Adhd Introduction Paragraph

Help on introduction for a paper on ADHD?

I have a serious case of writers block going on... I need help finishing my intro on ADHD all I have is this so far... I dont want to go into defining ADHD because I'm going into that on the body paragraphs... Any suggestions???

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also known as ADHD is a developmental disorder. That is usually diagnosed at a young age typically between 3-5 years of age.

I need a introduction for my paper on OCD?

Write your essay body first, then the conclusion, then the introduction.

The format of an academic essay is basically:

Tell the people what you're going to say. (Introduction)

Tell them the information. (Body)

Tell them what you just said. (Conclusion).

If you already know about the topic - write it out and refine it - that's the body of the essay. Start somewhere; start anywhere; just start. Do the intro last.

Good luck with your essay.

(Btw: re: OCD - there is Obessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and OCD which falls in the spectrum of the anxiety disorders but which is often accompanied by depression and sometimes psychotic features. There is a difference between the personality disorder and the disorder that foists itself on other types of personalities.)

Physical Child Abuse Essay - introduction?

A couple of things. First, you've addressed the first three bullets, but ignored the last one (listing the methods of research). You need to add something about that.

Second, on the first three bullets, you don't need (in my opinion) to parrot the requests quite so literally.

Third, read your paragraph carefully. There are some typos (for example, you say "as such a young age" and I think you mean "at such a young age").

Here's my rewrite of your paragraph (I didn't rewrite it from scrach - I tried to take what you wrote and tweak it a little):

The reason I chose to research and write about child abuse is that I want to have a part in trying to end the physical abuse that goes around in the household. Children who are physically abused at a young age have their childhood ruined. We all only have one life to live and no one should have to have a miserable childhood. The topics I intend to explore in depth are why parents think physical abuse will not harm their children. My goal is to change their thinking. This topic is of vital importance to the study of family because no child in any family should ever be physically abused.

I have ADHD and have trouble writing. How can improve my writing skills?

Here is one possible method, when you sit down to write or use a computer, just start writing. Do NOT think so much about it as get whatever you want written. Do not think about sentence structure, grammar, spelling, puncuation, word used, etc. Just write.Maybe write only a few things at a time, stop, start again.Don’t bother LOOKING at it and feeling it’s all wrong, doesn’t matter, keep writing until you really want to stop.Don’t look at it, save it, but ignore it. Then later, maybe even the next day, look at it. Does whatever you wrote look anything like a basic idea, make any sense even though it may be a mess grammatically, spelling, etc? If so now you can go over it slowly and make corrections.Hope this helps.

I have trouble writing an attention grabber and thesis can someone help me?

Go online and look up thesis on religious freedom.
First of all think about this - the reason the Puritans came to the US is because their religious freedoms were restricted and they wanted to move somewhere where they could practice their religion freely. If religious freedom is restricted, that is defeating the purpose of the USA, we stand for freedom, we have a constitution that allows us to have freedom of religion and our forefathers fought for those freedoms. We cannot take that for granted. If suddenly someone made something that you do/think/feel restricted you would be angry, and you would move somewhere where you can do or say or act or think the way you want to. People practicing their religion is not hurting anyone because they mind their own business, and do it privately. If it becomes a distraction then that can be dealt with accordingly, but no one should be told they cannot pray, or feel closeness to their God, and it is against what the USA stands for. Your attention grabber should be, if we implement a restriction on religious freedom, we are repeating history, and that is why our constitution was created, and why the Puritans came to this land, to practice their religion freely.

I need HELP for research paper.. ADHD?

Seems like you've answered the question yourself. Is it ironic that you are having a tough time developing an attention grabber for a paper on ADHD? Try writing it out in first person, "I think," "I believe," and then converting it to 3rd person--take out the "I" language. As far as a thesis statement, if you've written the paper, you have probably already written the thesis. Look at your summation in the final paragraph and reword it in slightly more general terms.