Airport Question Amsterdam To Paris To U.s.

Can I bring back brownies from amsterdam?

Nah, smuggling drugs trough two countries into one with strict rules on importing foodstuffs will be perfectly fine.

Can I leave the airport during my layover in Madrid Spain?

In general visa/immigration questions are hard to be answered without knowing the nationality of the asker. Yours however can be answered.

Yes, you can leave the airport! You are either a citizen of a country which needs a valid visa to go to Paris; the French visa is valid for all 26 Schengen countries to include Spain. If you do not need a visa for France based on your nationality you also do not need one for Spain.

The immigration procedures to Europe will be accomplished on arrival at Madrid. The flight from Madrid to Paris is an intra Schengen flight without governmental immigration procedures on departure or on arrival. Same as if you fly from Illinois to Florida or any other U.S. state.

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Can you sleep at Vienna airport?

Anybody here slept at Vienna airport?
I only plan on staying 1 night there, 'll receive a check tomorrow night from my job and will use it to buy a plane ticket back to America, but will airport security ask me for a plane ticket before my check arrives or will they not bother asking people for their boarding passes? I'll receive the money the night I plan to spend the night at the airport and buy my ticket the following morning, just wondered since it'll rain tomorrow night, they might let people stay without kicking us out, thanks for your help,

Can a person who holds a Cameroon Passport pass through London and Paris without visas?

Cameroon passport holder need an Airport Transit Visa for France even to change aircraft at a French airport without passing through French immigration. The requirement is waived for those who hold a valid visa or residence permit for a EU/Schengen country or for Canada, Japan or the United States.

The United Kingdom requires a Direct Airside Transide Visa for passport holders of Cameroon. The requirement is waived for those who hold a valid visa for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or the United States.

The Airport Transit Visa or Direct Airside Transit Visa do not enable to leave the international transit zones of French or UK airport. A visitors visa is required to actually enter the countries.

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