Advice I Dont Know What To Do

Don’t know what to do! advice? So I’ve been with my bf for a long time now and he’s recently changed. He’s recently changed and idk...?

He’s recently changed and Idk what to do. He says that all these years I’ve wanted his friends and his family and has even said that I wanted my brother. He doesn’t want me to be around my family because he says they don’t care about me and that he’s the only one. He says that I don’t give him respect that he is owed. Idk what to do anymore I’m so stressed out I can never tell him how I feel without it turning into a huge argument about how it’s always about me and how I’m the one who takes him for granted because he works so hard. I recently mentioned I was tired and he said that i shouldn’t be tired that he has a lot more to do and worry about then I do. I really just need advice I’m smart enough to know that the relationship has become toxic but Idk it’s almost like I’m afraid to leave because of some things that have been mentioned.

Advice on sex?

What age is it okay to loose your virginity, I want to loose it with my bf but at the same time I want to wait till marriage and i don’t know what to do since I’m only 16.

Christian advice please? I don't know what to do I am Christian single mother lost?


Your life seems to be in utter chaos! Make a list of priorities. That is what you need done right now in order of importance. That's what you need to do.

You're going to have to work on each one of these priorities more or less one at a time.

I understand what you want to do as a Christian, however you cannot segregate your child from the rest of society and refuse a public education if that is all you can afford right now. Religious education is up to parents and not the schools. You can have your child in with regular school children and still be religious. Your son has to know what its like to be in a world of all sorts of people, and to still maintain his faith. If he doesn't he will never be able to deal with the outside world.

Your situation having met some different men in your life, all gravitates towards desperation. These men see your desperation and exploit it and then claim you're playing games. But the reality is you want the right man in your life and you keep finding the wrong men for your life because you need your priorities straight first. Once you're comfortable in your life, and you have that relative calm and no distractions out there, you can focus on the other things. Right now, though, you've got to focus on those priorities.

I would also say you should reconcile with your mom. Your beliefs are yours, but that doesn't mean you can't get along with her.

What advice can you give a college graduate who still doesn't know what s/he wants to do in life?

Mark Cuban is a famous entrepreneur and billionaire.We know him from Shark Tank or as the Owner of the Dallas Mavericks.After graduating College he was working at a bar and sleeping on his friend's couch.But he was driven and looking to find his calling.Without any background in Technology, he stumbled into a job selling PC software.And that job sparked his love for technology.He went on to learn everything he could about it.With the sole purpose of becoming the best he could.9 years after graduation he sold his first software company for $6Million dollars.And 9 years after that he sold his second company for $5.7Billion dollars.After College, he wasn’t prepared to sit around waiting to discover his passion.He went out there and explored different options without fear of failure.And when he discovered what he loved, he became the best.The success and money was the by-product.The truth is, many students have no idea what they want to do with their life.But the best way to find out is to go out there and explore your options.Image source

Don't know what to do about a relationship? Advice? Opinions?

Two months ago, relationships were the farthest thought in my mind. All I cared about was graduating high school and getting to college (I'm 17 btw). But, about a month and a half ago my friend held a party and long story short I met her cousin. (he's 18) He seemed really sweet, funny, etc... but as the relationship progressed he speeded things up with kissing, etc... He became kind of obsessive texting or calling me at 3 a.m. The thing that really scared me was when we were alone, making out, and he kind of wanted to take things far. When I said we needed to stop he didn't listen... just kept saying things. I had to push him off literally. He apologized and hasn't stopped calling since. Am I overreacting? I don't really know what to do with this... I don't like where this is going but I don't know if I should break things off b/c of this.

I don't know what to do. RE: lds temple?

Holly, even things that are wrong become easier to do after you have done them more than once. I believe that is why most people on here have been telling you to go to the temple again. You felt it was wrong, you seem to know it is wrong enough to question you belief in the LDS church. Yet, people want you to go again?

As a Mormon, you were told to trust your feelings about the truth oif the BoM; why are you being told to ignore your feelings about the temple?

God is not the author of confusion but of peace (1 Cor. 14:33). You felt both confusion and lack of peace. Do you really think that the temple ceremony could be of God if it caused you to be scared and confused?

If you go back to the temple you will just become more familiar with it. But it doesn't mean the temple ceremony will become "of God".