Am I Except From Fasting

Do muslims have exceptions for fasting on Ramadan?

[Fasting for] a limited number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] - then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] - a ransom [as substitute] of feeding a poor person [each day]. And whoever volunteers excess - it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew.(Quran 2:184)The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.(Quran 2:185).Fasting is mandatory to all mature people (above age 15 generally) unless during some medical conditions or travelling. if you can’t fast with hardship there is an option to feed a poor person.

Fasting in ramadan with anemia?

I have anemia too, I also find it quite hard to fast sometimes. Generally the first few days are really hard for me but after that my body starts to adjust to the eating times and it isn't so bad.

When you eat in the morning, make sure you drink lots of liquid to set you up for the day. I usually have a big mug of tea (tea is good for dehydration) and also a big glass of orange juice, but if you can drink more, then it's even better for you. Same with when you break your fast in the evening, make sure you get as much liquid as you would on day when you were not fasting.

Eating food with iron in it is also essential, ie red meat etc for when you are eating after sunset (or in the morning really).

If there gets a point where you are so ill that you need to take some form of medication when you are fasting or something, don't be afraid to break the fast. Allah does not want us to suffer and we can make up the day another time. Our health is of the utmost importance to Allah, that is why it is haram to damage our bodies.

But insha-Allah you will be fine (:

Maddy x

[Ramadan] Medication + fasting?

This is my first time fasting, I've fasted 5 days already. I take Citalopram (40mg) normally at night time. I'm finding taking it at night is better for me to get to sleep, since a side effect i experience is drowsyness.

Since fasting, the medication isn't feeling as effective with taking it and eating around the same time. When i normally take it i only have eaten a little. Not a full meal. So i've decided to take it during the day time. Does this break my fast if i take it during the daytime? Should i be fasting in the first place under these circumstances?

I would like some reliable sources rather than opinions please.

Thank you.

Does Ramadan fasting reduce cancers?

Thanks for the a2a request, Navaneet Pandurangan, and if you're not a practising Muslim, you might prefer to come to fasting gradually, with a trial and error approach, to see what works best for you.Cancer is not described in any of the old Arab medical treatises, but then the present day Muslims are regrettably not immune to the disease system generically termed cancers.Still, there are considerable medical benefits to systematic and regular fasting for a healthy person who proceeds about it sensibly, absent any contraindicative prior medical issues.

Is being very skinny and underweight an excuse to not fast during ramadan?

If you are skinny and underweight, it means that your life isn't much different to fasting in Ramadan... just fast it then..

If you feel that your health is deteriorating due to fasting, then maybe you will be eligible for kafara, and be excused... however, you will still need to fast (qada) later on when you are better and make up for the whole month.

Is a person exempted from fasting in Ramadan during a journey?

Allah instructed through Quran ,O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous -[Fasting for] a limited number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] - then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] - a ransom [as substitute] of feeding a poor person [each day]. And whoever volunteers excess - it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew.(Quran 2:183–184)So it is clear that,you can avoid fasting during long journey ,but you have to make it up, equal days, after the month of Ramdan.

Is it okay to have sex during ramadan if you're not fasting ?

Of course you can. You can't during your fast. And you can't if your partner is not your spouse (but that one's obvious, no?).

Who among Muslims are religiously exempt from fasting during Ramadan?

The sick who cannot fast. Pregnant woman if she can not fast. The girl under the age of nine. The boy under the age of 14. Old people who cannot fast. Breast feeding woman if fasting make the milk not enough for the babe( in this case there is the alternative of the artificial milk , so i am sure about this question) . The travelers. Women during the period.Free Islamic Books and Multimedia by Scholars. Browse 2,100+ resources |

If im staying in another country for 23 days, am i exempted from fasting?

since you are a traveller, you may not fast during the whole period of your vacation and just make up for it when you arrive back in your own country, but if you find it easy to fast and you wish to fast while on vacation, then you may also do so. It will be better for you because there are more blessings during the month of Ramadan.

Taking Medication Break the Fast of Ramadan?

Wa alaikumk alsalaam,

1- Intercourse

2- Masturbation

3- Eating and drinking

4- Anything that is regarded as coming under the same heading as eating and drinking

5- Letting blood by means of cupping and the like

6- Vomiting deliberately

7- Menstruation and nifaas

If you absolutely need to take the medication because of sickness, then you are exempt from fasting, and you have to make up these days after ramadan.