Am I Actually Afraid To Sleep Or Am I Just Overthinking Too Much

How do I relax and stop over thinking everything?

Generally - how this works psychiatrically - you find the reason why you're doing all this obsessional thought. For example - a very critical mother or other family member(s) who forced you to explain all your actions - or perhaps a mother was was just very critical in a general sort of way which has forced you to constantly defend yourself.

This points to a 'voice' somewhere in you - far back in your head - which says, "Why did you do this? - Why don't you do that instead? - Wasn't that stupid when you did such and so?" This is the old Freudian SuperEgo - a very normal part of the human mind, but it can be very punishing - nobody knows why but generally it's because of punitive, argumentative, abusive parents.

So the idea is you analyze your life until you find where all this started - and when you understand how all this works, the SuperEgo will lose its punch. This usually takes another person and a fat notebook. But you'll just have to do what you can do to escape this.

In these enlightened times, it's believed that our psychology can be changed with dope... and sometimes dope from the doctor might help - usually it does nothing or the side effects hurt you worse.

I'm overthinking/worrying too much?

I've had depression for a few years now. For the last couple of weeks it's gotten worse I guess? I've never resulted in cutting. I know not to start or I'll get addicted, so I try really hard not too. However, my depression is very bad. I've been worrying or over thinking too much... It's normal for me to over think but lately I've ended up crying or not being able to go to sleep or anything.. I want to talk to someone. I don't talk to my friends because I don't like them worrying or they just never know what to say.. or sometimes they just plain ignore me. I really don't want to tell my mom I want to see a therapist or something because she'll worry so so much.. or will always ask me what's wrong and I can never tell her. I'm already an atheist and she's a strong hearted Christian and she doesn't even know and I'm just scared, you know? I'm so scared to lose my friends.. especially the ones I care about most. I guess that's my main problem, I feel like I'm losing them and I can't really do anything about it.. Please help? I'm only 14. I don't want to tell my mom, plus we don't even have enough money for a therapist. So what should I do? Thankyou for your answers.

Do I have schizophrenia or overthinking everything?

I'm 22 and have no history of any mental illnesses in my family. However, sometimes before I go to bed and have nothing to do, I hear voices in my head. It's more of an internal dialogue where I just talk inside my head or hear my mom or dad say something. It's things that they've said throughout the day and just replaying it. I know it's not real since I can distinguish it from real voices. I do get mild anxiety attacks since I tend to think that something is wrong with me. Is this a sign of schizophrenia or am I just overthinking everything?

Overthinking is ruining my life - to the point where I overthink myself out of living. Why do I do this, and what should I do? I do suffer from severe social phobia and depression and have been through severe abuse in my life.

One day I came up with really great article about overthinking and I really want to share it with you.It could change your lifeThere are pointed out 10 points how you can stop Overthinking:Overthinking does not lead to insight. You want an understanding of which decision will be best. For this, you need a level of insight into what each decision will lead to. Thinking this through, however, is futile.You never, ever know what something will be like until you experience it.Your decision will never be final. Over-thinking often comes from the notion that you will make a grand finale decision that will never change and must be correct.Learn the reasons why over-thinking is harmful, and let it motivate you. Stress only occurred if the individual engaged in negative over-thinking about the events.Do physical activities throughout the day. Do you want to know one of the main reasons you over-think? It’s because you have the time to. Consider daily exercise—any physical activity that raises heart rate and improves health.Become the ultimate skeptic. If you think about what causes thinking to be so stressful and tiring, it’s often our personal convictions that our thoughts are actually true.Seek social support, but don’t vent. It is really powerful impact of social support in the reduction of stress.Develop the skill of forgiveness. It’s special because it, single-handedly, can induce the ultimate peace in people.Plan for conscious distraction. When you know the time of day rumination will begin, you can plan to remove that spare time with an activity that engages your full facultiesSolve another person’s problem first, and get perspective. Helping others puts your issues in order by reminding you that we all go through tough times, some much more than you ever will.Remember that a perfect decision is never a bold one, so get started. When your final years are approaching, you will not worry about how well you thought through your decisions, or how thoroughly and accurately you approached life’s forks in the road. You will rest happily knowing you lived true to yourself, acted with confidence, and stood up for what you believed in.Here is full article - 10 Ways to Stop Overthinking and Start LivingI hope this helps! ;)

I'm having trouble breathing while sleeping.?

couple of things to ask yourself first. Are you overweight, do you have a thick neck, large tonsils or adenoids. do you snore, is it worse on your back. Does it get worse with intoxicants or if you are overtired. If you answered yes to any of these you may be suffering from OSA or obstructive sleep apnea. Look it up. Basically as you fall asleep your muscles relax, your airway is not stiff enough to hold itself open, it collapses and you stop breathing. Once your blood oxygen levels drop ( or CO2 increases) you wake up, get muscle tone back, your airway opens and you start breathing again. This can happen multiple times an hour so you never feel rested. It is easily diagnosed and there are some pretty simple and effective treatments. depending on the severity of the OSA. See your Dr and book a sleep study. While usually not an immediate threat to health it can have several long term negative effects on your health