A Woman Asking A Man Out

Why should a woman ask a man out?

Because you can be way ahead of other women who stare, do nothing, hoping as you just go and get it done.Because you won’t need to ever go through the frustrations of wondering with all these hints and signals. You can find out it’s a YES or NO instantly while other still whine all day but really never wanted to follow through anyway. They just wanted to hold onto the feelings, the fanasy and not the real deal.Because you don’t want to emotionally invest lots of time, effort, fantasy, images in your mind that gets chemicals going to create attachement when you have yet to get a YES. The faster you do it, the faster you know where you stand and the rejection if it happens won’t hurt you as bad.Because one thing is for sure….the last thing you need is you carrying the burden of “what if,” and believe me the amount of women who carry that today and talk about how they met this guy 2, 5, 10, 20 years ago and was nervous to say anything, is a lot. You don’t want to be telling that story.Because you can while others fear and live in the “can’t.”

What do you think about a woman asking a man out on a date?

double standards tells us and even the old society tells us that men should always make the first move. but since society has evolved and changed its possible for women to ask men out without fear of being viewed badly or judged.i as a man would love for a girl to be straightforward and ask me out it would directly give me a sense of importance and a boost of confidence (dont mistake it for ego and feeling superior) and i would also find the women more attractive since i would see that she has a lot of confidence and probably a very decent personality. to recap it would make me feel great while boosting the image of the girl in my some guys could act differently about it and start acting jerky and like an a**hole towards the girl since she asked them and they probably have some kind of sick and twisted way of thinking.but those are rare cases and any decent,nice guy would take a girl asking him out very positively.goodluck for everything!

Does asking a man out imply that the woman is easy, and that the man will look down on her?

Does asking a man out imply that the woman is easy,No, it implies she has agency as an autonomous being and has not been brainwashed into an artificial framework where she’s arbitrarily required to accept the social role of being “the passive sex”.and that the man will look down on her?Only if he himself buys into the same kind of artificial framework. Be warned that men who buy into this framework and think women are supposed to be passive also tend to have very specific expectations of how the relationship itself will be structured. They tend to think the relationship is supposed to have a “boss��. Hint: it’s not the passive one.Speaking as a single guy myself, I’d be far more interested in pursuing a long-term relationship with a woman who had taken the initiative of asking me out, over one who told me after I asked her out that she’s been hoping I would ask her. Like, if you already knew you were interested in going out with me, why didn’t you say so? If I had never asked, would you have just resigned yourself to never going out with me? That’s not impressive to me. And I don’t want to be anyone’s boss, either—or, for that matter, to have a boss, outside the office where I work. Regardless of whether I approached the woman first or she approached me, I want to have an equal partnership with roles defined by what works for us as a team. Not by an externally-imposed framework that says I must be the one who does A, B, and C, and she must be the one who does D, E, and F, simply because I got a Y where she got another X.

Why ask a married woman out?

I have been happily married 25 years and during that time have been asked out I feel inappropriately to dinner 4 times and numerous "coffee or a drink"invitations.
I have worn my engagement and wedding ring since my wedding day and at our 10 year anniversary have worn my eternity ring making 3 very visible rings on my marriage finger.
I am a very reserved women and happily live my life for my Children and my Husband and other men are not a factor to me and are quickly dismissed so again I ask,
"Why do some men ask married woman out????"...If it's happened to me it's happened to other wives...

What is the male perspective on a woman asking a man out on a date? Is this socially acceptable?

Do it, to hell with what is, and is not, socially acceptable. Life is too short, if you really like him? Then ask him out, if he’s offended? Then you’ll know, he wasn’t interested in you and, you wont be left wondering what if? Life has enough regrets, don’t let what strangers think influence what you want. If you do, then you’ll have a life filled with regrets. If the guy isn’t secure enough in himself to know what is, and is not a compliment? Then that’s his problem, not your’s. Maybe I’m to old to be answering this but I would consider it a compliment if a beautiful woman asked me out. If he doesn’t? He’s a fool-GOOD LUCK-

Why is it a "man's job" to ask a woman out?

Hi feminists and trolls, I'm really looking forward to your responses on this one.

Why is it regarded as a man's job to ask women out? This is a gender role. How can feminists logically hold this expectation while also complaining about gender roles that are disadvantageous to women? This expectation renders women as passive objects that should be pursued by the strong, aggressive males? In fact, this whole idea of traditional courtship came about from the Victorian era of England where women moved away from the ideas of seduction and tried to make themselves as dainty as possible. You know, that era where they sent women to asylums for not accepting their place as housewives.

It seems like you women want to have your cake and eat it too. How liberated are you if you refuse to go after what you want and just expect men to do this work for you?

The bottom line is it's a sexist expectation that demands men act a certain way by virtue of their gender. There isn't any getting around it. Do you disagree, or are you feminists really not about gender equality at all? Maybe you really are just about favoring ideals and practices that benefit only women?

Do you disagree? I'm looking forward to reading your responses.

Why don't women ask men out ?

If they want equal rights, then why not have equal responsibilities ?

Do they want the power in the dating?

I'm talking about the vast majority of women don't ask men out.

Should a woman ask a scorpio/libra cusp man out?

Or do they usually like to take the initiative and ask the woman out? I'm a pisces girl, I'm pretty sure he likes me a little bit, he hasn't asked me out or anything but I think he's on the fence about me. Would it be ok just to ask if he wanted to hang out sometime? I don't want to pressure him with a date, but he's a cool guy and I'd like to see him again. I'm just not sure how to approach the situation. Any advice?