All Guys Respond If A Guy Does This What Does It Typically Imply

What does it mean when a guy sends you pictures of himself?

Well it really depends on what kind of pictures?Dick pictures - pervert. Haha…Topless torsos in the gym showing off his abs - self love and vanity. “Look at me, baby!” kind of promotion.I generally can not think of “normal” guys sending photos of themselves to girls. Generally of course they would probably show an interest in you. But guys do not normally take pictures of themselves eating, chilling out or doing anything. It’s more of a girly kind of things that we do. Unless he shows you a picture of himself at some holiday places or doing a sport and that, I would think that he’s showing you the destination and sport rather than himself. Any of the above two types of pictures, nope…he’s just a pervert or narcissist.

If a guy calls you 'cute', what does that mean?

I mean, generally they would use a word like hot or something if they meant they were attracted to you, wouldn't they? I turn 18 a couple of months before the guy I like, soon. I said to him, "I can't believe I'm going to be an adult in a month!" and he said, "Neither can I! You don't seem like you could be an adult, you're too cute." or, something along those lines, I don't remember the exact wording, but that was the context. What does that mean, he considers me more of a little child or something? What do you think he means and what do you guys mean when you call a girl that, and what do you girls think when you get called that? Thanks.

What does it mean when a guy calls you humble?

humble means modest. It means he thinks you are down to earth and when people compliment you you don't let it go to your head , you are gracious. Its a compliment. He thinks you are someone who dosnt think you are better than others and thats a great thing.

When someone calls u "Boss" what does that mean?

He's acknowledging that you're "in charge" in some way.

Why do some guys reply with a one-word text?

It's usually one of three reasons.They're not interested. And are just being snug about it because they enjoy the attention even though they want nothing more than just that.They're trying to gauge your interest. At times guys will be short to see if you're wasting their time or not. When you follow up behind their one word with more conversation they'll know you're actually interested and are worth investing more time into. Now if they still reply with one word after this, refer to number one and just cut your losses.They're just completely unaware of how their text is being recieved. Often people are only thinking about what they mean, not so much at how what they're saying is being recieved. They could ignorantly assume “ he/shes understand why I'm doing this, or answering this way”. I've known girls I've stopped texting because they were only sending one word answered who revealed later that they were only being short because they were at work. How am I suppose to know that? It's the same here.All in all though, there's nothing wrong with asking someone straight out why they behave the way they do. Be vulnerable. You'll get faster results are have to worry less.

If a guy asks a girl whether she has a boyfriend, does it usually mean he's interested in her?

It could mean several things.1. He is trying to figure out if there is the potential of a jealous or violent boyfriend that will cause drama or harm to him if he continues to talk to her.2. He is finding out if she is safe for him to talk to because he has a jealous/violent girlfriend who may be pacified if the girl in question has a man of her own.3. He may be interested in friendship only and is seeing if she has a romantic interest or boyfriend to keep her from developing romantic feelings for him.4. It is a normal social, first meeting question. It could be a way to find common ground ("hey we are both in relationships! We have something in common") with someone he just met.5. Some guys (some not all) like the challenge of "stealing" a girl away from another guy or are looking for a discreet "extra" on the side. If the girl has a boyfriend she is less likely to blab if it goes into a fling direction if she also has a relationship to screw up. These are the types to avoid.6. He is interested in the girl romantically, and is making sure there is no road block to pursuing her.The best thing to do is ask him. And go from there.

Is it okay to call a guy a stud?

Well a 'stud' is a male horse used for breeding. So when you are calling someone a stud the connotation is that it is overtly sexual. You probably wouldnt walk up to a strange man on the street and say, "Hello you big stud, how are you"? Unless of course your just overly bold like that. I would imagine your friend either wasnt sure what to make of it because he wasnt sure if your were increasing his sexual prowess, or if you were just being friendly and thought that might be a fun word to throw out. Hes confused because your confusing him! I think called a stud is a good word to use on your lover.

What does it mean when a guy gives a one word answer in a text?

It could be his personality. It's him, not you. He'll be doing this to everyone, even his bff or his parents. Please be patient for your mental health and the sanity of everyone around you.he is busy. Usually this is transient. if he explains and apologizes, please believe him for your mental health and the sanity of everyone around you.If he does this all the time, it could be his personality or he doesn’t like you. Eventually, he won't respond to you If he doesn't like you. Please move on for your mental health and the sanity of everyone around you.