Adults How Do I Find A Job

Im 17 and can't find a job :( Why ?!?

Ok so the retail sector hasn't been jumping to hire you. Possibly it is too much of the self promotion in your resume, possibly bad initial impression or you're up against a lot of other people for the same jobs and some of them have more direct experience.

Now you look to other jobs such as pool companies for pool cleaning, installation, etc. The landscaping businesses for mowing lawns, caring for flower beds and trimming things. Some of these jobs pay better than many retail outlets so better income for the season. Think of others like construction companies especially road, sewer and gas line places as they need flagmen to stop and direct traffic at job sites. Yes you're out in lousy weather sometimes but so what.

You have to expand your job criteria and look for jobs out of the ordinary and pound the pavement applying as that's the only way to get a job. Make it a job of finding a job and really work at it. Plan each day you go looking to hit X number of companies and which ones and keep doing this as it is now a job. Look over your resume and refine it and the same for a cover letter. Research the type of businesses you are going to apply at so you have some sort of base knowledge about what a company does and while this may not be a lot you can explain you want to learn more. You never know where and when an opportunity will come along. At night read the job ads and send in your resume etc by e-mail and see if you can gain interviews. This is not a just go fill in one application here or there once or twice a week. This is a concentrated effort taking time each and every day to get a job, this is a plan, a strategy.

How can I find jobs in tokyo?

There are three skills that will help you easily find a job in Tokyo. The first and easiest [assuming your first language is English]. Is teaching English. All it requires is a 4 year university degree [subject not important]. The con is that you would most likely be working for either a dispatch company or an eikawiwa [conversation] school for children and adults, and I can personally attest that many of these companies are scummy and should be avoided at all costs.The second is, that if you know Japanese, take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test [JLPT] Level 1. This will show companies you are fluent, and you can work in a Japanese company or as a translator. The final skill is having coding ability. A lot of companies hire coders who can't speak a lick of Japanese, but they expect you to be a code monkey and because of the Japanese culture, you're likely to be working very long hours. Mid you have any other skills, you can try contacting a headhunting company and have them try to help you find a job. There are of course other ways, but these are the most common. If you have any other questions about working in Tokyo, shoot me a message, I'll be happy to give any other info you might need.

How do I help asperger adult find a job?

That's a good question. I think the first step is to find out what the individual with Aperger's would like to do. Self determination is very important for anyone. The next thing would be to talk about some of the obstacles that the individual is feeling. It could be also helpful to explore what types of careers they would like to engage in. You might want to bring them to a vocational program at a YMCA or Jewish Y. They usually have some good vocational programs from individuals with aspergers or autism. Having them attend some kind of group might be helpful. Here is a website that has some information about someone with aspergers and the challenges they may run into when it comes to working.Employment and Asperger Syndrome

Is the minimum wage meant for adults or for teens in their first jobs?

In the not-so-distant past, minimum wage jobs were mostly held by teens-jobs that paid minimum wage were generally jobs that did not require a lot of education or special skills, like fast food or retail or bagging groceries. The adults that did work for minimum wage generally could scrape some kind of living from that wage, and did not stay at that wage-the idea was that you would eventually move up into a job that paid more. But nowadays, there are more and more adults that take these jobs because a high school diploma doesn't mean as much as it did forty years ago. Adults with a high school diploma in the past could get jobs that paid pretty well-factory jobs, or secretary, or other jobs that paid better than minimum. Many government jobs also required not much more than a high school education. Now, if you haven't finished college or obtained a vocational degree or training of some kind, you cannot find a job that will pay above minimum. Employers don't want to train people any more, the world is far more technical than it was in the past, and more people are completing college. So, high school grads are increasingly being pushed into low wage jobs.So now, a minimum wage job is not a stepping stone for teens anymore-it now is the way a lot of adults make their living. So the intent hasn't really changed, the economy changed. Adults in these jobs now are people who maybe forty or fifty years ago would have made decent money, but because the education bar has been lifted, they cannot get any better.

I can't find a summer job?!?!?!!?

this year is the worse in 30+ years for teens to find employment. the businesses that usually are willing to work with part-time, short-term, flexible schedule employes such as restaurants and retail are not hiring nearly as many people as in the past. you are having to compete for jobs with adults who are trying to support their families.
(unemployment continues to go up and the only jobs created in the past 6-7 years are service sector jobs that use to be the realm of teens and senior citizens)

you must continue to apply and be sure to follow-up with a call in about a week to check on the status of your application. broaden your prospects by being open to different shifts and do not limit the days you will work. any job is what YOU make of it, do not worry about what anyone else thinks. your jobs, as a teen, are for gaining experience, saving money for your education, buying that first car, spending cash for your days off, new clothes for school..... etcetera.

different companies have different policies about hiring minors so just apply the worse thing that can happen is they say no.

plan your job hunting for times of the day you will have an opportunity to speak with a manger. be prepared, bring pen and clipboard so if they prefer you fill it out at the location you can do so neatly. bring extra copies of your list of references, since you don't have much work experience great personal references are very important.
when you go dress neat, clean, and appropriately for the business, be polite and ask for an application and the appropriate time to bring it back. for references talk to teachers, clergy, coaches, anyone you have done casual labor for, friends parents etcetera be sure to ask if you can use them as a reference and let them know to expect calls from prospective employers.

for more info about working go to "youthrules" there are links for teens, employers, parents and educators for each state.

