About Negative State Of Being

What is a positive and negative effect of being a welfare state?

Negative: encourage people to expect to be supported forever, discourages effort (study or work), cost others and discourages them, drag on the economy as people not contributing , much money wasted on people that do not need or deserve it, creates large bureaucracy, creates black-market in food stamps, encourages people to lie to get benefits, generally a corrupting influence on society

Positive: the people that need it generally get the help

When did the state of being average become a negative trait?

Adding to the point about Enlightenment that prior to this era, exceptional people from the wrong bloodline would be executed for their ‘exceptional’ traits-as heretics,or guilty of high treason or witchcraft.When the world was despotic and hierarchical, being exceptional was met with both fear and awe, depending on its form. The more non-conformist you were, the more likely you were to be targeted as a threat (heretic/witch/regicidal degenerate.)Now that society has been meritocratic for a century, with the barriers of the ‘Ancien Regime’ being torn down little by little-everyone can, potentially, be excellent. Therefore, there’s less of an excuse for mediocrity.(Cynics will quickly remind you that it doesn’t work like that in practice, of course, your status is still largely determined by either luck or who rather than what you know. But that’s the ideal people bought into, and in some instances need in absence of religion.)

Do you perceive the state of being clingy as a negative state of being?

Question; Do you perceive the state of being clingy as a negative state of being?Yes and no, I mean I’m a very “I want to talk to you almost daily and interact with you” type of girl, but I also like my space on occasion. Its a spectrum and both sides of the relationship need to be in agreement at what is too much.

How does one state a problem without being considered a negative person?

It depends on the urgency of the problem.It depends on if the problem involves a product, service and/or is people-related.It depends on if there is someone responsible for the problem area who is reluctant to solve the problem.It depends on who you might be and your level of responsibility. (manager, peer, subordinate) In my shop, we treat problems with brainstorming sessions with no blame or negatively allowed. Rank is surrendered at the door.We begin problem solving as a brainstorming session by not stating the problem first, but first asking for a list of potential problems on the horizon. Anybody can say anything and it is written down for discussion and consideration. Usually the problem we really want to solve is mentioned within the first five to ten minutes along with collateral problems. Then we work on solutions giving attention to how we can test solutions and verify results. Because we have some smart people, the system works. No finger pointing, no blame, no recriminations. We are a team.

What does negative and positive oxidation state mean?

The more positive the oxidation state of a species, the more oxidised it is; the more negative the oxidation state of a species, the more reduced it is. The modern idea of "redox" relies on electron transfer. At the beginning, chemists had the idea of redox by simply talking about how much oxygen a substance contains. Chemists originally considered that the more oxygen a substance has, the more "oxidised" it is (as in the case of carbon dioxide being more oxidised than carbon monoxide). That is why increase in oxidation number is traditionally called "oxidation" even though nowadays we can talk about oxidation reactions involving no oxygen at all (e.g. sodium can be oxidised by chlorine to form NaCl, but oxygen doesn't even appear in this reaction) . Reduction originally referred to metal ores losing weight and going back to their pure metal forms, i.e. the ores were "reduced" to metal. The brilliant chemist Antoine Lavoisier later showed that this was because the ores lose oxygen to its gaseous form. So, at this time, oxidation state meant the degree of having oxygen. Reduction was simply an inverse process of oxidation. As chemistry developed, chemists found that it's hard to generalise reactions which do not involve oxygen but have similarities with oxidation. The reaction between NaCl is one of those examples. So they came up with the idea that oxidation is the loss of electrons and reduction the gain of electrons. (There is a clever way of remembering this: OIL RIG)  Therefore, the oxidation state of a species means how many electrons have been gained or lost by the species. Since electrons are defined to have negative charges, conventionally a negative oxidation state implies a net gain of electrons by the species compared to its "neutral form", and positive oxidation state implies a net loss of electrons by the species. For example, +1 oxidation state occurs when a species such as Fe loses one electron to another species so that it appeared as a +1 ion overall. Hope this will prove helpful :)

Is the right to freedom a negative or positive right?

Freedom is the ideal state of being for a human being. However, just like with any ideal, there are "qualifiers."

With freedom comes responsibility - and when this is not embraced utter chaos ensues.

You simply can't have a bunch of people running around doing whatever they damn well please. Well, not with 6.5 billion people on the planet you can't.

With freedom comes responsibility.

You cannot have one without the other.