Am I Being Unreasonable For Not Wanting To Work While In College

He wont let me dorm in college?

I'm balling my eyes out. My boyfriend wont let me dorm. He's being stubborn and says that we wont last if I do that. He's basically making me choose between him and college. This is a big thing to me.. I want to dorm. I've lived with my boyfriend for 5 months and he thinks that if I dorm we're taking a step back in our relationship. The college is only 25 minutes away.. He moved 2 hours to be closer to me and he thinks i'm moving away from him. He's being so stubborn and will only let me live with him.. not the dorms. FIRST, it's required. If I tell them I live with my mom, I wont get any financial aide help.. because she makes too much money. Ughh..

I'm crying so hard. I hate it. He's putting a wall in between us. If he REALLY loved me he would understand it's college.. its only for a YEAR. He should be happy and proud of me.. Not tell me that we will break up if I do it. I'm falling out of love with him because of this. I can't believe him.. I don't want this. I want somebody to be with me and understand me.. I can't handle it anymore. =[


People keep telling me to go to college but I don't want to. What should I tell them?

One thing you have to understand is that there is a huge cultural myth surrounding college. People will never stop pressuring you to go to college because it is a class marker. I am almost forty years old and people are still bothering me to finish college. I have spent many years of my adult life in and out of school. I have a seminary degree from a unaccredited bible school and I am halfway done with a bachelor's from a 'real' school. My advice is to tell people to mind their own business. Unless they are offering to pay your tuition, college is not a place to find yourself anymore. I've had several coworkers during my twenty odd years in the workforce who had college degrees and were stuck in entry level jobs years later. I was one of them. Unless you are extremely gifted or well connected, the results are likely to be the same whether you go to college or not. Especially if you are a woman who is planning on having a family. All of the stay at home moms in my playgroup all have some sort of college degree. Most of them are on WIC. I do value education but a college degree in and of itself is not a magical cure for poverty or social inequity. A magical piece of paper that says that you know something is not going to cure an unhealthy economy. I have decided not to finish my bachelor's degree because at this point in my life there are other things that are more important and I don't want to saddle my family down with unnecessary debt. So I just ignore everyone who is pressuring me to go to school. They'll be doing it in the nursing home, that's how ignorant they are. Just ignore stupid people and enjoy your life.

Do guys in college want relationships?

I just feel like all college guys want sex, nothing serious. Maybe I am being sterotypical, but I am a relationship type person. I just got out of a serious relationship because things weren't working, but now I'm worried that I would not find another relationship in college. I am not into random hook ups, and I prefer relationships much more. I don't kiss someone unless I am dating them, and I don't want sex at all. It might seem a little weird but I really respect myself alot, and it is just a part of my morals. Is it possible I will find a guy in college that also wants a serious relationship without the sex? It seems nearly impossible to me...

Dating a junior in Highschool while I'm a freshman in college?

Hey there,

Just from what you said I can see that you are committed, but you didn't really give details. Is your college close? Would you be coming home often? Does she drive? All of these types of factors can change this question and the answers you get quite a bit. Because if you will see each other quite a bit then don't worry about breaking up. If you wont see each other that often, then maybe sit down and have a mature discussion with her. If you are both equally committed then there is no reason to break up. But sometimes when people go to college, they get wrapped up in the college life too. So like parties, friends with benefits, ETC. Your girlfriend will want to know that you are with her and only her, so like I said before, have a good long talk. It all depends on your situation. And if you are just worried about all the bad things people have to say about highchool and college people dating...they are so wrong. Society likes to bash stuff, but really nobody knows the people or the situation. If your worried about that, then just drown out all the people with negative things to say, because they have no life, and as long as you are both mature it should work!

I have no idea if I helped, but I tried!

Do most college professors accept late work?

Generally not unless you've got a really good reason for being late. By good reason, I mean serious illness, death in the family, military service, something like that.

And be prepared to prove it to your professor. When I have students miss an exam or try to turn a paper in late, I require proof - a doctor's note, obituary, etc. I've been burned too many times by students claiming to be sick when they are really on vacation (hint... do not call your professor from your Disney hotel in Orlando to say you are sick in bed in Miami... caller ID *will* give you away... and yes, this is a real example!)

You need to realize that to a college professor, you (the student) are an adult. And you will be treated as an adult. In the working world, if your boss asks you to draft a memo and have it on her desk by noon, you'll be in major trouble if you don't get it drafted until 4pm. Same with assignments - you'll generally know the due dates on the first day of class (check your syllabus!) so the excuse "I didn't know it was due today," or "I had an exam in another class to study for last night" will not go over very well.

All this being said, most professors are not unreasonable. If you do have a good excuse for being late, most of us will work with you. Our goal is not to fail you but to help you learn... and maybe part of what you are learning is how to be responsible.

What is acceptable college apartment noise? Am I being unreasonable? (TL;DR at bottom)?


I live in a college apartment (a house-like building with two floors, I live downstairs) in a relatively quiet area just off campus. I have a piano keyboard with weighted keys that I like to play while wearing headphones so as not to be too loud; it's pretty much my favorite thing to do, and it's my go-to stress-reliever. I don't throw parties, I don't drink, I don't watch loud movies or blare my music; I read and play piano.

My problem: one of my upstairs neighbors has complained to me about the thumping noise of the keyboard keys. I tried moving my keyboard to another room and closing the door, and I play at respectful times (after 10:00 a.m. and before 10:00 p.m.), but the problem persists. (The apartment has thin walls/ceilings.) After emailing a few times, the "compromise" is me getting to play the keyboard on Wednesday, 7-8 p.m.

Am I being unreasonable in thinking that I should be allowed to play more often? I'm fine with avoiding certain times--e.g. if my neighbor has a test to study for or a lot of homework at x time--but I feel like I'm kinda being taken advantage of. I don't want to be too noisy and disturb neighbors, but at the same time I feel like some noise is to be expected in a college apartment with thin walls--I mean, I can hear her walking loudly and talking on the phone, but I don't think that's something to complain about.

TL;DR: Is playing a weighted keyboard with headphones in between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. too loud for a college apartment? Should I be allowed to play it?