About Jcombobox Java Language

What is the difference between list box and combo box?

Let's start with ListBox. This box is scrollable and filled with choices. You select an item by clicking on it, and you can hold down the Control key while clicking Two important properties that you'll find in Visual Studio .NET's design mode are Rows and SelectionMode. Rows lets you specify how many rows of information should appear; you can define this as any number between one and 2,000 (the default is four). You can set SelectionMode either to Multiple or Single, which determines whether you allow the user to select multiple items from the ListBox.A ListBox is a container for a collection of ListItems. These ListItems can comprise a dataset bound to the ListBox, or you can generate it manually. For the demo code, I use manually generated data (and I freely admit that I cheated and used the Items property in design mode rather than generating HTML for the items by hand). A quick perusal of the HTML shows the value assigned to a list item is a property of the list item element, and the text displayed appears between the opening and closing spans of the element.A combo box is a commonly used graphical user interface widget. Traditionally, it is a combination of a drop-down list or list box and a single-line editable text box, allowing the user to either type a value directly or select a value from the list. The term "combo box" is sometimes used to mean "drop-down list".In both Java and .NET, "combo box" is not a synonym for "drop-down list" Definition of "drop down list" is sometimes clarified with terms such as "non-editable combo box" (or something similar) to distinguish it from "combo box".combo box:1. We can select ony one option from list.2. We can add info. at run time.3. We have only drop down facility.4. We can't use checkbox within combobox.List box:1. We can select multiple option from list.2. We can't add info. at run time.3. We have both drop up & drop down facility.4. We can use checkbox within listbox.

Java (programming language): How do I get a picture from a database by just entering the name in a textfield by using the swing concept in Java?

Couple of things:1) Either you need to accept Database Name, and connection parameters in Swing UI and then connect it to that particular database and fetch the picture from corresponding table using a select query! ultimately it will be a BLOB column!2) Or, if the name of the database is always static, code it inside java program, connect to it ! At the end of the day, picture would be stored as a  BLOB, use select query to fetch the row from corresponding table.. format would be something like this:select BLOB_COLUMN_NAME from TABLE_NAME where picture_name = .i hope this is what you were looking for?

How do I change a Java application's GUI in NetBeans?

Are you using the Swing API? Just search for how to configure the look and feel in a Swing application. I don't remember the exact code, since I have long moved to using javaFX instead of Swing.

What is the meaning of the @ symbol in Java (in NetBeans’ test packages)?

It is known as java’s Annotation and this is not just limited to Netbeans.

What is the difference between Java Swing and NetBeans?

Java Swing and NetBeans are two different things.NetBeans is an IDE ( Integrated development Environment) which is used to develop software applications using modules . An IDE can have multiple features like code-completion , code editor , plugins , debugging tools , extensions and much more. NetBeans is essentially developed to support developing java based applications (though it supports other languages).Java Swing is a GUI toolkit for Java . It provides components to develop GUI applications. Let's say that it's like an API. Swing is lightweight and platform independent.Let's put it like this. Normally when you write and execute a simple “hello world “ program you will just get a boring console output . But using swing you can create beautiful GUI like buttons , windows , text editors , creating an interactive UI.Swing is a library for java.NetBeans is an IDE for java.

What are the downsides of Scala as a programming language?

Most answers feel as if the people haven’t actually used Scala at all or maybe used it for a very brief period of time some 10 years ago. As a result, the problems mentioned are either superficial or don’t exist. In my experience, Scala itself has very few problems compared to pretty much any other language. Even Paul Phillips, whose criticism of Scala is often mindlessly cited by newbies and trolls, continues to use Scala, apparently because he still finds it a better language than anything else.The two actual problems of Scala are these:compilation speedabundance of myths most people still believe inThe first problem mostly manifests itself during clean compilation. While you’re working on something real, you’ll be using SBT which compiles everything incrementally, and the time required for compiling a couple of classes will be almost negligible. There is also some serious work being done by Eugene Burmako (twitter/reasonable-scala) and by Martin himself (lampepfl/dotty) aimed at solving the compile time problem completely.The second problem is more serious, though. It appears that there is no universally agreed way to learn Scala. People start “learning” Scala through Martin’s FP course (which was never designed for this purpose) and fail miserably when it comes to solving real-world tasks. Companies start using Scala and default to using libraries like Slick or Akka without even trying to explore alternatives. All of this leads to myths and horror stories like “Scala has terrible syntax” or “Akka is what you use for concurrency in Scala” or “We tried Scala and it didn’t work out” and so on. If you learn Scala the proper way (see my post The fastest way to learn Scala) and approach it like any other language, you will be able to avoid all these pitfalls and succeed.

What does the compareto() function do in Java?

If any object has a natural ordering with respect to other objects of the same class, it is nice to implement the Comparable interface (which defines the int compareTo(T object) method).For example, you cannot strictly say that a UI widget is comparable - for example if you had five JComboBox instances, how would you order them!Whereas, Strings, Integers, Doubles are all comparable as there is a natural ordering.Similarly, if you had a custom class like Age, it could be Comparable.So, the compareTo function compares the current instance (this) with another instance of the same type. And it returns either -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the incoming object.This interface then allows your class to conveniently support built-in methods like Collections.sort etc. which support sorting of collections of Comparable objects.

What are panels in Java?

A panel is a container.It allows you to group components togetherIt allows you to devise complex interfaces, as each panel can have a different layout, allowing you to leverage the power of different layout managers.It allows you to build reusable components and isolate responsibilityBut most of all, it gives you the bases for deciding how the panel should be deployed. With a panel you can add it to a frame or applet or another component as needed...A panel also makes a good surface onto which to perform custom painting. For all the benefits mentioned above - its isolated and reusable...There are many other reasons for using panels, these are just a few that pop to mindif you need more information , can read What is the purpose of Panels in java

Java Program Almost Working....?

When you are initializing plan array you have written wrong
You have written last element as
Unilimited Meals
that should be
Unlimited Meals

Java Question...?

(? is spaces)

java file
strDateOfBirth = stringArray.substring(0, 8);
System.out.println ("Date Of Birth: " +strDateOfBirth);
strDateOfBirth = strDateOfBirth.substring(0, 4) + "-" + strDateOfBirth.substring(4, 6) +"-" +strDateOfBirth.substring(6, 8) +" 00:00:00";

Date dateOfBirth = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse (strDateOfBirth);
SimpleDateFormat fmtDateOfBirth = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
System.out.println ("DATE:" +fmtDateOfBirth.format(dateOfBirth));

Date Of Birth:
Exception in thread "main" java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: " - - 00:00:00"
at java.text.DateFormat.parse(DateFormat.ja...
at ReadFromFile.main(

I think the problem is because of the space can't convert to date. So how the solution to make the space into 0?