A poll repported that 65% of adults were satisfied with the job the major airlines were doing...find probability?

This is binomial probability
n = 11 (number of adults)
p = 0.65 (probability that an adult is satisfied with the job the major airlines were doing.
x = number of adults out of 11 who were satisfied.

P( x = 5) = 11C5 (0.65)^5 (0.35)^6 = 0.0986

P( x < 3) = P(x=0)+P(x=1)+P(x=2)

P( x =0) = 11C0 (0.65)^0 (0.35)^11 = 0.0000
P( x =1) = 11C1 (0.65)^1 (0.35)^10 = 0.0002
P( x =2) = 11C2 (0.65)^2 (0.35)^9 = 0.0018

Add: P( x < 3) = 0.0020

P( x ≥ 8) = P(x=8)+P(x=9)+P(x=10)+P(x=11)

P( x =8) = 11C8 (0.65)^8 (0.35)^3 = 0.2254
P( x =9) = 11C9 (0.65)^9 (0.35)^2 = 0.1395
P( x =10) = 11C10 (0.65)^10 (0.35)^1 = 0.0518
P( x =11) = 11C11 (0.65)^11 (0.35)^0 = 0.0087

P( x ≥ 8) = 0.4254


P( x =4) = 11C4 (0.65)^4 (0.35)^7 = 0.0379
P( x =5) = 11C5 (0.65)^5 (0.35)^6 = 0.0985
P( x =6) = 11C6 (0.65)^6 (0.35)^5 = 0.1830
P( x =7) = 11C7 (0.65)^7 (0.35)^4 = 0.2428

Add: 0.5640

Adults with down syndrome can often find work because they have received..?

a. folic acid
b. physical therapy
c. education and job training
d. genetic counseling

Another question:
2. People with down syndrome have how many copies of the number 21 chromosome?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

How does a young adult with autism get a job?

The job market is very strange right now and a lot of people who are neurotypical with good résumés are having a hard time. Despite these facts, do not be discouraged if you are on the spectrum and want to have a job.First of all, those on the spectrum often have two unique advantages—they do not “play” politics on the job and they don’t mind repetition. Who wouldn’t want an employee with these qualities?! The key is to use these characteristics to your advantage by putting them right up front in a cover letter or speaking to these strengths in a job interview. If you have a hard time being your own cheerleader, ask the Human Resources (HR) department where you are interviewing if you may bring a job coach or advocate with you because you have a disability. Most HR departments will not blink at this idea—or, they may be afraid they’ll be sued for civil rights violations if they don’t let you have support. So either way, you get what you want—an interview.Secondly, the U.S. federal government has a powerhouse agency devoted to help those on the spectrum get the training they need and the job experience they need to live fulfilling, productive lives. The agency is through the federal Department of Health and it is called Voc Rehab. At VR, you can get tested for job interests and skills, you can get trained or educated courtesy of the U.S. taxpayers, and you can get placed in a job. This is the very definition of “safety net” and it works very well. I recommend that everyone on the spectrum get hooked up with their VR officer/case manager no later than age 15 if still in high school. It’s never too early to start getting career and vocation support. It’s also never too late, so if you missed getting Voc Rehab on your side earlier, pick up the phone and call now. Find your Voc Rehab office here: Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)Thirdly, the Department of Labor is now on board helping those with disabilities get and keep jobs. Ask your Voc Rehab counselor to connect you with your Dept. of Labor representative.Fourth, here are articles about companies actually looking for workers with autism:Employers Are Seeking Out Autistic WorkersAnd lastly, here is an employment agency specializing in helping High Functioning Autistics find work:Assistance For Individuals - Asperger EmploymentBelieve in yourself! You have much to offer an employer, a company and the world.

Why are grown adults working minimum-wage jobs?

Very few minimum wage jobs allow a person to develop skills to progress to higher paying jobs.Thinking they do is thinking we still have a labor intensive manufacturing economy.Thinking these are jobs are meant for kids is an indication you don't know what these jobs are. Many of these low wage jobs are working in nursing homes and hospitals helping move patients and cleaning up after them. Many are cleaning offices and bathrooms after the close of business. Many are performing hard labor while kids are in school. Many of these jobs involve pulling the guts out of chickens for processing. Many of those low wage retail and food jobs are at 24 hour places conflicting with school or are the graveyard shift.As for how much they should or should not make, that is a philosophical question. It really depends on whether you believe a business that cannot offer a living wage should be saved by the government subsidizing the employee’s survival.Of course many companies providing wages below the poverty rate are not just profitable, they are highly profitable. McDonalds with no price increases would remain profitable at $15 an hour though it would take about half their profits. In the lower margin world of retail it would take 80% of Walmart’s profits if there were no price increases.Both companies are holding substantial cash to pay in dividends but also to artificially prop up stock prices by buying their stock back.So it really is a question of who pays these people enough to have food, utilities, and housing? The government or their employers?Now the national debate ignores that costs differ.If you make the Arkansas minimum wage $8.50 that the equivalent of making $15 an hour in San Francisco. I know a lot of people in Arkansas who were proud to vote for the state wage increase who think those people in San Francisco are crazy for supporting $15 an hour even though it provides a similar standard of living.