Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hydrogen As An Alternative Fuel To Petrol

What are the advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen as a fuel?

Currently the only viable source of hydrogen is petroleum.

What is the advantage and disadvantage using hydrogen fuel?

Hydrogen has very low ignition energy. The amount of energy needed to ignite hydrogen is about one order of magnitude less than that required for gasoline.
Unfortunately, the low ignition energy means that hot gases and hot spots on the cylinder can serve as sources of ignition, creating problems of premature ignition and flashback. Hydrogen has a small quenching distance, smaller than gasoline. Consequently, hydrogen flames travel closer to the cylinder wall than other fuels before they extinguish. Thus, it is more difficult to quench a hydrogen flame than a gasoline flame. The smaller quenching distance can also increase the tendency for backfire since the flame from a hydrogen-air mixture more readily passes a nearly closed intake valve, than a hydrocarbon-air flame.
As with gasoline engines, unburnt fuel can seep by the piston rings and enter the crankcase. Since hydrogen has a lower energy ignition limit than gasoline, any unburnt hydrogen entering the crankcase has a greater chance of igniting.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen fuel?

Commercial compressed hydrogen is pressurized to 15 bar ( about 2,100 psi ) in heavy steel tanks. At this pressure, it takes 20 times the volume of gasoline to hold the same energy and it's held in a dangerous heavy pressure tank. Hydrogen is the second smallest gas molecule, only monatomic helium is smaller, this means it leaks through every material like golf balls through a fishing net. If you parked a full hydrogen car at the airport for a week long business trip, you would return to an empty tank. Hydrogen burns with an invisible flame so in a car accident, you wouldn't know where you would be burned. A new infrastructure would have to be established to refuel hydrogen cars.

Hydrogen is a method of chemically storing energy just as a battery is. Well guess what, so is gasoline and diesel, in fact gasoline and diesel as we have it today are stored solar energy captured by photosynthesis millions of years ago. We actually know how to synthesize gasoline and diesel from CO₂ and H₂O and can do so more efficiently then electrolysis of water to produce H₂. When Sandia labs worked on a more efficient way to make H₂ from H₂O, they realized it would be just as easy to synthesize gasoline and diesel as it would be to extract hydrogen and changed their project to "Petrol from Sunshine" because they realized that no vehicle need be replaced and no infrastructure need to be built. Synthetic gasoline and diesel would also burn cleanly as there are no impurities.

Every environmental advantage of hydrogen and electric cars can be achieved with synthetic gasoline without changing a vehicle and without a new infrastructure. However both hydrogen and electric cars encourage people to buy new vehicles through greenwashing therefore the advantage is more cars sold, more profit, more economic growth and more jobs. Hydrogen and EV's have nothing to do with the environment, we could make every car environmentally friendly just by changing how we make gasoline and diesel.

List some advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen as vehicle fuel?

Hydrogen has to be made, in some way, and it takes a lot of energy to do so. Beyond that, it is a good fuel. All the things you hear about it exploding are pure fantasy.
Coal, is cheap, plentiful at the moment, and burns at a very high temperature. That is, if it is Anthracite, which is very hard, almost pure carbon. This coal is just one step away from becoming diamond. Yes, diamonds can burn as they are pure carbon. It's down side, radioactive elements in it, the smoke is bad in any respect, the ash from it is hard to get rid of, and the smell is something to not be around.
Natural gas is about the best fuel going. It is abundant, has no odor, burns hot and clean, although it does produce carbon dioxide which is a green house gas, and can be easily made, Remember that nice snack that you had, or are eating now, bacteria gets to feed on it too, partly so that you can get benefit from it, and that bacteria is going to produce, among other things, natural gas. What we poot out, is a mixture of gasses, of which natural gas is one of them.

Advantages and disadvantages of using butane and Ethanal as fuel for a motor vehicle?

Both are better for reducing emissions, cleaner burning. Both have lower heat content by volume, (see source) than gasoline or diesel. Propane has problems starting in cold weather, so some heating device would be required to heat the fuel before you could start the car. Also, special gas metering devices would have to be fitted to the car, plus installation of a crash-worthy pressure vessel to contain the propane fuel. Propane isn't available at many gas station locations due to the need for a large pressure vessel to contain it. Ethanol requires special equipment to be fitted in cars to determine the mix of gasoline to ethanol so the injectors can meter the right amount of fuel to the cylinders.

What are the advantages and dis adventage of a LPG fueled vehicle?

Iit saves over 40% on fuel costs compared with petrol, and over 25% compared with the equivalent diesel.
But more, there's the CO2 saving!
Make the change, put more money in your wallet & less pollutants into the atmosphere!
Imagine, in another 50 years, when Floida et al is under water & your kids / grand kids ask what you did to help?
OK, loss of power... Why do we need more power?
Ego, small genitaillia compensation?
There's a speed limit there for a reason :o)
As we stopped usuing aerosols in the 80's (we did didn't we?), petrol & diesel should become the new taboo.
Go green, extend the life span we've got left on this fragile planet, before fresh water becomes the new comodity & we start living from subterranean grown protiens.