Accidentally Grabbed A Thorny Branch Now My Finger Is Swelling

Anyone got a good christmas cracker joke?

Question: If a blonde and a brunette fell off a building, who would hit the ground first?
Answer: The brunette - the blonde would have to stop for directions!

What causes an eyeball to feel bruised?

(Sorry, I lost my connection to Quora, which left me leaving a partial answer. This is the more complete, though still possibly half-baked, answer).So, there are sensory (pain, heat, pressure, etc.) receptors in every part of the eye except the retina. Self-Localization of pain in the eye is often not very precise. Which is a little weird, because for an organ that is so sensitive, the brain really has a hard time telling us exactly where in the eye the discomfort is coming from.I am assuming by “bruised” you mean a dull-aching type discomfort rather than a sharp sticking or stabbing pain. I am also assuming that this is not a “foreign body sensation”, or a “gritty-sandy” feeling.So inflammation of the eyelids can cause the eye to feel sore or “bruised” , and may have localizing tenderness to palpitation.The conjunctiva and layers under the conjunctiva (tenons capsule and the sclera) also have various kinds of sensory/pain receptors. Scleritis, an inflammation of the outer wall of the eye, can cause a severe, “screwdriver boring into the eye” type pain.The surface of the cornea is one of most sensitive areas of the body, with a very high density of pain receptors. Even a small scratch on the cornea can cause severe pain, tearing and photophobia. This sounds more severe than what you are describing. However, chronic dryness of the cornea can cause the eye to feel sore, perhaps “bruised”? Usually it is described as burning, scratchy, gritty-sandy, or in less severe cases, just tired and heavy.Increased eye pressure (IOP) could cause the eye to be painful but the IOP has to get quite high, usually well over 40 (more than twice the “normal”) to feel anything different. Usually by that time other symptoms are showing up, like blurred vision, and a red eye, but not always, so it's a possibility, though down on my list.Inflammation in the orbit (the tissues around and behind the eye) can cause pain, usually more noticeable on eye movements or with pressure on the eyelid (retropulsion).And of course, direct, blunt trauma to the eye will cause it feel, well, “bruised”.Of course, this assumes that this is more of a rhetorical question, rather than someone trying to obtain information about a condition that they actually have currently. We all know that we should not seek medical advice from strangers on the internet, even Quora. This answer could be coming from a 9 year old with a passion for Wikipedia.