Algebra Help Help Explain



Basically you just substitute x in the g(x) with the value of f(x) which is √x


You can treat an inequality like an equality: you want to isolate the letter on one side of the symbol and a number on the other. You can do whatever you want to one side of the inequality as long as you do to the same to the other WITH ONE IMPORTANT EXCEPTION: if you multiply or divide both by a negative number, you must FLIP THE SIGN.

-3x > 6
Divide both sides by negative 3. This means flipping the sign.
x < -2
is correct. (If you pick a value of x that satisfies the inequality x < -2, say x = 0, you will see that the first equation is correct. So don't forget to flip the sign if you multiply or divide by a negative!)

First one:
-2a - 7 > -3
You want to get the a alone on one side, and a number on the other. Start by adding 7 to both sides; that will get rid of the -7 on the left.
-2a - 7 + 7 > -3 + 7
-2a > 4
Now we want to divide by -2 to get the a on the left alone. Remember our exception!!
-2a / -2 < 4 / -2
a < -2

Second one.
5(-4 + 2x) ≥ 2(5x + 4)
Multiply out each side to get rid of the brackets.
-20 + 10x ≥ 10x + 4
Add 20 to each side to get rid of the -20 on the left.
-20 + 10x + 20 ≥ 10x + 4 + 20
10x ≥ 10x + 24
We have a problem here. How can a number (in this case, 10x) be more than itself plus 24? Subtract 10x from both sides and we get
0 ≥ 24.
This is obviously false. Therefore we can say that this inequality has no solutions.

Algebra help. answer and explain.?

for each problem you need to solve them into this format ax^2+bx+c=0
1. 6x^2+5x-9=0
2. x^2+6x-72=0 solved as so (x^2/12-x)/6=1
(x^2/12-x)*12-x= 6(12-x)
x^2+6x-72= 72-6x+6x-72
3.4k^2+56k-14=0 solved as so 4k(k) +4k(14)=14
4.r^2+4r-23=0 solved as so (r-3)(r+7)=2
5.x^2-2x+5=0 no need to put to zero since its already in that format

6. x^2-x+2=0 solved as x^2-x+2= -2+2

now u use the quadratic formula to solve for x. [-b+(b^2-4ac)^1/2]/2a the power of 1/2 is the same as the square root. [-b-(b^2-4ac)^1/2]/2a
where a b and c can be found in the format ax^2+bx+c=0

Algebra 2 help? explain it to me?

With elimination, the idea is to get one of the variables to go away. In this example, if we multiplied the first equation by 2, the x would drop out.

2(8x-6y) = -2(20)
16x -12y = -40

Now put that with the second equation and add them (just like in 2nd grade).
16x -12y = -40
-16x +7y = 30
0x -5y = -10
y = 2

Now that you have a y value, plug that into either equation (it doesn't matter which one) and solve for x.
8x -6y = -20
8x -6(2) = -20
8x -12 = -20
8x = -8
x = -1

So the solution is x = -1 and y = 2

In the substitution method, you rearrange one equation so that a variable is alone on one side of the equal sign. Then you substitute that into the other equation.

Let's use the second equation because it's already got a single x.
-x +2y = 21
-x = -2y +21
x = 2y -21

Now that we have a value for x, plug that into the other equation,
7x +2y = -19
7(2y -21) +2y = -19
14y -147 +2y = -19
16y = 128
y = 8

So, plug this y value into either equation (it doesn't matter which one) and solve for x. I'll pick the second equation, just for grins.
-x +2y = 21
-x +2(8) = 21
-x +16 = 21
-x = 5
x = -5

So the solution is x = -5 and y = 8

Math Algebra Help..Please explain?

Find the equation of the line containing the given points:


Find the pair of points of the equation and the y-intercetp?
y= 1/5x 7


The function p(d)= 1 d/33, give the pressure in atmospheres (atm) at a depth d in the sea (d is in feet). Note that p(0)=1 atm, p(33)=2 and so on. Find the pressure at 50 ft?

The pressure at 50 ft is _____ atm?


in 1920, the record for a certain race was 45.6 sec. In 1950 it was 44.7 sec. Let R(t) the record in the race and t=the number of years since 1920.


what is the perdicted record for 2003?____ sec

what is the perdicted record for 2006?_____sec

In what year will the perdicted record be 42.8 sec? _____


well you just have to do simple surd manipulation.. break down the 2 numbers to there smallest numbers which are perfect squares...
so 24 can go to 4 and 6 the square root of 4 is 2 so under the square root sign you can right 2 x 2 x 6
if you have two of the same number you can bring it out the front one comes out the front and the other one dissapears so you would right 2 x the square root of 6 now the top and bottom will both have the square root of 6 which cancell out and the answer will just be 4

Algebra help! Please help explain...?

Let x be volume of 10% sol
Let y be volume of 30% sol

so we have x+y = 10 ( required amoulnt of 15% sol) -----------------------eqn 1

x will contain 10 % acid ie acid content = 0.1*x
y will contain 30 % acid ie acid content = 0.3*y

acid content in 15% mix is 1.5 lit

0.1x+0.3 y = 1.5 -------------------------------------- eqn 2

multiply eqn 2 by 10

x+3y = 15
x+y = 10
2y = 5

y = 2.5 hence x = 7.5
7.5 lit of 10% sol
2.5 lit of 30% sol


Okay, the absolute value of 12 plus 4x is greater than 16. What would is the minimum value that would make this untrue? Consider (ignoring absolute value for now):

12 + 4x > 16
4x > 16 - 12
4x > 4
x > 1

Lets test.

12 + 1*4 = 12 + 4 = 16. So, x has to be greater than 1 and can run to infinity.
But we also have the negative side we have to look at. The way I would do it (not sure if it's the "correct" way) would be to realize that the result is either > +16 or < -16.
12 + 4x > -16
4x > -28
x > -7

So, x is either less than -7 or greater than 1 for this to be true. So your range is: -infinity to -7, +1 to infinity.

Algebra Homework Help? Explain Only Please?

It means you need to change the wording to algebra.

E.g Sally has £10. How much does more does she need to buy a game that costs £73

Solution: Let X represent the amount of money Sally needs. So 10 + X = 73. Work out X by subtracting 10 from both sides.
73 - 10 = X
So X = 63
So she needs £63 to buy the game - This has more detail than yours

So, for yours you need to change the words to a variable, and use the information given to form the equation. E.g John types 62 words a minute. Write an algebraic expression for the number of words he types in m, minutes. m represents the number of minutes so 62m - think of it as m groups of 62

Math question please help/explain (algebra)?

(B 1/4)/B^3 and how do you get B 11/4

when dividing exponential term you have to deduct or use subtraction to determine the exponent

let say B^11/4 / B^3

with the exponent 11/4 and 3

use 4 as the denominator you have to subtract 3 from 1/4

(1/4) - 3

(1 - 12) / 4

it should be B^-11/4 and not B11/4

B^ -11/4 or since the exponent is negative therefore it would be

1 / B^11/4