Am I Old Fashioned Or Is This Rude

Are my parents being irrational or old-fashioned?

My parents always seem to explode (especially my dad) whenever I used the words "someone" or "you guys" when addressing the family. Example:

"Can someone pass me a fork, please?" *explodes*
"Are you guys finished with (insert situation here) yet?" *explodes*

For the first example, I'm talking to everyone, younger siblings included. So, I say "Can someone..." because I don't know who's going to pass me a fork. It's just a question. They say it's so disrespectful because I should've addressed them with their proper titles. Mom, Dad, etc. They said it's okay to do address my friends like that, but not them. Okay, on to the next example.

"Are you guys finished?" This time, I said it just to my parents who were remodeling the kitchen, and I was just asking if they finished setting the tiles. I mean, I guess I could've said "Mommy, Daddy, are you finished with the tiles yet?" but still, by saying "you guys" or "someone" when addressing my parents, is it considered rude? Or is it just my parents who are being old-fashioned and/or irrational?

Please explain it to me, because I have a very hot temper and I tend to tune out whatever my parents are saying, and I seriously don't think it's rude. If I had kids, and they said "you guys" or "someone" I wouldn't mind.

What are examples of rude smartphone behavior?

I can tell you what bothers me:When I am in a public place and someone carries on a very loud conversation.When someone has their ringtone volume turned up and doesn’t answer calls that come in. It seems the worst offenders are older people (I am old myself, but these are those older than me) who have the old fashioned telephone ringtone, which is an extremely loud and obnoxious sound. They let it ring and ring and don’t bother to pull their phone out of their handbag.

Is it rude to call someone a lady?

Not normally no. But if you use a cynical tone of voice, it will mean the opposite and that could be a bit of an insult!Personally I think it is a compliment and I would always be pleased if someone called me a lady.Ladies, according to the British tradition, are elegant, quietly confident and generous in spirit. Being mean or rude or loud takes you out of this. This is an old-fashioned definition, of course, but I find that if you demonstrate these qualities, you will always be positively remembered and people will feel you have class.But it has to be geniune.

What is the most old-fashioned idea or value you hold today?

A value system is born of many things with your parents being a big part of it. We all went to church sometimes, not always, but, whatever the religion it was acknowledgement of something bigger than each of us.We all held respect for those who had “gone before” as they were here first and survived their own suffering.Common decency towards others. Patience too, easy to say harder to achieve.Our parents had survived the depression and WWII. This world is not about “things” and “ease” and “comfort” as these illusions teach little.If you have ever had nothing and no prospect for anything and you got to the other side?You get to learn that success and failure really are imposters. (Kipling abj.)


please help me! maybe i am old fashioned or behind the times, i do NOT know.

i often place roommate advertisements on and about 20% of the respondents send me text messages for the first time and it makes me very angry.

i do Not mind the emails and phone calls, but the text messages are very annoying and what if i am Not around when they text me?

then how am i supposed to respond back to them?

please help.

i need some expert, public advice.

my email address is:

thank you.

sincerely yours,

Howard Paul Shore = Facebook Profile to look me up!


How should I react when my 15 year old daughter is rude to me?

Well, it’s certainly not uncommon for families of teens to struggle with disrespect and rudeness. As kids get older, they start testing their boundaries, and sometimes this can lead to some unacceptable behavior.However, to start out with, it might be helpful to sit down with her and tell her your concerns about her recent behavior. Perhaps there’s something going on in her life that’s leading her to act out in this way?Of course, if you really feel like her behavior is out of control, it may not hurt to consult with a counselor or other professional. They should be able to give you some guidance on how to approach this situation.Lastly, if you’re a reader, there’s some good books out there that might be helpful to you. Off the top of my head, maybe check out Is Your Teen Stressed or Depressed? by Archibald Hart or Boundaries With Teens by Dr. John Townsend or some of the referrals from this list?Hope this helps!

Why do men have to stare at breasts, it's rude?

You know something?

There are times I am ashamed to be a man, when I see how other males behave.

They stroll around wolf-whistling, and openly leering at anything female.

You an almost imagine them drooling, slack jawed and glassy -eyed.

Or they preen and show off trying to look macho and alpha-male.

You have to accept that morons like this keep their brains in their underpants and that not all men are like this.

I consider myself to be an old fashioned gentleman, which is probably why I am into my old age and living lone.

Most women do not seem to want gentlemen any longer.

But there are still some of us left who believe in treating a lady with respect.

Is it rude to say "yeah" to an elder? and why?

I find elderly people adhere to proper language and cannot stand slang. That being said, it was rude for him to blow you sh*t for it...he could have simply said "Do you mean yes?" I think you would have gotten the point! ;)

Is it rude to call a woman "ma'am"?

It is not rude to call a woman ma’am, but it can be ego-bruising.Ma’am is short for madam and is the proper way to address a married female, or a widow, regardless of age. Miss is short for Mistress or Missus, and is the proper way to address an unmarried female of any age. 300 years ago, miss meant unmarried, but Mrs. did not mean married. When a girl transitioned into adulthood, or her mother died, a girl because Mrs, married or not.In a way, we still allocate miss and Mrs. according to age, but the dividing line is decades later than it used to be. If we wanted to allocate solely on the basis of marital status, we’d have to know every addressee’s marital status. We don’t, so we have fallen into the convention of addressing young women as miss and middle-aged and older women as ma’am. There comes a day for every woman when someone will see her as a ma’am and address her as such. What does it mean? I don’t think I have to tell you.After her first ma’am, there will still be more misses than ma’ams for a few years. The ma’ams are jarring at first, but less so as the years go by.Boys and men experience an age-related change in how they are addressed, but it happens in the transition from boy to man, not from young man to old man. When a boy starts looking as though he no longer is a ward of his parents, he’ll start hearing hey, mister from children, the equivalent of hey, lady for girls. Sir kicks in a little later on, so there are a few years when no one knows how to address a man. Older people can say Excuse me, young man when they need a store clerk’s assistance, but it’s old fashioned and probably won’t last many more generations.A woman might seem foolishly vain if being addressed as ma’am gets under her skin, but if men who appear to be middle-aged or older were addressed as sire and only young, spongeworthy men were sir, they would feel the sting of that first sire just as surely as women feel the sting of the first ma’am.

Why is everyone so rude and disrespectful these days?????

pure ******* fun