Am I Capable Of Having A Good Life Plz Help

How has the muslim religion helped shape your life?

It made me a better caring person.

It made me strive to do my best in life, and live in the best way. It made me want to help others see the truth and teach them and help them as best I can.

It also helps me think logically and rationally. To be open minded about learning other faiths.

Thats all I can think of right at this moment.

Im 18 and pregnant, please help my parents are going to be so mad..?

hello im lucia and im 17 years old ill be 18 in a few weeks though.
i have been with my boyfriend on and off since i was 14 thats when we first started having sex when i was 14 and he was 18. now my boyfriend is 21. i was trying to have a baby back then making him not use condoms but then i thought about it and my dad said he would buy me a car and i dont have to buy it like he made my sister do.
and i was thinking i want to just get up and leave whenever i want and go to the beach and amusment parks with my friends and not have to tag along a baby thats crying. so i got on birth control real quick. i was so happy that i was waiting so i could live my life back then one of my ex boyfriends had a baby at 14 and i wanted one soo bad cuz i just wanted to be called mommy and have a little girl or boy with me but i thought about all the responsibilty and i wouldnt be able 2 hang out with some of my friends that parents wouldnt like me anymore..

anyways the condom broke about 3 weeks ago and my period was due last week and i tested this morning and i finally just now stopped crying. idk what im going to do..
i feel so stupid my dad is going to hate me he wanted me to do good in school and life. i am in 11th grade and next school year im going to college and im doing one year of college and my last year of high school together..

i told myself im never going to be one of those girls who had a baby young im going to live my life good get married and be finacialy ready then have a child.

but things didnt go my way.
maybe this is ment to happend? idk i just really need some advice.

thanks a lot

I can't stop procrastinating, please help!?

IT's getting so out of hand! Basically, i always sit down at school and tell myself i'm going to go home and do my homework. but once i get in through the door i'm too exhausted to pick up my homework and work.
it has gotten so bad since i'm always piled high and teachers are busting me for doing it in class.
so today i have al lthis crap [reading 3 chapters of the Odyssey plus notes, 2 pages of math problems, current event worksheets, building a science project, writing an essay about the presidential debate- all due TOMORROW]

how do i stop procrastinating?

Why do my parents think I'm "so capable and so smart?" (Parents, please answer this!)?

Nick has hit the nail on the head! He had figured it out, and he must have some mighty proud parents! Middle school is what I think of as "the great equalizer"!

That is where the kids who are going to push themselves and do well WILL DO SO! You can choose to skate, and just get by, or you can choose to develop (or continue the good habits drilled into you in elementary school) good work habits that will make you a responsible, productive adult.

I hate to hear middle- school kids whine that it "is not fun"--you get out of it what you put into it...and if you lay down the basic groundwork now, when you get to high school, you will have more electives to choose from, and college will be awesome.

You can choose classes in areas you have never even heard of yet--and make an amazing career for yourself! But guess what--C students don't get to go to really amazing colleges!

Like I tell my son, who has a genius IQ, is taking college classes as a high school senior, until your name is written on the side of the building, and you can stick your head out the window and see your name on the building, you cannot take any short-cuts!

You would do well to remember that! He took his SAT's in the 7th grade, and has been courted by colleges ever since then...and now, as a senior, he has his pick of several colleges, with full scholarships...he is trying to decide between bio-chemistry and engineering and what kind, if he does engineering. He may want to be a surgeon; he may want to develop weapons systems for the U-S military...he's just not sure yet.

As his parent, I am proud of him, and I know that he is capable of doing either one of those things, and many others...and I suspect Nick, who answered the question before me, is also as capable...and I suspect you, my dear, are also capable....your parents already know it, and believe in you--they are just waiting for you to believe in yourself!

Divorce has shattered me and I cant seem bring my life back on tracks even after 3 years. Pls Help and advise?

I am 31 year old male and was happily married for 3 years after being engaged for 2 years. Atleast I thght we were happy until she took divorced and walked out of my life. I had loved her very very dearly and just seem to be dragging my life for the past 3 years without her. My life seems to have no meaning despite high professional achievements. I despise social life and dont seem to be the same person I was. HUmour and instant fun and jokes was what I made up of. But now I almost seem to live a reclusive life despite being with my family. I always detest strongly any move by my family to get me married again. Her thoughts and my memories seem to haunt me endlessly and I am just living as a meaningless life. Pls advise how do I come out of this and be the same jovial and full of life the person I was before my divorce.

Phobia about being infertile? Help, please?

The fear you have is a common one, but you have no reason to be fearful. You are still young and you sound like you have things lined up the way you want them for your life, which is good.
You still have many years before you even want to start thinking about having a child and when that day comes you do sound relatively healthy. The stress that you are putting on your body by worrying about it in fact could make you infertile.
At this point because you are only 21 and do not want to start thinking about kids until around 30 there is no point of even going to an OB and seeing if you are indeed fertile, there is nothing stopping you from doing that so you can but I mean it is still 9 years away. Concentrate on school and your career before the worry-some infertility that may or may not be. And remember that even healthy couples take an average of 6 cycles to conceive so even at 30 if you are not pregnant that doesn't mean it is you.

I was told I would NEVER be able to have children, I went to doctor upon doctor for fertility treatments and nothing. every doctor I have ever seen had said it was not a happening thing. I had given up on fertility and was accepting what was being handed to me. What will be will be. We stopped the treatments because they weren't working and they were getting expensive. That was in October 2010, in March 2011 I took a test and, and another, and another and 2 more, all of which said Pregnant. 23 weeks and 1 day later here I am pregnant with the baby that was never suppose to happen.
Moral of the story what happens happens and there are always options out there for you. Once i stopped the fertility treatments we started looking into adoption and foster care knowing that we would love that child just as much as if I carried it for 9 months.

What is your definition of the best life and why?

Obviously, it will mean different things to different people.The good life is a term for the life that one would like to live, or for happiness, associated (as eudaimonia) with the work of Aristotle and his teaching on ethics. Eudaimonia is term that means happiness and is a central aim of stoic philosophy.To most people living in Western countries, it means being rich, the richer, the better. As the saying goes, you can never be too rich or too thin in the current version of our world. Thin people have more of sex :p (except when they are thin because they are sick, of course), and rich people have more of everything (except for common sense, it would seem).To Mother Theresa, it meant taking care of people with leprosy, AIDS and other diseases. Somehow she managed to be quite happy in her poverty stricken world, while also being very thin and poor. People like this seem to have died out about two decades ago.But I have my own definition of what living the good life means to me.Living the good life means having most of the time just enough work and just enough money to do the things that I want to do with the rest of my life, provided that I enjoy, at least for the most part, the work I am doing.Living good life also means being able to enjoy the sounds, colors and scents of my world, although it is a different kind of jungle than the one the chief in his hammock knows so intimately.Living the good life to me means having the power to say yes when I agree with something, and to say no when I want to say no. Not that many people have this power, but this power is mine, or yours, when you really are a freelance translator in every sense of the word freelance.Life is just beautifully complicated. Enjoy it as much as you canCheers ☺