Am I Better Than Almost Everyone Else

Why do I feel like I'm better than everyone else?

I used to feel like this till I was told I was biased . But me feeling this way was based on positive life choices, social support systems, ability to have fluent facial expressions, all around performance and dedication of my role it was based on my experiences that shaped me into dealing with common circumstances in daily life I was always ahead of my time and others my age even older people but most of all I think it was my ability to be humble enough to learn from everything and everyone without having to live there experiences myself.. I wasn't better but I felt better cuz life was good cuz I was happy most of the time happier than many people out in the world. Although Never have I thought people were less of a person than I am or that people aren’t deserving or even that people were beneath me it was more so based on observation of what could have been levels of happiness represented in them as a person and how much more content and satisfied I was than most people even though I was poor.don't let people's lack of happiness alter your own and if it does don't let it for too long..b safe

Why am I so much better than everyone else?

Reasons why I'm superior to the human race.

- I'm very hot according to the opposite gender's body language
- I have a life and I work out
- I know how to fight and I practice advanced Mui Thai
- I have a girlfriend and I get laid
- I smoked almost any kind of weed
- I still managed to get into a good university
- I'm getting my masters degree
- I started from the bottom
- I am living at the top of my game right now
- I will only go higher in my life from this point on
- Before all of this awesomeness, I was awkward and weird, and ugly
- NO ONE taught me how to live
- I had no father
- I had no friends to support me when I was down/depressed
- I stopped being such a loser, and stopped caring
- I turned optimistic and now I am 19 years old, winning
- I have SO many friends and girls that like me
- I know all about music, as I am VERY open minded
- I literally know more music than anyone on this gay little website.
- I listen to like 200 genres of music
- I don't care about conforming/fashion/mainstream trends, which makes me VERY SMARTER
- I know all about secret societies and their plans such as 9/11 more than anyone
- One last time, I didn't have ANYBODY teach me, I learned ALL of this information all by myself. I practically grew up on my own thoughts and art. Seriously, find someone who is better than me and I WILL point out my supporting argument. No hard feelings~

Why am I just so much better than everyone else?

I'm not complaining because my life is so great, i'm just wondering why am I so much better??
I mean my family is pretty much rich(not that that rich but richer than most), I get whatever I want whenever I want, I have people to do things for me that I dont want to do.....I'm just fabulous. I am able to be home schooled by a tutor because public schools are for the low lifes. I don'[t usually associate with people who are "not as great" as I am but there are exceptions. I have one BEST friend who I only talk to because her dad runs the same company as my dad and so therefore she's almost as rich as I am(I am still better than her though), she and I are no doubt the best kids in NYC...

Enough details about me, back to the main question.
Am I just better because God favors me over everyone else???

Almost everyone at my school has had sex?

Teenagers are such idiots nowadays.
Just think about this..
Your a cute guy, then why not make yourself even BETTER for a girl by being a moral guy?
That way when someday you REALLY love a girl (not just for sex) you can say "I'm a virgin" and she will appreciate that you weren't like all the other perverts she grew up with.
I'm seventeen, and for me, if a SEVENTEEN or even EIGHTEEN year old guy isn't a virgin it's a MAJOR turn off for me.
Be better then the other guys, respect women, don't give into brainless pleasures, and don't damage your future.

I think i'm better than everyone.?

I honestly think I am better than most people. Not all people, of course, because there are people I do admire and enjoy. But for the most part I hate everyone and feel that they are a bunch of worthless idiots. I'm currently in high school, and it's getting so difficult to go knowing that i'll just be in the presence of a bunch of annoying, moronic, superficial, bitchy teenagers.

Please don't tell me how i'm just the "average" self absorbed teenager, because I will pay no attention to your comment. Yes, most teenagers are quite self absorbed, but they're also complete idiots. I'd like to think i'm quite the opposite of a complete idiot. You can tell me i'm stuck up, but I do not care. I probably don't like you anyway.

Through out the day i'm constantly noticing every little annoying thing people do. I seriously cannot have a conversation with someone with out correcting their grammar. I actually try to avoid talking to people. Most of their conversations are pointless and I choose to stay out of it. People my age are obsessed in avoidable drama, relationships, etc. I don't understand this at all. It is all so trivial, and these people OBSESS over it.

The other day in the car my "friends" mother was talking about this one girl at our school, and how she looked weird. I got so frustrated by this, and I felt like hitting this lady on the back of the head. She is an adult, and should not feel the need to involve herself in teenage silliness. Especially something so shallow.

I am constantly judging people. If you do not agree with me on 95% of issues I will probably dismiss you immidiatley. I believe that I am right about everything. Of course I will give in if someone proves to me I am wrong, but for the most part I will just consider you an absolute moron. I don't like people who are religious, stupid, loud, ignorant, boring, etc. If you do not like to read I will not like you. If you do not have good taste in music I will not like you. If you do not have good taste in films I will not like you.

So i'm done with my rant, and my main question is:
Is it a problem that I am annoyed so easily, that I hate almost everyone, and that i'm very self centered?

Why am i so much better than everybody else?

I am talented and smart beyond my years.

1. I scored at the top 30% on the Psats compared to all the sophomores in my city, which means i am smarter than 70% of the 10th graders in my city.

2. I have been getting honor roll for 4 years in a row, and most people can't even do that.

3. I have been taking swimming lessons since i was 11 and i am better than some of the people that started younger than me .

4. I have only been singing and playing violin/piano for a few years and i am better than ALOT of the people that started a lot younger than me.