Agree Or Disagree Australia New Zealand Usa Ireland Canada And Uk Are Cultural Cousins

Do British people think New Zealand is part of Australia or Canada is part of America?

It's seems whenever i mention New Zealand or Canada they just assume its another part of Australia or America, its happened to me more than once

when I watching a TVNZ news report a nextdoor neighbour over heard it and said 'It's Australia' so I put on Canadian comedian Russell Peters to try them out to see if they'd say American but they heard it was Canadian anyway

I played the song 'Team' by Lorde and someone maybe teenagers overheard it and saying 'oh yeah that's Lorde, oh yeah shes from Australia'
and I felt offended since Lorde is from New Zealand and they refuse to acknowledge where an artist is really from

Then another time I mentioned about New Zealand and someone again said 'New Zealand, that's Australia'
I'm like New Zealand is about the same size of British Isles yet they still ignorantly think it's part of Australia

And then when Rob Ford died I mentioned he was a mayor from Canada and someone overhead and said 'Canada, that's North America'
but I'm not sure if they said it either about the continent of North America or ignorantly just thinking it's in the Northern United States

Then another time again after that I mentioned Canada and someone said 'Canada, that's America'
whenever someone says America, they mean the USA not the continent, same as Britain means the UK

It goes go as this saying, it's not what's in size, it's what's inside
btw the United Kingdom also has more people than Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Republic of Ireland all combined

Why are the USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia so close both economically and militarily?

After World War II, the UK and USA decided to combine intelligence capabilities. In the following years, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand would join this secret alliance of intelligence operations known as Five Eyes. Each member was to take a lead in intelligence collection and analysis for an area around the globe. The alliance is an agreement to share all intelligence (especially signals intercepts) among all nations and a pledge not to spy on each other. A strong reason why the alliance worked was the common language, culture, and legals systems of its members enabling a trust among the nations.Public disclosure of the Five Eyes alliance eventually occurred in 2005. In 2010, the full text of the original UKUSA agreement was releasedNewly released GCHQ files: UKUSA Agreement

Do Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, US, and Canada feel respectively connected as a (mostly) White English native?

I can’t speak for the 450 million who live in the countries you’ve listed. I don’t feel a connection to Ireland, the USA or Canada. I’ve enjoyed visiting each country and it’s certainly easy to get along there, thanks to a shared language. But they are a long way away and quite different. I feel a connection to the UK because my mother came from there. I feel connected to Australia as our closest neighbour (only 2000km away!) because we have quite a lot in common and I have friends there.I’d also add that a growing proportion of New Zealanders are not “white English natives”. Around 1/3 of the population are Maori, Pacific Islanders or Asian. There’s a been a great deal of intermarriage between Maori and descendants of British settlers since the very earliest days of contact with Europe. So many NZers who might look like “white English natives” might identify themselves quite differently.

Is Canada similar to Australia?

i had the opportunity to live in both.

Australia is very similar to Canada. But, Aust. have much better weather. In a nutshell, Aus does not have to contend with an arrogant over- powering southern neighbor and Quebec that always disagree with whatever is laid on the table.

How politically liberal are Australia and New Zealand?

Oh, I just mean by the definitions inclusive in themselves, I know some places have multiple parties and a liberal democrat is not the same as a social democrat, but since I'm from the US, I"m only really accustomed to two styles, liberal and conservative.

I know that not each party strictly acts in accordance with their philosophy, so I'm looking at, maybe, how progressive does Australia/New Zealand act in their policies?

(PS - Thank you for all answers, I appreciate your help, Aram, your English is very good!)

Is the Canada - America relationship similar to the New Zealand - Australia relationship?

As others have noted, each is a big Brother / Little Brother pairing, with many entertainment,sporting and other celebrities moving to the bigger country to find success. But I would suggest that the relationships are a little different. New Zealand is like Australia's younger brother. We do care for them, but we have happy to give them s$&t whenever we have the chance (a bit like holding them down and giving them "typewriter torture". Americans seem to treat Canada as the odd cousins from the out of town whom they don't really understand and are happy when they go home. The difference is that the US and Canada followed very different foundation histories, whereas Australia and New Zealand followed virtually identical paths - even to the point that the constitution for federation of the Australian states in 1901 made for provision for New Zealand to be included - an option which New Zealand declined.

Do the British feel more connected to the USA, Australia, and New Zealand than Europe?

A good place to start might be to see where British expats end upThe United Nations Population Division compiles estimates for international migration around the world. The table below shows the top ten destinations for British expats in their 2013 data.                          Australia       1,277,474United States   758,919 Canada            674,371Spain               381,025New Zealand   313,850South Africa   305,660 Ireland            253,605 France             172,806     Germany          96,938     Italy                  72,234How many British immigrants are there in other countries?In a comment below Rupert Baines posted a link to a different table which has a rather different order with Spain ahead of the US.  This feels right to me, the overseas package holiday boom in the 70's exposed many Brits to Spain and Spanish culture, (Spain being a hugely popular destination),  as well as establishing Brit enclaves with a hybrid Brit/Spanish culture. I've dropped the link in here: British diaspora