Am I Going To Get A Fever

I just rubbed onion under my armpits am I going to get a fever in the morning?

Rubbing onion in your armpits will not cause you to get a fever. It will only make you smell nasty.

How to get rid of wedding fever?

I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 5 years and it seems like every day I come home I'm praying he pops the questions. Or getting kinda upset when its bed time and he didn't. I hint about it proably alot more then I should and he gets mad. Every song on the radio I think would I pay that my wedding? Stuff like that...and If I keep this up I know I will drive him crazy too and there won't be a wedding.
It seems like ever since my best friends wedding ( that I was in) and 5 girls from work getting married. ( I went to 2 of their weddings) Its just been non stop thinking about it.

I am running a 110 fever should i be scared?

i am running a 110 fever i am freaked out i am really scared i don't have a car and my parents arn't home and we can't afford phones. i save all my money to pay for the comp. plz help.

Do we get a fever when we get wet in rain?

What is Fever?The body raises its temperature in response to an infection (Generally. Though there can be varieties of reasons that cause elevated body temperature)Pyrogens - Fever causing substance that are present in the microbe or the microbe itself that is responsible for fever.Fever is like a defence mechanism of the body. It is said that elevated body temperature aids in the immune response of the body and helps combat infections. Therefore, it is okay to not take antipyretics immediately. However, fever for a prolonged period of time or at a temperature higher than 39 degree Celsius should be given medical attention.Rain and FeverThe following are the reasons that cold possibly cause fever after being drenched in the rain 1. The rain could lower the body temperature. To maintain the temperature at normal, the blood vessels constrict. This vasoconstriction could lead to hindering the ability of nose to filter the air properly and in the mucus production.When this occurs, it is like Christmas for the virus and the bacteria. They enter into the body and cause a whole lot of trouble.2. Dust is a major warehouse of the bacteria and viruses. The rain mixes with the dust in the atmosphere and falls on to your skin (it isn't a problem when you have no wounds. Broken skin or open, fresh wounds on the other hand is a gateway to infections), eyes, nose and mouth. 3. After we reach a dry place, the water gradually evaporates and takes away the body heat. In order to compensate for the heat-loss, the body increases its temperature, causing a temporary fever. But, that cannot really be classified as fever as such.Finally, rain and fever have no direct connection. It's got to do with the immunity of the person. Like it has been already mentioned, we only consider the times when we get drenched and catch the cold. Not of the times when we get wet and still stay healthy.

How can I give myself a fever?

Garlic is Best!Not Onion or any other things.

Onions are full of poison and the skin in your armpit is thin, the poison finds its way into your blood stream.
In the Philippines, ordinary students in high school at age 12 to 15, it is a common knowledge that if they are lazy to go to school, and have a good reasons to their parents for an excuse to spare the day for school, they will find a clove of GARLIC.
... in a few minutes...after putting it cut in half lengthwise in their armpit, either left or right...they will feel the change in body temperature to rise slight above normal...the longer you allow it to stay in your armpit, the higher the temperature...
Garlic has faster antisepsis effect when the smell is absorb by the thin membrane of our armpit. It is a best body air vent and absorber of air. Remember, it is one of the common parts to take your body temperature by thermometer.
Fever is a symptom of your body is in the process of fighting any illness or disorder. that is the best to know if the child is getting sick or ill...most of the time we let it go so sometime to let our body fights any enemies causing some body disorder, thus our temperature rises, water is just being taken to neutralize and balance the body temperature, but meaning the body is fighting....self curing...a wonderful self healing process.
Garlic is being used in the Philippines as an effective alternative medicine...against cuts or wounds, as a medicine to fight bites, snakes bite or other insects. Finely cut and mix with honey, and daily have a table spoon 3 times a day, fights weak lungs and TB bacteria in the immune systems.
These are among the best spices available in the whole world....must know them well...onion also is an antisepsis, but garlic is better though small but terrible!

Why am I getting a fever at 8pm every day?

Everybody’s temperature normally rises and falls throughout the day. For many people the time of highest temperature is in the early evening. The normal range for any one persons temperature WHEN NOT ILL may vary from 1 to 1,5 degrees F. during the course of a normal day. It is nearly always lowest just after you wake up naturally, but before you start moving around ( before you get up to pee, even). This is called your Basal Body Temperature. If your temperature at 8 pm is less than 2 degrees F. Above your BBT, it is a normal variation and probably not an actual fever.If it is higher than this, you need to see a doctor, because you may have some infection or disease.

Is it common to never have fever?

Is it simply that you never get fevers but still catch colds on occasion?See, the issue here is that we get fevers because it's the body's natural defense mechanism against illness. When your temperature rises, your white blood cell count goes up, and those white cells go to work attacking the bacteria that's making you sick.There are a couple possibilities at play here:You either have simply never (or, very rarely) come into contact with a type of bacteria that your body can't fight off before you develop a fever — I.E. you have many natural immunities from being exposed to a variety of illnesses early in life.-OR-There's a condition that people are sometimes born with where their bodies lack the ability to engage that natural defense mechanism of getting a fever, and while it's extremely rare, it's possible that you have this condition. Although, it's highly unlikely, because it's usually noticeable during infancy, and people who have this will typically never suffer a single fever throughout their lives and have other immunodeficiencies along with this one.If this is something that seriously freaks you out, I would suggest finding an internist or geneological specialist to do some testing for you. Otherwise, just try to enjoy the fact that you so infrequently get fevers, and maybe consider a career in healthcare; if you don't easily get sick, you could make a seriously positive impact as an RN or CNA working with sick people.Best wishes and be well!

Cocaine / Fever. Any Relation?

(A bit of reading... I know, but I will appreciate your time more than you will ever know.)

I will get straight to the point as best as I can.
I am a 26 year old male, who recreationally has used cocaine since Oct/Nov of '08. Mostly on the weekends, perhaps 0.5 Oz at a time.

I burn Marijuana (occasionally 1-3 times/week) also.

I am NOT addicted to it, cocaine that is, and KNOW so because I can go without it and not feel any urge to use it whatsoever in any way. That is, at least I am not addicted to it now as I type this...

I have had a fever going on 4 days that reached a 102 degree high last night that won't seem to go away. Also, my fever came about the exact day a serious and drastic weather change was experienced here in Southern California. We went from our normal Winter highs of 70+ or so, to 92+ in a matter of 24-36 hours.

The last time I did a line was about a week ago.

I usually get sick whenever there is a change in weather, but never have I had a fever last more than 2 solid days. When I wake up tomorrow morning it will mark the 4th day.
I understand everyone's body reacts differently to every drug, but would any of you reading this who might have any insight feel there is an association between my core temperature and occasional drug use? Is the weather responsible for my fever or can any of you say for sure there is a relation to my social drug use?

Is there anything informational that I left out that would support your response?

Thank you. I await any or all responses.


Why do I never run a fever when I'm sick?

There are a couple of things which come to mind when you talk about not having a fever.

(1) Elderly people can be very sick and yet not run a fever. They can have a serious case of pneumonia, influenza or urinary tract infection without a noticeable change in body temp.

(2) People who have weakened immune systems can be very sick without any noticeable change in body temp. Some of these people, ones who have a primary immune deficiency, often have a lower than "normal" body temp. So when they get a fever, it can register as only slightly above normal.

Perhaps you fall in one of those categories, perhaps not. Has your doctor ever had a blood count done when you are sick? If it fails to show evidence of a bacterial or viral infection (elevated white cells, higher than normal neutrophils or higher than normal lymphocytes), there could some sort of dysfunction in your white cells.

Of course, this is all conjecture. What's going on with you may take some testing.