I threw the cat off of me, and got back in the house and then I had bugs in my hair. And every time I scratched my skin fell off. I finally woke up. It was a horrible dream.

Next day! I swear to all that is Good, my girlfriend comes over with a black kitten that was in obvious need of help. No one else was interseted in this kitty. She said she was going to take it by the river and let it find it's own home. I said I would keep it for the night and take it to the Humane Society in the morning. Which I did. Well, he was infested with fleas, and every time I went to pet him he hissed.

This is just too wierd.

Do night dreams come true?

its really weird, i had a dream about how this 'special friend' of mini got super mad at me for something that i didn't do. When i saw her the next day, that's what happened! IT's not the first time that ive had that kinda thing happen. When i was younger, i wanted one of those psp's and i had a dream one night where they were abundant and came in the packages that those cheap film cameras that you buy at a pharmacy or something. I knew my mom would never buy it because it was like $300. But in like 2 days my sister called mom and told her that her boyfriend had this psp that he bought and didn't like; she said that if i wanted it, he'd give it to me. So idk, most of my other dreams were about me in my 40's so only time will tell.

Is it weird that my dream sort of came true?

Dreams usually represents your day activity mixed with your inner conscious.So you were already feeling that you would be late to the class and might be because of the bokbag in your subconscious. The same idea came up in form of dream.Its part of human brain functioning and its completely normal !!Hope it helps !!

What is a weird dream or nightmare you've had that's actually come true?

My brother had run away. We were all frantic, with no idea where he was. Then one night I had a dream that he came running in the house and plunked down into his favorite chair, arms on the arm rests and a certain look of panic coming from his eyes peircing his soul.The next day, the exact thing happened, moment by moment, play by play, same look in his eyes, same way his legs were sprawled, same arm placement- every detail.My eyes in real life went so wide, I was absolutely stunned.How could it possibly be?Another dream that actually came true was a reoccurring nightmare that I had since toddlerhood, all through childhood. I was a dandelion growing in rocky soil. The only dandelion around. A big black bowling ball would come out of no where and knock me down, but amazingly, I would spring right back up! This happened over and over and over again. I wasn’t the prettiest thing, pretty scraggily looking, but nothing could defeat me.If you knew my life, you would know that this dream is the story of my life! I’ve had so many things come against me, over and over and over again. I grew up in rocky soul, a skinny, scraggily flower no one thought would ever bloom. Well, I never did bloom like other kids, but nothing could bring me down. Tenacity is still my greatest strength.

All my dreams are coming true, literally. If I dream something after couple of days it comes to reality. Does that mean I am a psychic?

Well i experience the same thing. My dreams like yours also turns into reality. What really shocks me even now since the time I first started having these dreams in my teens, is the fact that they are accurate to the slightest detail. They are short and precise, what i mean by precise is that i can feel it as its real, the atmosphere, location,  timing, my emotions, even what i'm thinking in my dreams always end up 100% accurate. The events in my dreams occur spontaneously. I don't realize it until the moment its already began. And every time they come true, i'm shocked how accurate they are. There are many people like us, instead i should say everyone is like us, they just have not reached the next level of consciousness we have started to reach. Likewise there are moments when a person just knows something good or bad is going to happen. What we call "Our gut Feelings". No one exactly Knows what or how this higher level of consciousness is achieved, Buts it is as real as the air we breath. This Video might be the shortest and closest thing that could explain this phenomenon. Thou i myself disagree to some of it, but in general this might be the best possible explanation.

Any weird deja vu stories??? Or dreams that came true etc.?

Once I had a dream about an elderly couple and they were best friends since they were little and then the boy had to move and so they never saw each other again, but then the boy got a letter saying that the woman got Alzheimer's and was about to die and so he went to visit her and he was telling her stories of their adventures of when they were little together. Then she remembered them together and she passed away right after that.

I had NEVER read the Notebook, nor had I seen the movie. In fact, I had that dream before The Notebook was even published, and it's almost exactly the same story! lol

Any cool dreams come true or weird deja vu happen to you??
lol that rhymed