Am I Doing A Bad Thing

Is not doing a good thing just as bad as doing a bad thing?

Let’s take some cases of action and inaction and see how our moral instincts weigh up:You are driving down a road, and the traffic light changes to red. You, with full knowledge, choose not to stop the car (not doing a good thing), and as a result cause a multiple fatality accident. How does that compare, morally, to stopping at the light and then actively accelerating into the traffic?You have are sitting on a park bench watching an unattended toddler clamber up the wall to the pond. You could do nothing, or you could get up and stop the child’s fall, or you could push them over the edge yourself.Already financially secure, you have a windfall inheritance, and you could give a large part of it to charity, or not.You have a recurring bank order that donates to a charity each month. You could increase that mandate, stop it, or do nothing.You have a baby in your care, and through your inaction she dies.Intending to drown your elderly aunt in the bathtub, you enter the bathroom and find her unconscious, and sliding beneath the water. You stand and watch her die.My suggestion would be that there are types of inaction that we consider morally reprehensible, almost irrespective of our ethical framework, and there are other types that are a genuine matter of disagreement.What seems to divide the cases is the degree to which you appear to have explicitly or implicitly made a prior compact to do certain things (either with individuals or society), and your inaction appears to be breaking that compact.Personally, I lean towards the dictum that:“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”

Is doing a bad thing for a good reason good or bad?

A2A - Is doing a bad thing for a good reason good or bad?Sometimes. When you are talking about choosing the lesser of two evils, that is one circumstance where doing something bad is better than choosing something worse.However, I suspect that your good reason may not be as good as you perceive it to be. People often endeavor to justify their wrong doing.

Does doing bad things in your youth, make you a bad person?

“Does doing bad things in your youth, make you a bad person?”I think that the designations of “good people” and “bad people” are oversimplifications that can be quite harmful and potentially even dangerous.I understand the desire for simplicity, it’s comfortable to pretend the world can be divided into neat little boxes.People are complex.By designating someone as a “bad person” you can excuse yourself from understanding their motivations and ultimately dehumanize them.By designating someone as a “good person” you can blind yourself to their faults and may even find yourself excusing behavior on their part which is problematic.This can be even worse when applied to the self. A self image as a good person can prevent you from acknowledging things you do can harm others. A self image as a bad person isn't good for your self esteem and even might be used to self justify continuing selfish or hurtful patterns of behavior.Neither is helpful to achieving a level of understanding of your self that fascilitated improvement.I hope that this inspires you to discard the oversimplification of good and bad people and embrace complexity.

Why do I like bad things?

Hello, thanks for the A2A,You have said.....I like taking drugs. Making people unhappy. Material goods. Seeing people cry. Devilish thoughts make me happy. "Bad" food is all I eat. I don't sleep more than 5 hrs a night. I don't drink water. I like to see others suffer. I am violent, aggressive and have evil and abusive tendencies.I like negative music. I have no motivation to do good things. I was like this way before I started taking drugs btw, though I do realise taking drugs enhances me wanting to do these negative thingsAnd your question is: Why do I like bad things?I think you like bad things because they are bad.... from your comment, it seems that you have no regret and you thoroughly enjoy doing those bad things, unapologetically. Unfortunately....  I cant help you because I do not know the motivation behind all your bad activities. it could have a plethora of reasons and its only you who knows why.I would advise you to stop... and just read out loud what you wrote and ask yourself if you are really proud of yourself? Does taking drugs...making people unhappy.....being violent.... actually add value to your life and makes you a better person? It sounds as if you don't care about your life and others..... and it is just sad because you have been given life and you are just wasting it, Joshua Humes.To some people you might sound like a bad ass person but honestly you are just wasting away slowly....and forgive me if I sound mean but honestly you are. My advise is to just try and stop it...because as you have said it...its bad and none of those these are helping you in any way....and I hope you see that.Good Day.

How do you avoid bad things?

By avoiding bad things I assume by that you mean not harming others or yourself and not being antisocial or getting into trouble with the law.If you want to stop doing bad things, it’s a powerful move to replace them with other things that have positive benefit, and to do this you need to choose the better way. To do this you might start by joining others who make better choices such as community volunteers, the local Y, a simple church etc.As they say in jail rehab classes, Where your mind goes, your body will follow. Remind yourself of the consequences & don’t give doing bad things your energy or attention. You can say no, step away, avoid bad situations and people, make yourself unavailable to them. Resist the pressures. You have to be strong to avoid bad influences, but hey, that’s already a good goal, to be strong in a positive way. If you are aggressive, try an aggressive sport. Find better options and go with them. All the best.

Why do people do bad things?

Firstly we must accept that what is seen as good and what is seen as bad When relating to human behaviour) can differ from person to person and from culture to culture. So in order to answer such a question we must generalise a bit and assume that good is what is good for people in general and not just for some, and the same for bad. A simple judgment of what is ‘good’ might be to follow the golden rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) - this does not always hold true (you would not want a masochist to follow it too closely) but it is generally sound. Bad can then be seen as breaking this rule.So having established this - why do people do bad things?Well they can make mistakes and unintentionally do bad things.They may be selfish and believe that as long as the benefit in some way then it is OK for them to break the rule (this can also be seen as ‘immoral’).They may be mentally ill and therefore unable to apply morality in a way that is generally accepted. They may not understand that what they are doing is bad - or there definition of good and bad does not follow the accepted norm.They may be religious and follow rules or instructions that contradict the golden rule. As Steven Weinberg said “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”.They may be acting under some duress. For example they may be forced to do something bad with the threat of something bad happening to them if they do not. A similar effect can occur when people are strongly indoctrinated with some idea - for example the effect that the Nazis had on the people of Germany.I am sure there are more reasons I could think of if I thought about it for long enough. The point being that people do bad things for all sorts of reasons.

Caught my kids doing bad things! Where did I go wrong?

I am a little freaked out right now. This afternoon I had a very unfortunate situation.
I have a 10 year old son and a 15 year old daughter. I left the house for an hour to have lunch with my mother and I left my daughter in charge. When I came back I walked into the living room and SERIOUSLY almost fainted. They were sitting on the couch watching TV but my son was naked and humping a pillow! I could not believe it. I calmly told my daughter to leave the room. I got two different stories from them. My son said that my daughter told him to show her his penis and to make it get a "b***r". I sent him to his room and talked to my daughter and she said that he wanted to show her his penis and that she didn't think it was a big deal.
I have just stayed in my room all night and haven't been able to talk to them any more. I think we are all just a little bit too embarrassed to talk right now. Where do I go from here? What did I do wrong as a mom? I try and make sure they have no bad influences. I just need some advice. Thank you