Am I An Easy Target For Bullies

Why am I always an easy target for bullies?

I’m the child of a narcissist (NPD) mother.As a kid I never really learnt how to stand up for myself. My mother is highly unstable and from an early age I just knew I had to make sure she was happy at all times. Or else all hell broke loose. She’d be screaming, threatening to leave the family... So I became a people pleaser before I even started school. Deep down I was afraid of everyone - because of her. I was chronically anxious in all social settings. This the school bullies picked up on - and I got bullied a lot. They saw me as weak when I really was just plain scared and afraid of upsetting people - and so I was too kind and forgiving in all social relationships I guess. I became a doormat. And I’ve continued to be to this day. And I’m now 47! But I’m finally learning how to deal with it…You could also be the child of a narcissist. We suffer immensely in life. Our parents taught us that we have no control and that we should be controlled at all times. This is perhaps what the bullies see in you. You’re an easy target. Perhaps you’ll also have to learn how to get over being the child of an NPD. Search out YouTube!

Am I an easy target?

there is this guy who says he likes me and is really rather sweet to me and we've met once so far. But a couple of my friends say that he is just doing that so he can get what he wants from me. They say that I'm extremely Native Which sometimes I am and i am a "good" girl and they were like " thats why he likes you, you won't know what to expect"
the other problem is: they have all had not so good experiences with him but he says that he has changed and he is so sweet, and my friends can't see that because their eyes are just clouded over with hate for him. Oh yes and I guess I'm bot suppose to get into the car with him, but I know that I will have to eventually.

what should I do? I'm I really an easy target? HELP PLEASE!

Easy target?

For the people that were easy targets or you felt like an easy target, why do you think you were an easy one to mess with? The reason I ask this is because I remember when bullies at school used to pick on me always and when I would be on the streets I would be the easiest person to ask money for (especially the poor ppl the always walked up to me asking and begging for money). Fortunately right now I just ignore those people.

Why am i such an easy target?

All the time people always make fun of me for everything i do. Anythibg i do people always find a way of making fun of me. But i always have to laugh along and whenever i talk to anyone about it they say i cant take a joke. I have been properly bullied about four times at school and its horrible but all the tine now i get constant teasing from everyone. Please dont say its bc theyre jealous of me because it wont be true:(. I might actually be really ugly or it might be because l have been bullied into thinking it but i dont know.

What makes people a target to bullies?

I was bullied a ton in middle school, and I never really knew why . I didn't have anyone to talk to about it either. (I'm a girl too by the way)

I never knew why, and I can't give you a direct answer. For me, I think they just thought I was weird. I read a lot, and played with my pencils quite a bit. Now I'm older and in college, and looking back on what those girls did, I just laugh at them. I'm highly successful now and they're doing nothing with their lives.

It's not necessarily anything that you're doing, but it could be. I was an easy target because I was quiet and didn't have many friends. The best thing you can do? Ignore it, or tell an adult. It's good to have someone to talk to. Make a friend, a close one if you can. Make sure you're always nice to everyone, in a very genuine manner. And most of all, don't try to be anything you're not. You're different, they might not like you, but so what? Screw them. Love yourself, and don't let anyone ever put you down. Looking back in a few years, you'll be glad you did.

Think of your life- and 'zoom out' a bit. Look at it in a new perspective. You're going to grow up, go places, and do wonderful things. They won't matter at all- in fact, they don't. They don't deserve a second of your time. They are worth nothing to you- just the dirt on the bottom of your shoes. Don't give them the light of day, and just ignore them.

If you want to talk more about it, I'm here. I've got a lot of experience under my belt now..

What makes people a target for bullies?

Well there are two different things here.
One, people could bully you if your are sensitive, or quiet, or have an alien hobby or interest, well alien to them at least, and they find it strange or weird. They could be teasing if your small, or big, or anything they think is weird or funny.

Two; they could be jealous of you. If they were trying to steal your shoes, that's one sign of jealous, they wanted YOUR shoes, and they didn't have the decency to buy a pair themselves. This could mean they were jealous of you if you had more money then them, or something of that nature.
Now the touching, I don't really know about, if you mean sexually harassing you, then they were attracted to you, if you mean poking you constantly, they are just immature assh*les and very childish.

The beating up, many people do this for dominance or "power." They do this to make themselves feel secure, and powerful, and to have a good image with other people. It's really stupid and you should stoop to their level, fight back, or tell a teacher anonymously that this kid has been bullying students!

I had a problem with being bullied. Girls would tease me because I'm very tall and very skinny. Boys would also say mean things, especially this one boy who would call me anorexic and flat, and all these things. He CONSTANTLY harassed me, all the time. Then when I came back from summer break, I was more curvy and my facial features filled in, he still teased me, but now he would say I was to nice and to quiet. I always prided myself on him saying I was to nice, because being nice is NEVER a bad thing. If you are nice to people, there will always be a person that will love you. The people that really like you for you are the people who matter. It may take some time to find people, but once you do, you will be truly happy and successful, and those people that bullied you in the past will be miserable and self tormented. I ended up modeling and doing well in school, while the kid who was constantly bullying me dropped out and is now a drug addict.

So remember, be yourself, do what you love, and you will always find someone that has the same interests as you and someone that will just love your company!

What makes someone a easy target for bullying?

