Afraid Of Going Outside

What causes my dog to be afraid of going outside?

Can't answer without more details. How old is the dog? Neutered? Gender? What environment do you live in - on a busy city street, quiet suburb, rural? Did the dog previously going out to eliminate? Did something happen outside or on the way outside that startled or frightened the dog? Was there a weather event that coincided with the refusal?I’m reasonably certain that when you look at the situation more closely the answer will become apparent to you.

Afraid to go outside?

I would say it's agoraphobia.


Why are my ferrets afraid to go outside?

Thing is...your ferret are not used to the outdoors at all! There are all kinds of sites, smells and sounds that may be scaring your ferrets. Even the direct sunshine of outdoors could bother a ferret who is not used to it.

You are just going to have to take this slow. Take them out little by little...maybe take them out to the backyard to explore in the grass away from noisy cars, etc., etc. You will know when your ferret is ready for the leash because they will not run like a bat out of hell to the door anymore!

Good luck and take care of those fuzzers!

Is my dog afraid to go outside?

she probably is because shes scared that the skunk is still out there. maybe you should take her on a leash and just walk her around the yard or around the neighborhood for a few days. maybe that will work

I'm scared of going outside?

I have way more other serious problems but right now, I want to solve this one first. I started to feel like this maybe a few months ago, when my anxiety started to went up. Whenever I go outside, my personality changes like the second I step foot outside. When that happens, I feel overly self-conscious and afraid someone might see me. I hate it so much that I keep thinking that I'm putting up a facade on purpose. There was this one time that I went outside so I can film my neighborhood but I kept messing up (I forgot that there was a time limit and I don't have normal camera). I messed up like 3 times. Also while I was filming, I kept my hood up but someone could probably recognize me because I've worn the hoodie for a long time. And also I didn't film more than 7 meters away from my porch. Awhile later, after finishing filming I realized that there were cameras outside and I guessed that whoever was looking from the cameras might have thought I was crazy or something. And so as a result, I have gotten much more scared of going outside. I would like some ways to get over this stupid fear but please do NOT mention that I should go see a doctor, therepist, pschylogist, counselor, parent, or friend. I want to solve this by myself. And also, I tried talking to my extroverted parents and family doctor but the result was the same meaning either ignoring me or saying that what I have is normal and will eventually pass. I don't want to see a therepist because I assume it will cost a lot of money and time wasting research. It's also due to me being uncomfortable to talk with people because of my anxiety. Oh, and I'm not sure if this helps but I'm 14, have a mild form of OCD, ADHD, and SAD.

What moment in your life made you afraid to go outside?

When I smoked crack cocaine.Sure, it was good at the time, but I never realised that I would be so paranoid afterwards.I remember I went to my local pub and ordered a pint but I couldn’t drink it as I was really worried a fight was going to start and so I ran home.Once home, I sat by the window and started to monitor who was coming and going in the apartment that I lived in and refused to go out.I was alright by the time I awoke in the morning, but fuck doing that shit again.

I am afraid of going outside of the house alone. How can I overcome this?

I would recommend professional help with a therapist who will come to your house, which they should do considering your fear is leaving the house. The therapist can work with you line upon line to get you feeling better. I know what you mean about not wanting to leave the house - it's scary out there. Good luck and God bless.

Dog is suddenly afraid to go outside at night?

Little LuLu,
Depending on the age of your dog there could be a few reasons. If your dog is older maybe shes having eye trouble and with the sun not providing any light. The dark can become intimidating. If she is a younger dog maybe she had a scary experience that you overlooked.
My suggestion is put her on a leash get a flash light and take her out. Try snacks and sweet talk. If this doesnt work I would suggest you investing in a porch light or flood lights depending on the size of your yard. Also check your yard during the day to see if you have any signs of animal intruders.
I hope this helps.

How can I overcome the fear of going outside?

What you are describing sounds like it could be Agoraphobia.The gold standard of treatment for agoraphobia, or most fears, is a form of Cognitive Behavioral therapy called Exposure Therapy. This involves a daily process of slowly and gradually confronting situations which cause anxiety and by doing so reducing the underlying fear.An ‘exposure’ session for someone with agoraphobia would depend on how their fear manifested itself. If, for instance, you were afraid of getting on a bus, the first step might be walking to a bus stop, staying there until the anxiety starts to lessen, and then heading back home without getting on. Next, you might step on the bus, then step off. As anxiety decreases, you would then try taking the bus for one stop, then two, and so on until you are able to effectively take a bus without even remembering to become anxious.The way this works is by accumulating emotional memories that contradict an established fear until the brain no longer views it as a threat. Each time you perform an exposure you are training the reactive part of your brain that nothing bad happens when you confront a feared situation. It’s important to take things slowly and make sure that you don’t overwhelm yourself at first with exposures. Start with smaller fears and work your way up.If you’re interested I’ve written about my experience facing agoraphobia and traveling the world on my blog, Jesse's Travel Journal.