Algebra Equivalent Equations Help

Algebra equations that equal 100???


Algebra Equation Help???

Wind chill The combination of cold temperatures and wind speed determine what is called wind chill. The wind chill is a temperature that is the still-air equivalent of the combination of cold and wind. When the wind speed is 25 mph, the wind chill WC depends on the temperature t (in degrees Fahrenheit) according to WC=1.479t-43.621. For what temperatures does it feel at least 30°F colder than the air temperature? That is, find t such that WC (<=) t-30.

In mathematics, can two linear algebraic equations be equivalent without being identical?

Yes indeed. If not for this feature, we would not be able to use elimination when solving systems of equations. Here’s what I mean:[math]3x+4y=5[/math] and [math]6x+8y=10[/math] are equivalent but do not appear equal.

How do I know when two equations are equivalent?

Strictly speaking they're not equivalent, since as you note, one of them doesn't make sense when [math]\sin(\alpha)=0[/math], and the other one makes sense always. There's another sense in which ``equivalent'' is a bad word to describe these equations.  Would you say that  [math]1+1=2[/math] is equivalent to [math]\cos^2(\alpha) + \sin^2(\alpha)=1[/math]?  They're both always true, and so have the same set of solutions.  But they have nothing to do with one another! Both of your equations are trigonometric identities, which are true for ALL values of [math] \alpha[/math], except for the ones where the trig functions are not defined, or where you are dividing by zero.  So their equivalence is different from the sense in which [math] 2x + 5 = 7[/math] is equivalent to [math]x+2=3[/math].

Please help me with these algebra questions?

Which number can each term of the equation be multiplied by to eliminate the fractions before solving?

6 – 3/4 x + 1/3 = 1/2 x + 5

a.) 2
b.) 3
c.) 6
d.) 12

The equation d = m/v can be used to calculate the density, d, of an object with mass, m, and volume, V. Which is an equivalent equation solved for V?

a.) dm = V
b.) d/m = V
c.) m/d = V
d.) m – d = V

Any help is appreciated! Thank you.

1 algebra question please help?

Kurt says that you can take the square root of each side of an equation. Therefore, he says
that ( x + 2)2 + ( y – 5)2 = 36 and ( x + 2) + ( y – 5) = 6 are equivalent equations. Dana says the equations are not equivalent. Who is right? Explain your answer.

What is an equivalent equation? What are its functions?

The question is directly related to the one on Stackexchange[1]. Or is it any different?Footnotes[1] What does it mean for two functions to be equivalent?

Need with some algebra questions please?????????

1. Solve.

y + 12 = 7
(Points: 4)




2. Solve.

15 - z = 6
(Points: 4)

- 9



3. Solve.

4x = -36
(Points: 4)




4. What number must multiply each side of the equation 3/5x = 12 to produce the equivalent equation x = 20?
(Points: 4)
Option A: -5/3

Option B: -3/5

Option C: 3/5

Option D: 5/3

5. Solve.

-1/4y = 16
(Points: 4)




6. Solve.

3x + 7 = 22
(Points: 4)




7. Solve.

x + 5 - 8x = 26
(Points: 4)




8. Solve.

3(x - 2) + 5x = 18
(Points: 4)
all real numbers




9. Solve.

6 - 3x = 4(3 - x) - 6
(Points: 4)



all real numbers

10. Five more than 4 times a number is 33. Which of the following would be the correct equation to use to solve this problem?
(Points: 4)
4n + 5 = 33

4n - 5 = 33

5n - 4 = 33

5n + 4 = 33

11. Solve the formula for the variable l.

P = 2l + 2w.

(Points: 4)
l = p/2 - w/2

l = p2 + w

l = P - w

l = p/2 - w

12. Solve.

3|s| = 18

(Points: 4)
s = -6 only

s = 6 only

s = -6 or s = 6

s = -18 or s = 18

Algebra help? As soon as possible please?

1. What number must multiply each side of the equation 2/5 x=10 to produce the equivalent equation x = 25?





2. Solve. -1/3 x=12





3.Solve. 3|s| = 18

s = –6 or s = 6

s = 6 only

s = –18 or s = 18

s = –6 only

4.Solve. x + 4 – 7x = 22





5. Solve. 3(x – 2) + 5x = 18



all real numbers

6. Solve.

6 – 4x = 4(3 – x) – 6


all real numbers


7. Frank’s quarter grades are 82.5, 94.7, and 87.9. What grade, rounded to the nearest percent, will Frank have to earn in the last quarter to receive at least a 90% final course grade?
A. 92%
B. 95%
C. 93%
D. 94%

8.Which is the solution of the equation below, rounded to the nearest tenth?

1.3x – 2.39 = 5.76x + 4.74
A. –0.4
B. –0.3
C. –1.6
D. –1.5