Am I Lesser Of A Muslim Because I Do Not Have A Beard

Why do muslim men keep full beards?

to emulate !!
no such decree in Glorious Quran to keep beard !!
hindus have beard,sikhs have beard,jews have beard, christians have beard,
how can they differ from kafirs by keeping beard !

Why don't Muslim men shave their beards?

Because beards are haawt

Is beard necessary in Islam?

"Muslims seek to follow the noble example of the Prophet of Islam(saw). The Holy Prophet(saw) had a beard and wore a turban, both of which were the custom appearance of men of that age and country. However, these were not done simply to follow custom or tradition.The growing of beards has been linked with piety and manhood for thousands of years across many cultures and civilisations and it is common in many religions. In Sikhism, the beard is seen to be part of the dignity and nobility of men. In Judaism and Christianity, the ancient priests often used to grow beards and the shaving of them was seen as a sign of shame and dishonour. (1 Chronicles 19:5)Islam has continued this noble tradition, where the Prophet of Islam (saw) encouraged the growth of beards:‘Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle (saw) said, “Trim the moustaches short and grow the beard.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 72, Number 781)From this hadith it appears that there is no fixed size or style of the beard, but it should be longer than the moustache. Moustaches should not be shaved altogether not should they be too long as the hadith says ‘trim’. A beard is a beauty of a man so it should be tidy as well.‘Growing a beard is one of the signs of nature.’ (Muslim)Growing a beard was also the way of the Holy Prophet(saw), and the Holy Qur’an saysif you love Allah follow the Prophet(saw) then Allah will also love you (Ch.3: V.32)As for turbans it is true to say that many Arab and Asian Muslims wear the turban purely for customary reasons, but there is no religious requirement that a turban should be worn. The reason why Muslims may wear a turban is because it reflects the spirit of Islam that seeks to remind people of God. When praying Muslims are required to cover their heads as they are in the presence of their Lord. Covering the head is a sign of showing respect to God. Similarly some Muslims choose to cover their heads at other times as a reminder of their faith and of God. The form of head covering is not prescribed so can range from caps and hats to turbans.In the Asian and Arabian culture the turban also symbolised that the person was a man of learning and wisdom. Thus it served as a reflection of what a true Muslim should be – one who is ever-mindful of his Creator and ever-inclined to seek knowledge."

My Muslim friend is growing a beard, should I be worried?

Depending on what Muslim you ask,  there are apparently some Muslim scholars and such which will say that a beard for a male is basically almost incumbent upon practicing Muslim men.   They're also very common in the Middle East in general, as they have been for ages.   It's partly a cultural thing;  Middle Eastern and other Muslim men (not all,  but a fair many), and Orthodox Jews as well,  seem to prefer to wear at least some kind of facial hair growth.   Being completely clean-shaven everyday, or almost clean-shaven,  is less common in these cultures.   If your friend was totally secular and non-practicing before,  and now suddenly grew what I would call a Salafist beard (very long, fist-length or longer than that;  bushy,  but with a closely-trimmed or nearly shaved mustache area),  plus started wearing Islamic clothing (traditional head covering,  robes,  short pants that don't go beyond the ankle area),  well those things might be a sign of some kind of personal Islamic 'revival' experience in his life.   He might be getting very serious about his faith,  and so on.   But those things in and of themselves do not necessarily indicate a personal inclination towards violence or militancy.

Why do muslim men shave their beard? Isn't this haram?

It's haram, people shave their beards with confusion that its sunnah, hence the answerer above me. It is compulsary on those who can grow beards.

Theres categories rulings can fall in they are:

- Haram: Straight out forbidden
- Makruh: Very much disliked but not forbidden
- A act is regarded as not good or bad
- A act regarded on personal preference, dosen't really matter what you do.

Shaving the beard falls into the first.

Are the Kazakhstan Muslims more or less religious than in the middle east?

Although almost all ethnic Kazakhs would define themselves as Muslim in Kazakhstan, in general, there is a deep fear for the type of Islam preached and practiced in the Middle East. Women in hijab are viewed as sad (she used to be so nice), and people (not only the authorities) are deeply afraid of men in beards.A previous answer mentioned that this has to do with 100+ years of Russian influence in Kazakhstan. One cannot discount the Soviet heritage, of course.But more importantly, Kazakhs have never been as much into Islam as their Uzbek neighbors of Bukhara or Ferghana Valley. Their Islam is a thin veneer of orthodoxy over a much larger heritage of nature worship, Tengrianism, black magic and superstition.Only Sufis who scorned traditional Islamic law and preached their own form of more mystical spirituality have attained popularity in Kazakhstan.What religion means to people is forever in flux, and since the fall of the Soviet Union, inequality and lack of prospects, coupled with the influence of Saudi money, has converted more people (more men than women, I would say) to an Arabic type of Islam - what the question-asker would call “more religious”.The vast majority of Kazakhs anno 2016 does not see the problem between their identity as Muslims and drinking alcohol. Pork, however, is eaten rarely, seen as something for Russians, and only as an occasional indulgence, “because it tastes so good in shashlik.”For more on the topic, see my answer to How did Central Asia become Muslim? or an article I wrote a few years back: 7 Spiritual Sites Showcasing Kazakhstan's Religious Melting Pot | Caravanistan

Does it take very long time to grow a beard?

Age plays the biggest role in growing a bear. Most men can't grow a decent beard until they are in their 30's. Wait until you are older but understand that based on genetics, you may never be able to grow a full beard.

Is it Sunnah, Wajib, or Fard to grow a beard in Islam? If it displeases your mother, can you still keep it?

there are two types of Sunnah, Sunnah Mu'akkada and sunnah al huda. Sunnah Mu'akkada is something that prophet Muhammad s.a.w use to do and he asked others to do it as well. like prayed four raka before friday khutbah and keeping beard. it is very important part of islam we must do it.sunnah al huda is sunnah that Muhammad s.a.w use to do but never asked us to do it. like Smiling, fasting normal days, it is type of sunnah if we practice its good but if we don't does't matter.Now keeping beard, Muhammad s.a.w ordered us to trim the moustache closely and spare the beard" says Ibn Umar.- Muslim, Hadith no. 449Muhammad s.a.w said: "Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow)." - Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 498Muhammad s.a.w said "I have no connection iwth one who shaves, shouts and tears his clothing eg. in grief or affication." -Abu Darda (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 501here we can clearly see prophet Muhammad s.a.w had beard and asked muslims to keep beard. so it is very its a problem now a days that we think keeping beard looks different or may be we are not ready to keep it or our parents not happy with us keeping beard so many ulma said we can start with small beard on our face one few cm, at least we can think we are following important sunnah of Muhammad s.a.w n can also make our parents happy by that.may Allah show us right path jazakAllah