After Being Elected By The Public For The Public .can You Really Believe Them

Does the public deserve the politicians it elects?

this is 4 a debate . so the topic is "the public deserves the politicians it elects" . & we need to oppose this caption. So wanna find out facts to support as to say that the public does not deserve the poticians it eleccts. If possible pls help

How come complete idiots can get elected to public office just by claiming that they believe in some god that they have never seen?

The same reason that liars tend to be elected for office.....Now think about that one for a second, and then realize that not all of them even believe in god, they just say they do.

How politically gullible/stupid can the American public really be?

Every decision starts with the individual. Every action is an individual action. All rational action is is invidual action. Only the individual thinks. Only the individual reasons. Only the individual acts.

To the extent that there are many problems is because the individual has been disregarded. We have replace the "I" with "we." Any problem, or perceived problem, is cause for concern by those who claim it is a problem and ought to be solved "collectively." Last I heard there was no such thing as a "collective conscience," except if one considers the "Borg Collective" to be the "collective conscience."

The American public is gullible and stupid because they are not educated in economics and history. Studying economics and history would awaken the American people to what is unseen economically and politically.

Most, if not, all Americans read, see, hear, and think what they're being fed by the so-called mainstream media, academia, Republicans/Democrats, and other elitist groups who tell people they have the answers if only they were listened to. Americans don't want to think too hard for themselves because it probably is too time consuming and wastes too much energy.

Unfortunately, most, if not, all Americans believe:

1. Only Republicans/Democrats have the answers and only they can win the Presidency.
2. The War on Terror will go away once we've withdrawn from Iraq.
3. The government is responsible for making our monthly mortgage payments.
4. The government is responsible for health care.
5. The government is responsible for the economy.
6. The government is going to save the environment.
7. The government is responsible for protecting us from external threats.

Just what do we NOT want government responsible for? Ask yourselves that question!

This is why we have elected such "jerks" to political office never mind the Republicans/Democrats have controlled the political system since the election of 1860.

You've just been elected the 45th President of the United States! What's your 10-point agenda for the next four years?

Appoint a progressive Supreme Court justice who will help me overturn Citizens United. Pressure congress to pass a law making all campaign contributions limited and effecting to pass a law to rid money in politics Use executive orders to expand DACA and hopefully DAPA, and at the same time pressuring congress to finally Pass immigration reform Increase taxes on the 1 percent  and middle class so congress can pass a law creating a single payer healthcare system.Give a full pardon to Edward Snowden and even give he brave bastard the presidential medal of freedom.  At the same time limit the powers of the NSA so government surveillance is effectively ended on their own citizens.Reduce milltary spending to help fund public colleges so it's free for anyone. Break up the big banks. Jail those who are unethical on Wall Street.Stop Federal Funding to states passing homophobic laws Crackdown on Police brutality on everyone most importantly minority communities and end the militarization of the police. Gut the TPP and end any other horrible trade deals hurting American workers. Those are ten things I'd have on my agenda as president there's a lot more I'd pressure congress to act on as well such as education reform, legalization of marijuana, ending the drug war, avoiding foreign wars that have nothing to do with us.

Did CIA Director William Casey really say, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"?

I am the source for this quote, which was indeed said by CIA Director William Casey at an early February 1981 meeting of the newly elected President Reagan with his new cabinet secretaries to report to him on what they had learned about their agencies in the first couple of weeks of the administration.  The meeting was in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, not far from the Cabinet Room.  I was present at the meeting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President.  Casey       first told Reagan that he had been astonished to discover that over               80 percent of the 'intelligence' that the analysis side of the CIA produced was based on open public sources like newspapers and magazines.  As he did to all the other secretaries of their departments and agencies, Reagan asked what he saw as his goal as director for the CIA, to which he replied with this quote, which I recorded in my notes of the meeting as he said it.  Shortly thereafter I told Senior White House correspondent Sarah McClendon, who was a close friend and colleague, who in turn made it public.  Barbara Honegger

Do you really believe Russia behind fake news stories and the claim they did it to help Trump?

There is solid evidence that the Russian government was behind SOME of the fake news stories concerning Ms. Clinton.There is solid evidence that the Russian government was behind SOME of the hacks of computer systems that resulted in information being released that was likely to reduce the chance of Ms. Clinton being elected UNLESS that information was released in full and in context.There is somewhat less compelling evidence that the Russian government hacked the actual American electoral process in order to ensure that Ms. Clinton was defeated.There is even less compelling evidence that the Russian government was instrumental in the timing of Mr. Comey’s announcement of the “newly discovered” (which it wasn’t) “critical” (which it wasn’t) evidence “concerning Ms. Clinton’s eMails” (which it didn’t).However, even if those were all 100% true there is absolutely no truth that the Russian government did those things to “help Trump” - the Russian government would only have done those things to “help Russia” and if doing them had “helped Russia and harmed Trump” then they would have done them just as much as they would have done them if those things had “helped Russian and helped Trump” but if doing those things had “harmed Russia” they wouldn’t have done them regardless of whether they “helped Trump” or “helped Clinton”.Not EVERYONE in the world makes their decision based on “Is this good for America or is this bad for America?”. Even less do they make their decisions based on “Is this good for Donald Trump or is this bad for Donald Trump?”.

What is your opinion on the Electoral College?

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. Those who oppose the electoral are the ones losing due to it. Should the situation change, they would be in support of it.

Keep in mind a "State" during the founding of the country was it's own country. Just like the United States is technically a "state".

What is the benefit of a State to join a Union if they are viewed as a lesser?

Also, consider the United Nations. Should the larger countries call the shots or not? The United Nations is a confederation.

Why would a State like North Dakota want to remain part of the United States if they State has no authority due to their smaller population? We don't hear of it and nobody would ever think of it, but a State could succeed from the United States.

The other argument is, why should large cities make the call for the rest of the country? Is what happens in New York, Philly and LA more important than what other areas of the Country need?

If States ceased to exist, then we could move to a popular vote but that won't be happening.

EDIT: I want to add that if people choose to live in the same city, that shouldn't mean the power should be shifted. Think of it in terms of real-estate. If you want to live in NYC that's your choice and you'll have to pay $15,000 a month to get an apartment that would only cost you $600 a month in Ohio. There-fore, it's your choice to live in a big city and it's your choice to live with the fact that the electorial college is in place. A lot of people move to a big city due to their company needing them to relocate, not the majority, but more likely they are voters. The bulk of the population does not vote.

This isn't a basis for an argument for the college, but more or less an idea to be thought about.

Why do we pay servants to tax us and call themselves our leaders?

OOOH now you have touched a nerve. I wish I had the power to throw all politicians out. It seems to me tax payer money gets wasted on advertising campaigns, public service superannuation, contract consulting services for big business and numerous other money wasting endeavours. Very little tax payer money seems to go into infrastructure and services for voters.