Accessory To Shoplifting In Arkansas

Why is my daughter being charged as an 'accessory' to theft, when she didn't steal anything?

Not much. I actually had this happen when a group of us went to Walmart during our lunch breaks. Apparently, one of the guys who we took with us stole a new pair of shoes every time that he went in there. We had no idea that this happened since he was a new guy at work and we just took him along because he didn't really seem to fit in with alot of others. This time was no different and all four of us were taken as accesories to theft.

Walmart file charges and the four of us were forced to pay and never enter another Walmart again (I know that the last thing is impossible to enforce, but it's mostly to file harder charges if we're caught stealing. Also, if we're injured in the store, we can't do anything since we were legally not allowed to be there.)

We tried to fight it and failed. Other than the actual thief, my girlfriend got the worst of it, though since she was driving (Apparently she was some sort of getaway driver).

The other two, me and my friend, were charged as accesories after the fact due to the fact that I was standing with my friend, who was getting an employee to help us find a DVD. They called that distracting the employees.

We didn't know what was going on until the moment that they showed us the tape of the theif swapping out his shoes for new ones on the sales floor.

Wonder why I'm getting thumbs down for telling the truth.

How can one prove you were a lookout for someone being charged for shoplifting?

*Not an expert on law, answering based on brief research.There is no specific charge against a lookout. There is a variety of charges for being an accomplice. All they have to prove is that you knew about the crime. It can be established through questioning of either you or the principal offender or other evidence that pushes your participation beyond reasonable doubt (security cam footage, witnesses, messages, etc.).When I had been picked up for shoplifting no1 bothered with 2 of my accomplices, although their participation must had been pretty evident.

Is framing someone for a crime a crime?

Some possible charges:Perjury, if the framer actually offers false testimony in court, in a deposition, or in a sworn affidavit;Subornation of perjury, if the framer pays or otherwise induces others to offer false testimony in court, in a deposition, or in a sworn affidavit;Filing a false police report, if the framer makes false statements to the police;Obstruction of justice;Conspiracy;Official misconduct, if the framer is a police officer, prosecutor, or other public official having a duty to refrain from prosecuting the innocent and acts to further prosecution knowing that the defendant is innocent;Deprivation of civil rights under color of law (18 USC § 242), if the framer acted under color of law and the individual framed was targeted for framing on the basis of his or her membership in a class protected by that statute.In addition, the framer can be charged with being an accessory to the underlying criminal act, if there is an underlying criminal act and a purpose of the frame is to protect the actual criminal wrongdoer from prosecution.A prosecuting attorney who participates in a scheme to prosecute a person he or she knows to be innocent may also face disciplinary action, which can include disbarment.

Would I go to prison if I'm accused as an accessory to theft?

Accessory after the Fact - very rarely. As long as you did not profit from the theft and did not actually participate in the theft - the possibility is very very less. No DA would waste legal procedure except make a few threats and perhaps get you to become a convincing witness.Accessory before the Fact - it is possible. If the theft is large - then the chances of jail are higher but if you are a first offender you may get off with probation/suspended sentence. Same is likely if you become a investigation witness.

Can I vape, being 14, and if I can, where can I buy it?

You are under the legal age everywhere I'm afraid. Your ONLY option is for a parent to buy it for you. Which apparently is still illegal, but no one is going to pursue a case against how to raise one's teenage kids.I know you probably intend to puff 0 nicotine, but there's more to it — smokers fight to break habits like the “hand-to-mouth ritual” which you're about to create.Once you have a good oral fixation in place, you're on your way…Also any negative effects, known or unknown — they are compounded by the fact that you're body is not finished growing.Anyway just get your parent educated and hopefully your parents know about science (and stuff, such as the high likelihood of a teenager smoking cigarettes if any of their peers do) and get you one.If I was your age again I'd run from every drug and put the $200,000 I spent on smoking/vaping/ getting high, in the bank.