Bullies often target those they perceive as "weaker" than they are. That perception, of course, varies from person to person but there are a few common characteristics that can make a child more susceptible that seem to be universal:

1. Mental health issues. Kids with disorders like ADHD, ADD, and Asperger syndrome are often the target of bullies simply because their behavior is different than the norm. This certainly does not mean that if you have ADHD or the like you will be targeted. It's just one of many factors.

2. Personality traits. Kids who are shy, socially awkward, or withdrawn often make good targets for bullies. Bullies bank on the fact that these kids will not be able to stand up for themselves and will hold their silence.

3. Family characteristics. This is a relatively new theory in the field of psychology that suggests a parents personality traits can effect whether or not their son or daughter is bullied.

* If you're a male victim of bullying:Research suggests that mothers of "male victims" tend to be overprotective, controlling, and coddling of their sons. While in contrast, research indicates that fathers of male victims are absent or distant from their son's life.

*If you're a female victim of bullying: Research shows their mothers are often hostile and rejecting of their daughters and threatening to reject and/or abandon their daughters when they misbehave. Due to the fact the mom is not a health role model, girls often have trouble forming positive friendships with other girls which makes them an easy target.

Research is always subject to interpretation, but I did find the family social characteristics interesting and wanted to share them with you. Hope this gives you more info.

What makes a person an easy target?

Confidence is not a costume that we may put on and take off as it suits us. We are confident or we are not. I have recently got a great insight into this, as I have learned to work with horses. I’ve always known there is a difference between being aggressive and assertive, but I could never explain it. But the horses taught me. To be assertive is to be aggressive without emotional content.I lived much of my young life frightened. Then I became mean, and people no longer bothered me. But I made enemies and few people liked me. I won’t go into my long recovery, but I’ll say that I had to learn to stand up for myself without attacking others.Personally, I think a good martial arts teacher is a very good teacher. She or he must be kind and considerate. No tough guys. Look at how they treat children, the old, the weak, and the new students. You can always see good character if you look carefully. The teacher is far more important than the style. Any style will do, but I prefer Tai Chi Chuan for my own reasons. It’s just a movie, but look at the old Karate Kid movie. You can easily see the difference in instructors. There are many, keep looking until you find the right one.Then, whatever you choose, work at it. Practice makes progress. Experience starts when you begin. You will become confident and kind, if you work well.All my best wishes.

Are INTPs easy targets of bullying at school?

Reasons an INTP may be targeted for Bullying:Not fitting into social norms (cliques)Not caring for social gracesAppearing oddBeing physically unintimidatingBeing classified as a Geek/NerdBeing in a school where bullying is prevalentSeeming overly insecure (for reasons that may or may not be related to being INTP)Being a lonerReasons an INTP would not be a target for bullying:Seeming generally likeable (maybe somebody that classmates would want to protect)May be liked by even the bully typesMy go generally unnoticed by bullies (they make so little impression)May not realise they are being bullied when it happens.Their lack of reaction to bullies may put bullies off. No gratification.May be so ODD that they are generally accepted and left to be.Would be avoided after coming to the rescue of a victim (as the INTP may very well do. They are suckers for the underdog)May be great at disappearing when bullying happens most: arrives late, leaves for home early, in the library at lunch, always talking to teachers.In my personal experience, if I was ever bullied I don't remember or I didn't notice. In the school conflicts I do remember I was never a victim but an equal contender. And I usually won (INTPs love to have the last word).There was once this kid in my High School who seemed to enjoy targeting me with snarky comments and verbal jabs when he got the chance, but I mostly found it entertaining at best if not annoying. I mostly ignored him, and was not bothered about it, after all, I was friends with his cronies (sometimes they would be the ones saying “dude stop”). When I had a comeback, I relished dishing it out and generally got whooping support from my class (I guess I was seen as the quiet girl who took no crap from people), and in the end I think he just got no more satisfaction out of bothering me. I’ll admit, I started to miss the challenges. Just a bit. School got a little dull after that.But all in all, I haven't experienced terrible bullying and I know that bullying gets really bad so calling my experience bullying would be a joke really. I don't doubt for a moment that there are INTPs who get bullied nowadays any reason is as good a reason as any, but INTPs seem generally well equipped to defend themselves, maybe not physically, but mentally and emotionally. In the end it's a complex issue with many variables.

What can be the reason for someone to be an easy target for bullying on Quora?

I think that people attract unwanted attention on here if they answer questions about politics. That’s probably the main one. The most reliable one to attract problematic people is to answer questions from people who are not only hallucinating but who believe their voices and such to be real. Seriously, there are a fair number of them on here and more in general cyberspace. Look at Gangstalking, for example.I’ve been reported on here a couple of times for saying that children, usually teens who behave in terrible ways and subtly try to psychologically torture their families are doing just that and should stop, and that they’re not being abused when their parents react to it. In one case, a teen admits to making her family late, on purpose, every single time they go somewhere and asks if her mother is abusive for screaming at her for it. The kid is still naked and in the shower while the other members of the family are dressed and at the door. The kid had hours of warning. This is something that she regularly does. I said that anyone would eventually just lose it and scream. I was reported for violating the BNBR policy. Go figure. This was shortly after I answered a question about gangstalking and said it’s not a real thing. It was an old answer that was flagged.Once I got a load of messages from a guy who wanted to know why he couldn’t see his own eyeballs without a mirror. Some of those were threatening. This can happen in all sorts of question areas, but I think those are the most active.