Am I Over Reacting To My Moms Catholic Gestures Toward My Baby

Why there are negative conflicts between muslims and christians in the religion and spirituality category?

I do not argue, I simply state my opinions, never to be meant as rude. Some people are not as open minded, enlightened, educated, etc.

On an aside though, do not expect a Christian to respond well to the term "infidel."

How do Filipino people really feel towards Americans?

I can't speak for all but when I was a child in a province in the Philippines, I always assume that all white people I see are Americans (lol) and they are either American tourists or American missionaries. I think people in our place back then and probably until now like them because their presence promotes tourism and they set up schools and learning centers. Then when I was in the city, I thought these white people in Manila are here as sex tourists. Now that I'm in US and interact a lot with them, I think Americans are just opinionated free people.

My grandpa who've seen WWII in his youth always thought Americans are kind liberators. Whenever we visited him, he has always told us stories how Americans were nice to him. My grandpa didn't go to any school but the only English words he knew was "Come here boy." It was spoken by an American soldier to him. He didn't know what it means but he approached when the soldier did the come here hand gesture and when he did, the American soldier gave him a blanket.

Wolfgang Amadeus mozart?

1)Theresa Saldana nearly stabbed to death by an obsessed stalker/ Fan in March 1982.

2) fan shot former Pantera guitarist "Dimebag" Darrel Abbott and three other men to death at a nightclub was obsessed with the popular heavy metal bad and made bizarre accusations against it.

3)Selena, Mexican/American Grammy winning singer was killed by a fan when she was caught stealing money from Selena. When Selena went to confront her, her president club fan shot her.

Sorry, I gave you more than one.

Hindu Boy wants to marry Christian Girl?

Your parents need to get over it. You are not their little boy anymore, you are a grown man who can make your own decisions. Explain this to your parents, and if they don't like it then tough. I hate it when parents get overly involved in their adult children's decisions. It causes a lot of problems. Nip it in the bud now. Explain to them that you love them, but they need to let you live your life for you and make your own decisions.

They will always be your parents, but their job of raising you is OVER. You are an adult. You marry someone who you LOVE and you want to spend the rest of your life with. Do you want to live with your parents your whole life and live pleasing them? I would think not.

So go with your fiance and marry her. Get a video made of your wedding and maybe one day your parents and hers will watch it and accept you as a married couple. If they won't, then it is their loss and their fault. I don't understand why people make such a big deal about religion and marriage. It is up to you and your fiance how you will handle your religion and what religion you will be. You could still have your own religions and teach your future kids about both.

Your parents should be acting like adults and loving you and accepting you and her no matter what. Instead they are being immature and difficult. This is not your fault at all, and please realize that if they don't want to have you in their life because of this then that is THEIR fault and THEIR wrong. Not yours in any way whatsoever.

Good luck with this and I hope everything works out for you.