A Weird Itchy Bump On One Of My Balls

Why do my balls itch?

Balls. Do you mean scrotum or testicles?If you are past puberty, it may be your hormones are telling you to find a girlfriend.If you do mean the skin surrounding the testicles, and if you wash with soap, it could be that you are allergic to the soap (or some perfume in it). If you use a liquid detergent, one of those combined skin & hair shampoo formulations, it could again be allergy, or it could be that you are drying out the skin too much, Constant washing can remove the natural oils in the skin, and remove the pro-biosis your skin normally has, leaving it susceptible to infection & cracking.The skin could turn very red, develop deep fissures, followed by various nasty infections green or yellow, and eventualy black (gangrenous), at which point they would drop off. This condition may be fatal.Then again, if you wear underpants, it could be due to the material of the pants. Wool, and sack-cloth, are particularly itchy for some people. Now, if you don't wash the underpants regularly, you can set up a fungal infection. That would itch. Or if you do get your underpants washed, again you may be allergic to the laundry soap or conditioners (or perfume therein).You may have eaten something to which you are allergic.You may have contracted an itching disease like measles.Or you may have brushed them against poison ivy.Or you may be playing host to some mites, Pthirus Pubis (Crabs), or Sarcoptes Scabiei (scabies). These are distant relatives of the horseshoe crab, but smaller. And highly infectious. Or Cimex Lectularius, the bedbug.Or, maybe you have exposed your balls to mosquitos. If you're really unlucky, you could have been bitten by a spider.Also, please avoid getting Cantharis (Spanish Fly) anywhere near your balls. It sets up a profound itch which I'm told can be maddening.Whatever the reason, if you find it a nuisance, perhaps you should consult a good homeopath and get a permanent cure without risking further problems from so-called 'conventional' treatments. Be warned, that some of the creams 'doctors' suggest for the control of itch, can in themselves set up a very itchy inflammatory reaction, and do permanent damage to the skin, (In homeopathic theory, these creams and ointments are 'suppressive'; using them can drive a disease further in to your system, rather than encouraging the susceptibility to disease to leave in an orderly fashion.)Good luck.If scratching, please wash your hands.Edit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ants. I forgot to mention the ants.W.

I'm 13 and I have an itchy scrotum....?

Or in simpler terms...MY BALL-SACK IS ITCHING! It itches regularly and I don't know why, I mean I wash down there and everything, I definitely don't have any Sexually Transmitted Diseases because I'm virgin, don't do needles (let alone share them), and haven't done anything to contract an STD. Is this normal ? I'm pretty deep into puberty, my scrotum is really hairy, and I can ejaculate too. Is this normal though ? And what can I do to stop it ?

Weird straight line of 8 tiny white bumps under the skin on my palm? Any ideas?

Today I noticed a straight row of strange bumps on my right palm. There's eight of them in total, there evenly spaced and each bump is about the size of a small pinhead (between 1mm -1.5mm) They feel like little hard balls under my skin. I took a razor blade to one of them and it was quite deep but when I hit the ball with the blade a tiny bit of clear liquid came out like a blister.

The weird thing about these bumps is they've turned up out of nowhere and they're in a perfect straight line starting from just below my little finger on my right palm and ending just before my index finger. If feels weird when I run my finger over them. Do I need to see a dermatologist about this? Oh yes, and they're itchy too, plus the one I done the razor blade biopsy experiment on stings like a ***** now but and there's a tiny hole where the bump used to be, its a red fleshy color now. All the others ones are tiny white balls.

What is this and how come they're in a perfect straight line? Do you think this could be an insect or something walking over my palm while I'm asleep and injecting me with something? Maybe it's some kind of genetic mutation - I've always said my family are weird. Or maybe its some kind of nano technology connected to my Morgellon's disease? Who knows? Any ideas?

Why is scratching your balls such a good feeling?

Looks like you have never done 'fingering' to your ears.

Shaved my balls now they itch unbelievably?

im going insane. i shaved them yesterday and now they whole underside/base of my penis itches every few seconds and its driving me crazy. not just an itch but like a burning rash itch. i shaved dry with a trimmer first then a razor. but it just wont STOP ITCHING and i am seriously going crazy over here.

I have a rash on the side of my ball sack and itches and smells and has red bumps on my puo hairs. what is it?

It actually sounds like Jock Itch. Very common when it is hot and humid. It's the same fungus as athlete's foot, just growing in your crotch.

If that's what it is, then you could get some over-the-counter cream like Lamisil, which would knock it out in a couple of days.

If you never had athlete's foot, or your crotch has not been sweaty, then it might be something else. Doctor time!

Why are my balls peeling?

a day or two ago i masturbated once or twice with some kind of vasoline soap stuff. ??
the next day my ballsack was really red in one spot, and really itchy.
the next day (today) i was scratching and looked in my pants and my balls are peeling just like a sunburn.
i've never been in a tanning bed, and havent been outside nude in a couple of weeks.
any ideas?

What is the remedy for itching on scrotum?

You may follow following remedies for itching in Scrotum Remedies Hаving a good hygiene аt аll timеѕ hеlр kеер аwау bacteria frоm thriving in thаt раrt . Fоr instant relief, cleanse thе scrotum аnd itѕ surrounding areas with mild soap аnd water оr with a mild disinfectant. Alwауѕ make ѕurе thаt thе scrotal area аnd itѕ surroundings аrе maintained dry аnd moisture-free. Avoid uѕing tight clothing аnd synthetically made garments. Uѕе underwear made оf cotton аnd loose fitting pants. Whеn washing clothes, еѕресiаllу undergarments, uѕе оnlу mild detergent soaps. Whеn bathing, avoid perfumed soaps аnd bоdу wash оr thоѕе соntаining strong solutions аnd chemicals. Remember tо clip nails regularly tо prevent breaking thе ѕkin whеn thе urge tо scratch arises. And аѕ muсh аѕ possible, trу tо kеер frоm scratching оr touching thе area tо prevent thе spread оf infection аnd complications. Application оf tеа tree oil саn hеlр in keeping fungal infection аt bay. Thiѕ саn bе uѕеd аftеr washing thе area thoroughly. Anоthеr good anti-septic iѕ honey whiсh саn bе rubbed оn thе scrotum twо timеѕ a day. Whеn applying thiѕ in thе scrotal ѕkin аnd nearby areas, leave it fоr аrоund аn hour prior tо washing it up. Eating mоrе garlic саn аlѕо bе effective in curing itchy scrotum thаt iѕ caused bу fungus. Hope this will help

What is causing my testicals / genital area to itch? I don't have rashes or bumps or anything..?

Finally a question that fits my expertise!
News Flash... BALLS ITCH! LoL.. it feels great to scratch them, so just buy some sanitizer to carry around and embrace the scratch!
A couple of things you should try would be to get some underwear made from different materials and switch your laundry detergent and/or fabric softner.