About 5 Days Ago My Shin Swelled Up Really Bad Like 3 Times It

I injured my kneecap about 3 days ago, and even after applying ice for a considerate amount of time, it still keeps swelling up enough that it is incredibly hard to straighten my leg. What should I do?

I won’t start out by saying “go see a doctor”, I’ll say that later.Three days is not much time. Even if nothing is broken a good bruise on the kneecap (patella) or the underlying joint may take MONTHS to heal. I’ve had such injuries and seen them many times. Knees heal slowly. The kneecap is pretty soft and the cartilage under the kneecap is pretty delicate, actually.NOW I’ll say go see a doctor to get the knee 1 - examined and possibly 2 - studied with radiography - X-ray or CT or MRI depending on what they find.

My shin, ankle, and foot is bruised and swollen what do I do?

I was involved in a accident on my bike where I crashed into the rear of the car. I'm guessing the impact was my right shin on the left side banged into the car pretty hard. Within 5-10 min my shin swelled up to about a tennis ball size. I went home and iced it and the swelling went down to about 75%. Days later it began to lightly bruise. Now it's been 5 days and now my ankle shin foot are all bruised and swollen. The bruising is very dark, my whole right side of my foot almost to the toe and all the way up my ankle to about 6" about the ankle where the impact was. The swelling is very tight. I can walk on it just the swelling makes it difficult. I have little to about no pain. When I get the little pain spikes they are not very painful at all more just uncomfortable. Do you think it is broken? I'm going to start icing again to see if it will help. What should I do?

Should my leg be swelling after a tattoo?

I had a tattoo done 2 days ago on the left side of my leg from my knee to near my ankle. It is very painful and i find it at times hard to walk on. I am ok sitting and lying but when i get up my leg is very painful. My leg has swollen since yesterday aswell and was wondering if this is norml and if so how long does it last?

Why does my arm sting/go numb after shooting meth?

If you're getting a blood return and you're a 100% sure you're in the vein it could be some kind of cutting agent they're using to cut it with. I've had some burn for about the first 3″ to 4″ of the shot then just stop burning. I just assumed it was probably acetone though. The numbness doesn't make sense if you're actually in the vein though. I'm no medical expert either, but it does sound like nerve damage. I would just watch for any red lines that appear around the injection site, you could develop an abscess or even worse a blood infection. I've been able to treat abscesses at home, however, blood infections are nothing to take lightly they can be fatal very quickly. The red line is an indicator that infection is setting up and if travels to the heart it can be deadly. I have some pictures of ones I caught in early stages and treated them myself. It's not a pleasant experience. I would try a different place until the current one heals up. That's the beginning to end phase of a typical abcess that was caused by “Black Tar Herion” which is more common with H. Ice tends to crystalize then slowly dissolve. I had a place where I missed with a shot of ice that if I pressed on it I could hear a rapid heartbeat inside my head. A warm towel laid across the injection site will sometimes make it heal quicker.

When a foot fracture is healing, is swelling without pain normal after 6 weeks?

It depends on what bone was broken, how it was treated ( cast, external fixation, pins, internal fixation, etc.). It is ultimately a question for an X-ray. If the bone(s) have healed and the swelling is aling the fracture line, that is called a panus, it is a normal part of healing. If it is global swelling with dark discoloration in the mist gravity dependent parts it might not be a good thing. Painless is good unless the fracture or repair damaged a nerve or you have a condition that impairs the ability of the nerves to sense pain. I would get an X-ray and see how the site is healing. Less use is better until you get the OK for partial (toe touch with crutches) or nonweightbearing or normal use. A failed healing of a fracture is always bad but a nonunion of a foot fracture is REALLY painful. Get seen, better to know for sure.

I hit my shin and it's still swollen, what's wrong?!?

Two weeks ago I was running up the stairs and my foot slipped so my shin slammed against a stair, it hurt but not that bad (like it usually would if you hit your shin hard) and I was like ehhh, but not even 5 minutes later I looked down and it was the size of a golf ball where I hit it and it was instantly bruised, and then later that night it hurt worse than when i first hit it, i could barely walk with that leg, but it was much better by the next morning. That was two weeks ago and it's still swollen (not as bad but it's still pretty swollen) and its still black and blue, what's wrong?!

How would I treat a mishap from using meth when I missed my vein?

You will probably be in a great deal of pain, and you will want to avoid shooting anywhere around that area.  Most people will just make the wise decision to stop IVing altogether.  Rinse the area with water, in my experience, a missed shot will usually form a bump that swell up or it will form a bubble filled with liquid and after this bubble bursts it will usually become a dark spot on your skin, or an abscess.  Either of these is preferable to actually having a serious blood infection which could spread to your other organs and kill you.  Missed shots really suck because even though the drugs are working their way through your system, the panic and fear will not allow you to enjoy the high.  Anyway you will want to take a wet towel heat it in a microwave for a minute and press it against the infected area.  If you have an abscess, put some neosporin on it and cover it with a bandaid so you won't pick at it.   If you have the larger bump you will want to repeatedly apply a warm compress.  This does not usually make the swelling go away but the pain will gradually fade.  You will want to pay attention to it and make sure it does not get bigger over the next few days.  If it does get bigger go to the emergency room and get it drained and the doc will give you antibiotics.  Usually it is not that serious but once you see how the doctor handles it, it is not too difficult to do this yourself at home with some ice, a clean syringe,alcohol wipes, some kind of digging tool and gauze.  Basically there is gonna be some nasty yellowish or brownish looking stuff under your skin that you will have to try to squeeze it all out and that will make the swelling go down.   I do not suggest you try this if you do not know what you're doing.   Most importantly do not keep injecting into that same infected area.  I have known few people to die from meth use, but the one person i do know died this way.

How long does it generally take for a bruise to form after being hit in the face?

Bruises vary according to the injury. The color of a bruise is used as a very crude indication of the timeframe of injury in those suspected of being victims of abuse, but bruising is not always present after injury and is not even a good indicator of the extent of injury except in the most general fashion. A severe injury may not be readily apparent to the eye, while extensive bruising can distract from other injuries of greater concern. In children determining the cause of bruising may require the opinion of an expert to differentiate between accident, abuse, or medical conditions which can cause discoloration or bruising (hemophilia, leukemia, birthmarks etc.)The vivid purple color most people associate with bruising generally takes over a day to be readily visible, though sometimes it can appear in a few hours. It is important for investigators and first responders to be aware that injuries may only become "visible" days later, if ever. An astute investigator will look for redness or swelling, which if very soon after an injury (such as a relatively mild single blow to the face) may be best spotted as slight asymmetry to the shape of the face.A crude timeframe for the color of bruising over time follows, but again the specifics vary for each injury:Redness/swelling - immediate to 2 daysBlue/purple - 2 to 5 daysGreen - 5 to 7 daysYellow - 7 to 10 daysBrown fading over time - 10 to 14 days