Abortion Question From A Male Teen

Question on Male Semen?

Don't worry at all. Your body will produce different amounts of semen on different days and at different times of the day. One of the biggest factors in how much you produce is how much water you have in your system. If you are a little dehydrated, expect a little less semen. Also, if you masturbate for several minutes before ejaculating, expect more semen. If you have a stronger orgasm, expect more semen. If you masturbate to orgasm very quickly you will have a weaker orgasm and less semen.

The reason for this is that as your body gets closer to orgasm the glands in your body, mainly the cowper's galnd and the prostate gland start to produce semen. If you give them more time, they will produce more. If your orgasm is more intense your prostate will experience stronger contractions and secrete more fluid at the time of orgasm which will result in more semen when you ejaculate.

So don't worry about how much comes out. It will vary. depending on a lot of different fatcors. You will probably notice that it will sometimes be a different consistency sometimes as well. Some men also vary in color, from close to clear to white, to slightly yellow. All of which are NORMAL.

Movies about pregnant teens and abortion?



Kidulthood - About a group of teens who do drugs, sex, pregnancy all the usual teenagers do now. Its a funny film and good to analyse and write about 'cos it's interesting >;D

Have a nice day!

Cazzy! xo

Is there a place you can get free abortion?

No there is not. You pay about $500 for an abortion, planned parenthood may be a little less but they don't do them for free.

Why in teen mom movies, nobody ever has an abortion?

The same thought has crossed my mind before, and not just when watching the kind of movie the OP is describing.The obvious answer is that if a character has an abortion, there’s no more plot, since “teen mom movie” implies that the story is about a teen who becomes a parent.But I agree with the premise of this question, in that I wonder why abortion is never even presented as an option. Forget actually depicting an abortion; why is it never considered? In all the shows and movies I’ve watched in which a character becomes unexpectedly pregnant, the only choice she makes is whether to keep the baby or give it up for adoption. Sometimes a convenient miscarriage will remove the burden of choice, but deliberately choosing an abortion? No way. Rarely (if ever) is abortion even hinted at, and when it is, it’s quickly dismissed, usually by the pregnant character herself.See, Good Girls Avoid Abortion - TV Tropes.The only exception I can think of is Juno (arguably the most famous movie about teen pregnancy ever) which, to its credit, treats the issue with authenticity and humor. Granted, Juno ultimately chooses not to terminate her pregnancy, but again, that’s part of the plot. At least abortion is openly discussed. That’s something very few films dare to do.See also, Just don't say the A-wordNo matter how much Hollywood is accused of having a “liberal” agenda when it comes to other hot-button social issues, abortion is one issue that filmmakers prefer to skirt around. They can’t afford to alienate half their viewers by even implicitly condoning abortion. On the other hand, movies in which pregnant characters choose to continue with their pregnancies cannot necessarily be deemed anti-choice, since the pro-choice movement asserts that abortion, adoption, and motherhood are all valid choices that should be free of negative judgment. These same movies are also celebrated for their “pro-life” message by conservatives. Thus, both camps are placated, and no major controversy arises.But really, it’s mostly the plot.

How does an abortion in the teen years affect fertility in your 30s?

It usually doesn't have affect on future fertility, unless there is scaring or complications.  Abortion is pretty safe if it is done in a medical facility.

Teen pregnancy interview questions?

If I had to ask a professional questions; I would ask questions like

1: Do you see more teens pregnant then adults?
2: What advice do you give teens to prepare them for what lies ahead for them
3: Do you refer them to places where they can find assistance?
4: What would you do to help prevent teen pregnancy.
5: In your own opinion, What option do you see teen doing more, as in, keeping the baby, adoption, or abortion

This is all I can think of. I hope that it helps you. Good luck with the assignment.