Am I Spoiled Some People Say I Am

People think im spoiled?!?

Okay my family and I vacation a lot.
So my friends and I were talking about what we were doing for christmas this year and they were like yeahhh im just staying home or im going to my grandmas and then they asked me and I was like im going to disney world! :D Then they started talking about what we were doing for our 16th birthday and they all said what they planned on doing and I was like im going to disney world... They thought I was being selfish and rude for some reason. They are like GOD YOU ARE SO SPOILED YOU GET EVERYTHING YOU WANT! and honestly,my family is kind of poor.. I tried telling them im just fortunate to have a family that goes on vacation a lot and they still think im just a big spoiled brat. So I think they are mad at me. What should I do?!

How do you respond to people when they say that you are spoiled, when you're not?

“Spoiled,” by definition, means overindulging, or being too lenient or indulgent with someone, usually a child, but sometimes an adult.Consider for a moment that what is NOT spoiled for you, is spoiled for THEM. For instance, I grew up in a household where nothing was done for me, and I had to take care of all my needs, wants, illnesses etc. myself. I learned to be independent, and do for myself what no one else would, or should have done for me as I was growing up. I now look around and see friends who do everything for their child and I sometimes think their kids are “spoiled,” when in reality all the attention they’re receiving is normal, healthy, appropriate CARING by healthy, functional parents.I have friends who military or ex-military who raise their kids like they were in boot camp, and see all civilian parents as “spoiling” their child.This person or people may be reacting the same way - projecting onto you their sense of lack. Given that, it’s still their problem, not yours. You don’t have to change or respond, but if the person matters to you in some way, be curious. Ask them, “Really? Spoiled? In what way?” Then say, “Does it bother you that I’m spoiled? I mean, I don’t agree with you that I am, but if you care enough to say that, it must bother you. Why does it bother you?”Someone who would say that to you has to be a bit jealous, or envious of the attention you’re receiving from someone.As far as responding when someone says that, just say, “Oh silly. I’m not spoiled, I’m loved deeply.”

People think im spoiled but im really not....?

do people think im some spoiled brat. like for examp i threw a sleep over for a friend cause she asked me to i got what she requested cause shes a huge gamer so i spent like over 400 on video games alone and when she was thanking her one of her friends said "well its not like its her money that bought the cake and video games"-- which it was my money from my job not mommy and daddy. yes my parents are rich but they dont give me money im 14 and ive had a job for a year. i live in a 4 story house in malibu half the year and a expensive house in santa cruz the other half so people think im spoiled i buy my clothes and any electronics i want etc. the most they give me is 10 or 20 here or there. which is fine i would never ask them for their hard earned cash. it does bother me that some people think im spoiled im not gonna lie. my question is when people say "your spoiled" how do i respond without sounding like a complete *****. or just rage quitting and walking away cause that doesnt look much nicer.

People say i'm spoiled but i know they're all jealous of me!?

sounds very narcissistic... if you LOVE yourself so much and think u're the greatest and whatever the hell, why you shout about it here? what are you trying to prove? people who are privileged do not go around bragging about it. most likely they hate because of your attitude, which is nasty (your attitude that is). u'll grow out of it. A lot of people think that I am spoiled because I've always had everything I wanted, never been broke, never had to struggle, but I do not hold it against them and I have a different attitude. I respect people and dont go around bragging about things I have. it's not what the person has that matters, but who the person is.
usually people with very low self esteem behave they way you do. very sad. I feel sorry for you.

Am i a spoiled brat?__________?

Ok so this isn't like a thing for me to brag but people always tell me if i was snobby or b*tchy i WOULD be a spoiled rotten brat (they say that since i'm so nice they don't count me in any category like that) but some people say i AM a spoiled brat. i always try my hardest not be be and be open-minded to most everything. AKA i try to be nice and not piss people off and i am pretty chill and pretty much go with the flow.

I'm practically 15 and for my 15th bday i'm getting a car (mercedes). i have a walk in closet filled with 4 times as many clothes as most of my friends. i have a boat (that is just mine) and my parents have a boat and the family has a sailboat and we have multiple canoes (haha random i know). i spent the summer in france so i could learn french for high school, and i go up to new york city about 3-4 times a year with my mom and we stay in the plaza. i carry a Versace to school as my backpack, and i have more shoes than rackroom does. i live on the water in a pretty good sized house. i have my own mac, and i have tiffany's jewelry (multiple pieces of jewelry). i have 2 credit cards 6 coach purses, 3 chanels, and 1 versace. i'm also a model. And i belong to a Yacht Club.
^^^My friend who is over at my house made that list so i didn't have so summarize myself into materialized words.

But- i spend more time with community service and helping out at shelters each year than most people do in their entire life. My friends always tell me how loyal of a friend i am, and people are always telling me how sweet i am. My boyfriend told me the first time he came over that he thought i would be kind of poor because of how sweet i am.

I don't brag about anything, and i'm pretty modest about saying anything about having a lot of money. I chose to go to public school for high school in an above honors program because i was fed up with bratty b*tchy snobs at private schools.

Why are people calling me spoiled when I’m not?

Everyone has different perceptions of ‘spoiled’.Someone who has strict parents might thing that someone who is allowed to go out unaccompanied on Friday nights is spoiled.Someone who is struggling to pay rent and sees another person post on social media about having to wait for luggage at the airport on their latest holiday might consider that person spoiled.The average citizen certainly thinks that politicians, complaining about having to fly business class and being unable to buy their sixth house because a tax cut didn’t pass, are spoiled.Maybe you are overlooking your own comparative privilege, or maybe they don’t know your circumstances and are judging off appearances.

What are signs a person is spoiled?

That depends on your definition of "spoiled person".In my opinion, a spoiled person is someone, who is extremely selfish, egoistic and incapable of doing anything good to other people.So, if the definition is fine with you, the signs could be the following:The person in question acts like the world owes him/her something. Whether it's a model-looking guy/girl, who got used to getting things and attention for free and being loved just for the sake of the looks, or a person who was brought up in an enabling environment, where anything a child wants he gets, such things will eventually manifest itself. I've read an answer on quora from a guy, who pretended to be a hot lady on facebook for two weeks. After two days he started feeling, that he deserved things and people who didn't buy him anything started to annoy him. Living in such state 24/7 IRL and not letting it "rewire" you is a real challenge.The person is easily angered or irritated. It has to do with #1 in some way. Not being able to accept real life as it is, is a warning sign. Somehow either the person is used to everything going his/her way or the person got used to manipulating others through his/her anger and irritation. Cases when the person is just too sensitive and emotional are much less common.The person is not taking responsibilty. If someone cannot acknowledge and accept the consequence of his/her deeds, than it's a warning sign too. It can signify a habit of leaving others to deal with the mess one is usually making aroung him/her.100% external Locus of control. If everything around a person is always blamed for the situation the person is in, it's a sign too. It's based on an unexpressed (or even expressed in the worst cases) perception, that the person is the only perfect thing in the world and can make no mistakes. So the part of the equation, that is to blame for everything is the imperfect one - which is the rest of the world.