About Mysticism And Magic

Is mysticism real?

Mysticism is a broad word with many meanings. I start with mystery. With wonder. With curiosity for direct knowledge of God and true and my true self…or the Full Monty. I don’t want to know what others know, what they tell me to know, what is past. I’m not interested in the known….I’m interested in the mystery, in the unknown, and in the clues that lead me to the wonder of the unknown. Mysticism is the desire to uncover the Real, and to discard the Unreal that covers or hides the real.In Christianity it was Gnosticism, which the Church threw out because mysticism bypasses the Church and doctrine. In Asia it is Buddhism and Vedanta. Religion is indirect knowledge of God; Mysticism is direct knowledge of God, not as an idea, but as your own being. Mysticism is for those who ask the brave question: Who am I? Mysticism is for those who travel alone.The Church and orthodox religion will discourage your mysticism, and even define you as a heretic. They will say you are not capable of direct knowledge of Truth and God, that you can’t unlock the mystery of the universe yourself. You need a priest, and authorities to tell you the truth. They will say you can’t handle the truth.

Is there a way to learn how to do mystic magic?

Yes there is, but there are not many people in the world who knows those arcane arts and those who do, would never give them out on a forum like this.My advice is: First, find a spiritual teacher who walks the mystical path. Second, follow that teacher and do your spiritual practices. Third, be steadfast on the spiritual practices. Do this for a while, and doors will start to open.

What is the difference between magic and mysticism?

I will give you my perspective from years of inquiry.Mysticism is a way of looking at the world, seeing all of Creation as a mystery, and acknowledging that it is a mystery, and special for being mystical. Your place in the Cosmos is a mystical thing, and finding your place, or acknowledging it, is part of this Mysticism. There have been many Mystics, and many include Jesus, Buddha, and other "religious" figures in that. Much of what Jesus taught (he would say "you will not understand this") was a type of Jewish Mysticism, not well thought of in Jesus' day. Much of Native American religious belief is very mystical; the land itself was thought to have a soul, and rivers and even rocks.Magic (or Magick, for those of us of Celtic descent) is the direct or indirect manipulation of reality by unseen or difficult to perceive ways. Sleight of hand, prestidigitation, and illusion are not Magick, but magic (no capital), and often cannot be readily distinguished. Magick uses a type of energy that is often referred to as "The Force" (Star Wars), or sometimes "mind power", or other terms.In Physics, we recognize forces, strong nuclear, weak nuclear, gravity, magnetic, etc. A person with Magical ability is thought to be able to command or at least manipulate these forces in some way.

What is real, magic or mysticism?

I believe that you want to refer to all occurrences that are considered extraordinary, and often mislabeled as "supernatural". In fact such occurrences are perfectly natural, but they are observed rarely because they manifest in or around particularly evolved persons, and they are not understood because mainstream scientific research does not possess the instruments to properly investigate and explain such phenomena.Therefore they are ignorantly and superstitiously classified as "magic" or "witch-craft".However, mysticism is different from magic.Mysticism is defined asthe belief that there is hidden meaning in life or that each human being can unite with God (MYSTICISM | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary)and a religious practice in which people search for truth, knowledge, and closeness to God through meditation and prayer(Mysticism definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary)Magic is defined as the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces (magic | Definition of magic in English by Oxford Dictionaries)orthe power to use supernatural forces to make impossible things happen, such as making people disappear or controlling events in nature(Magic definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary)Parama Devi's answer to Witches, are they real? Did they exist in the past?

Whats the difference between Mystical Path, and the Magical Path?

Our culture and societies have made mysticism and magic seem synonymous... but they are not.

Mysticism is a belief in anything that can not be proven- such as religions... it is a thought process.. where as "Magic' is a physical or interactive action used to produce results that would otherwise be unlikely.
The Mystic path is a religious/spiritual educational process... either from a teacher/priest/book or on your own path to personal enlightenment.

The Magical path is trying to learn Magic (tricks, spells, Herbology, Numerology etc...) from someone who is a practitioner or from a Grimoire...

Is taoist mysticism related to black magic?

No no no, people mixing things up, it is strange that some people want to talk give their own theories about every thing without they have any idea or clue to this or that subject.Taoism, also known as Daoism, arose about the same time as confucianism, the question wasnt about abused or over use the question was about is taoist as it is related to black magic, the answer is no , it has nothing to do with black magic and it cant be used for a black magic even if it was abused or misused, black magic has its own rituals and orders and names and contracts and codes which if you looked carefully to taoist rituals or belief you will not see this black magic orders and codes, so it cant be related to black magic at all.The black magic has its own standards and teachings and ways but any spiritual practicing like yoga or taoism or what ever some modern humans are doing like ouija boards , tarot readings and toltec practices, can attract or open the doors to some uninvited entities like demons or jinn or Kareens (type of human demons), but it cant be spiritual actions with orders and commands like black magic.Most if not all people dont have any idea about how black magic works and performed thats why i could imagine why they are mixing between the black magic and other spiritual Asiatic philosophies .Black magic is not just sacred techniques it is more deeper than just this, people are mixing black magic with witchcraft and other things, this is because the misinformation and misunderstanding they get from reading lots of fairy tales .The techniques mentioned in some answers here is pure non sens ans has nothing to do with controlling any thing, controlling spells has nothing to do what i read here or there and it is for sure useless information .Wp Hr

Was Jesus a real person embellished with mystical and magical stories, just like what happened to Rasputin?

Rasputin was a follower of Satan. How else would he have survivied all the attempts to kill him?It all boils down to where your faith is. When you believe in something that is greater than yourself, the answers will come to you when you least expect it.

Magick , magic , magik?

Magic is correct unless you are speaking, specifically, of Crowley's systems of Magick. There was no ancient standardized spelling of the word magic, and both magic and magick appear in things by folk like John Dee.

For things that fall between Magic and Magick, Magic or Magic(k) is best.

Majick, magik, majjicke, etc, are just silly.

And anyone saying magickal, which can only be pronounced "magic Kal" should be beaten about the head and shoulders with large stale french bread.
Barring the presence of french bread, popsicles will work, too.

...magic also gets a k when being used in the past tense as a verb, "She magicked up food from somewhere." Just like "She panicked"

Has evidence of magic and mystical creatures been destroyed over time?

I think not, and for a simple reason, if magic exists, it’s a fundamental part of our reality, and as a fundamental part of reality, you can’t hide it for long. Evidences would pop up everywhere, in places and moments nobody is expecting it, and will became undeniable in short time.Worst, there are a lot of people that would use any means to became powerful, and if magic exists, they would have used it. Napoleon would have used a platoon of wizards. Hitler, Stalin, and all the people that fight them too.The same for mystical creatures.And as evidence for my point, there are a lot of pseudo-magic being promoted everywhere, like kirlian photography, fairy photografies, and so on. People want to have magic, and they want to believe there’s magic. If it were part of our reality, we would have grasped it already.