A Type Of Species Removal In Which Vegetation Is Naturally Replaced By Another Group Is Termed

Can we survive without eating any type of meat, just a diet based on fruits and vegetables?

You can live without meat, but not without protein. So you have to make sure you get enough plant protein with the essential amino acids.BUT YOU HAVE TO ADD FAT to your diet and cut sugar whether you eat meat or choose not to.Too much glucose and insulin (NOT MEAT) can result in cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Animal protein (meat) got a deservedly bad reputation from inhumane meat processing practices, and an UNdeservedly bad reputation from bad research, specifically the studies against saturated fats, and the now debunked conclusions of Ancel Keys who ignored his own data when it didn’t fit his premise. There is no study, no proof at all, that saturated fats cause heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes. In fact, what we KNOW is that starving cancer cells of glucose (pure sugar) kills the cancer. Fats, including those we get from animals, actually protect us from Type II diabetes, obesity, and other diseases, even dementia.Vegans and vegetarians can live very healthy lifestyles without meat but let’s stop turning meat into some kind of toxin. Too much sugar is what’s hurting people. We don’t really need sugar and corn products, especially high fructose corn syrup, in all our foods. Unfortunately, people who follow a vegan lifestyle are more at risk of getting too much sugar in their diet. If you’re vegetarian, you are also at risk if you turn to low-fat milk and whey proteins which can cause big insulin spikes. Full-fat milks and pure cream are actually better. Cream and butter are actually less problematic for folks who are lactose intolerant. Also milk has lactic acid which is a sugar and can also spike insulin.There are things we can add to our meals to reduce the insulin response of carbs and sugars on vegetarian and vegan diets:we can eat our carb-laden, insulin-spiking meals with fiber (which vegans and vegetarians routinely do)we can eat them with more fat (pile on the ghee, sour cream; or for vegans avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, nut oils)we can add a little apple cider vinegar to our pre-meal routineTAKEAWAYS: You can absolutely live without meat, but not without the 9 essential amino acids, which you can get from plant protein (chia and hemp seeds have all 9 amino acids). On a vegan, vegetarian diet, just be careful to avoid sugars and to add fat and vinegar (fermented veggies are also good).

A type of species removal in which vegetation is naturally replaced by another group is termed?


Succession is an ordered replacement over time, where each replacement adds to the conditions left by the previous occupant. Plants grow and they change their ecology. Pioneer plants & lichen add humus to newly exposed gravel, or lava, or mud flows or emerged shorelines. They make a richer soil and make it possible for other organisms to live in the habitat, including herbivores, soil dwelling fauna and microbes that complete the biogeochemical cycles.

Over time various secondary incoming plants crowd out the original pioneering plants that created the loam; primary plants give way to secondary that colonize open exposed places that already have rich soil. This provides yet more niches for fauna.

Secondary plants eventually give way to the slower growing, shade tolerant climax plants that persist in long living stable ecological communities until disturbed.

Define natural vegetation.?

Vegetation that has grown by itself in different areas....with the help of rainfall, sunlight and all the other elements...without special maintenance or raising by humans. These plants have a natural ability to adapt to harsh conditions and may range from weeds to even the plants people specially flowers, fruits, cacti. patches of vegetation in deserts, tropical rainforests are all examples of natural vegetation.

In geography, what is Vegetation?

Vegetation means plant life and includes trees.

Vegetation is the plant life or the plant ground cover of a region, not the particular taxa, life forms, structure, spatial extent, or any other specific botanical or geographic characteristics. It is broader than the term flora which refers exclusively to species composition. Perhaps the closest synonym is plant community, but vegetation can, and often does, refer to a wider range of spatial scales than that term does, including scales as large as the global. Primeval redwood forests, coastal mangrove stands, sphagnum bogs, desert soil crusts, roadside weed patches, wheat fields, cultivated gardens and lawns; all are encompassed by the term vegetation.

Question about natural selection?

Sorry, I hadnt completed my question earlier on.

If differences accumulate between populations that are geographically isolated, as with two populations of frogs in a swamp and forest, reproductive isolation is possible. Explain how this may occur and ultimately lead to the formation of separate species.

Any help?

What is the vegetation in South Africa?

Succulent Karoo
Nama Karoo

What environmental impact does diamond mining have?

The environmental impact from diamond mining is much like any other open pit mine, the problems stem from waste disposal, leeching and ground water pollution. Once vegetation and soil is stripped away, salts, irons and other nutrients are not naturally filtered as water seeps into the ground. This allows organisms, nutrients, plus oil and other machine related waste, to enter ground water. Species and habitat loss would change dramatically from site to site and continent to continent, but would always be present.

"The most common and productive type of diamond mining, pipe mining, is a type of open-pit mining; therefore it involves similar techniques and environmental stresses as other types of open pit mining, in which large amounts of rock and materials, called overburden, are removed to allow access to the diamonds. Large areas of land and surrounding ecosystems can be disturbed as well as the potential for acid mine drainage causing damage to an ecosystem.

Environmental reclamation surrounding diamond mining operations generally involves some effort to return the altered landscape back to its original shape. This includes not only saving the fill removed from the pit and refilling pits once mining has ceased, but also preserving topsoil to be re-deposited on reclaimed land so that vegetation can be planted. In addition, diamond mining faces challenges relating to energy use and emissions which can contribute to the global climate change. "

The real problem, he says, is with the largely unregulated alluvial sector. “[There,] you strip off the topsoil to get at the diamonds, and in most of the African and South American countries, there is little remediation,” he says. “There are laws, but they are mostly not enforced—although at the [De Beers–owned] Williamson Mine in Tanzania I saw a lot of remediation going on earlier this year.”

He continues, “The problem in many tropical areas, however, is that unless you remove and replace the topsoil very carefully, you may not really be accomplishing much. A lot of tropical topsoil is very thin, and if you mix it up with sand and laterite, it won't be good for much afterwards.”

What is the green pigment in a leaf called?

The green pigments are called Chlorophyll for which we see plants as green… These are present inside the Thylakoids which are collectively called Granum(pl. Grana). These are present inside Chloroplast n chloroplast present in mesophyll cells.. The mesophyll cells are present just below the epidermis..