Am I Going To Be Okay

Is it okay that I am not going out?

I personally think that it is awesome that you are doing this. Leading a healthy lifestyle is not only a good practice but a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and with a healthy mind you would be able to focus more on your business and soon enough would be doing wonders with it.If you think that hanging out with them would make you want to drink/smoke/eat unhealthy then you need to work a bit on your self control. You need to put your health and your business goals first before any of this. Your friends wont force you when they discover what you are aiming to pursue. If they do, and are too rigid/selfish to understand that, then you are better off without them.

I just got shocked. Am I going to be okay?

I was trying to unplug something and the plug only came about half way out of the outlet. While trying to pull out the plug, I accidentally touched the half exposed metal prongs for about 1 or 2 seconds. I felt a buzzing sensation in my hand and arm while touching the metal prong. However, I had control over my muscles and consciously pulled my hand away. Is this going to hurt me in any way or will I be okay?

I am going to cheat on my wife. Is that okay?

Dont ever forget that your wife is somebody’s daughter, sister. If somebody in future will cheat on your sister, mother, daughter in one way or the other.How you are going to take it. Just think once??Dont underestimate the power of ‘Law of Karma’. Any evil done today will get returned back to you with compound interest.So, Decision will always be yours…

Am I going to be okay?

It is very unlikely that you could catch parasites in such a way. First of all, from your description the squirrel was not so recently dead, so it is unlikely it still had living external parasites, like fleas or mites on it. Beside that, it is very difficult for any parasite to cling to a quickly rolling bike wheel and from there jump on a dress, all while moving. Even fleas, the most agile of external parasites, don’t have that kind of superpowers. Your itching is probably psychosomatic and results from your anxiety. Have a good shower and keep calm.

Took 6 sleeping pills am I going to be okay?


Am I going to be ok if I work 20 hours a day and sleep for only 4 hours?

Seek true define but never defy the very integral essence of your being. May i ask you a question please?Could you sleep 20 hours and work only 4 hours per day? Its like trying to dictate and rewrite the very script of your life and mind you in such an scenario, you would be missing so many of life’s very most precious moments, for in the midst of those 20 hours per day, a lot more would be evolving and unfolding than you could ever have imagined.Everything needs to be done in precise balance with pure awareness/pure conscientiousness and not just anyway and anyhow.This life is a precious discipline of the very greatest/ever gracious virtues, learn true respect its constitution and embrace the divine essence of your true nature.Seek true lead a fulfilling life by being completely true yourself; envision, think, do, seek and yearn true grow in the pure DNA=pure divine nature’s awareness; as well as your pure divine wisdom ever sow devotionally, ingeniously, vigilantly and wisely.

Okay I am going to turn 20 next month, what should I do in my life now?

Landon,It depends on the country you belong to because there are cultural differences.In my opinion, you should start looking at being independent. For that you will need knowledge (education). Complete your education. If you have the resources, pick the subject that you love. If not, pick something that is related or something that you can immediately start doing.Make some money so that you can start working on your dream.Get married by 26 and start a family by 30. I know in the current times it is too early because everyone is aiming at being independent.Be happy buddy, do things that make you happy.

Am i going to be okay? my dog bit my lip really hard!?

Kelly, So sorry to learn your face was involved. See a doctor right away. Meaning NOW.
Don't indulge in home remadies.

Nice pet or not this is a domesticated 'wild' animal. You had a narrow escape.
What if it were your eyes that were involved????

General treatment.

Was the bite provoked or defensive rather than an unprovoked attack? What is the past medical history of the victim? Once the health care practitioner has taken a history of the events and examined the patient, most dog bites can be cared for in the emergency department or doctor's office. The physical exam will help decide whether any deep structures like muscle, tendon, nerve, or bone have been damaged Commonly, the wound is anesthetized so that it can be explored. This will help confirm the condition of the deep structures and their function. The wound will then be washed with normal saline (a salt water solution) to irrigate out as much dirt and bacteria as possible. Once the wound has been cleaned, a decision needs to be made whether to close the skin. Suturing the skin, to make the scar look better, increases the risk of infection. Balancing the risk of infection against the benefit of a better looking scar depends upon the location of the injury and the discussion between health care practitioner and patient.

Dog bites to the face tend to be sutured, while those located on less noticeable parts of the body may be left to heal on their own. Sometimes, the dog bite wounds need to be repaired in the operating room if there is considerable skin damage or skin loss, or if there are associated injuries that require treatment. There is some controversy regarding antibiotic therapy for dog bites. Some health care practitioners routinely prescribe antibiotics while others choose to wait until the wound shows signs of potential infection.

Am I going to be okay if I don't wash my hair immediately?

….*facepalm*Here is a fellow who hasn’t taken a bath in 60 years:From: 80 Years old, No Bath for 60 YearsHere are some kids literally swimming through crap and garbage:From: World’s Most Polluted RiverI don’t know what kind of germ-factory you think your dog is.