Am I Still Entitled To Money

Why do women feel entitled to men's money?

You fart money AND quote Moby Dick.

Two Words:

Epic Winning

Should people be entitled to other people's money if the people struggling need it to improve their quality of life?

This seems like a snarky way to say “why should rich people be taxed more so poor people can have a better quality of life?” or “why should tax money be used to pay for social benefits such as food coupons and moneys hand-outs?”Yes, rich people should pay more taxes because they can pay more. Those that have better conditions should contribute more to the society they live in.This includes using this money to build schools, hospitals, better infrastructure and, why not, taking people away from extreme poverty.The riches benefit from it as well — when less people are struggling just to survive, violence levels plumet!With poverty comes homelessness, drug use and violence. Helping poor people with rich people's money is a very good trade-off for everyone.What I find most interesting is that those who complain about rich people being taxed more or about money hand-out to poor people are not the riches, but mostly middle-classed people.I wonder if they expect to one day become rich (Ha! Fat chance of that!) or if they complain because they are not included in the hand-outs. Perhaps if there was an universal income they wouldn't complain so much!

Can i sue for my money back from a charity, and am I entitled to any damages?

ok, so I gave a check for $250.00 to a company who was doing a charity calender for the yr of 2010. here at the end of Dec, the owner says they are still working on the calender, worse than the calender not being done (which was supposed to represent 16 different charities from cancer to aids) the owner recently informed me that the money will not go to the original causes it was intended for but to her friends daughter cause she found out she has cancer . sad yes, but not what I signed on for,and frankly sounds a little fishy to me. what are my options. i have talked to her and she will not refund my money.

Why do some women think they are entitled to a man's money after a divorce?

Child Support obviously is self explanatory, since you are going from raising children in one environment and at one income level, to raising the same children with the same needs usually on a much lower income level. Men's refusal to pay child support is tantamount to their saying "I want the best of everything for my child and I am willing to pay so that they want for nothing I am able to provide, as long as they live with me. Once they stop living with me then they're on their own."

Alimony is trickier, and is falling out of fashion except in cases of high earners anyways, but traditionally men were expected to work and women were expected to keep the home. In the event of a divorce, this left the wife with a whole lot of dusting experience and very little in the way of marketable skills. Alimony was a way of giving her the paycheck and retirement savings that she had been earning with her work in the home.

The same can be said for asset distribution. When you consider the old adage that behind every good man is an even better woman, the courts consider that every asset gained by both parties during the course of the marriage is the result of both partners working together for a common goal, whether one partner put in the bigger paycheck or not. Therefore, each partner is entitled to their fair share. This is reasonable when you consider a lot of very wealthy men, like politicians for example. He may be the one going to work every day, but you can be pretty sure that he wouldn't have gotten the job without the wife there to show that he was a good family man with the same values as his constituents. Or doctor's whose wives waited tables and skipped college so their spouse could focus on med school and internships for years on end. By the end of a twenty year marriage he may have earned 10 times what she ever did, but she was the one keeping him fed and housed while he trained to be worth that much.

Is my child's father entitled to the money i get for the child tax credit?

My son's father and I live together but are not married. I claimed my son on my tax return and my boyfriend wants half the money. I feel I am entitled to all of it because I have put more time and money into our son. My boyfriend usually ends up owing money to the IRS so if he had claimed our son he wouldn't have gotten anything back anyway. Does anyone know if he is legally entitled to the money?

Why do so many people feel entitled to rich people's money, saying they should donate their money or start charities?

It seems as if you are asking a few different questions. And tying these 2 thoughts together.Giving people are generous people who share with others because they are paying it forward, or because they understand that people are both wealthy- and living in poverty….AND They like to be part of the solution! This is sometimes done on a large scale or even as you give your time. The truth is that by percentage of income- those with less….. actually give a higher percent of what they have.You tie the one thought- “why do people feel entitled to rich people’s money?” to the idea that those with more money somehow feel forced “by those who fee entitled to their money” to donate. A) giving shows your character-and each person makes their own personal choice. B) Many do give to help others-with the benefit of a tax break.Go….. see. Be informed. Reach out into the world where you will see poverty and hurt and brokenness. Then give where you think it will help most (or do not-your choice)… give because these are your neighbors- humans…& each person is valuable and basic needs- should not be seen as entitlements.

Why do socialists feel like they are entitled to other peoples' money, even if they earned it fairly?

For those who believe in a mixed economy where socialization of certain services yields better outcomes, the answer is simple. We don't think the same way you do. We don't view who the makers and the takers are in the same way you do.  You are assigning a moral argument to an economic theory. I will later respond to that same moral argument with a question to you. The word " earn" is a fascinating concept.  People often equate "earn" with a persons market value or their influence or lack there of on quarterly financials. We don't view " earn"  the same way as you.a :  to receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services renderedThe country is populated by teachers, scientists, social workers, skilled tradesman, foster care workers, soldiers, nurses, rehab therapists, farmers, police officers, fire fighters,researchers who don't make a significant amount of money.Why should they feel " entitled" to other peoples skills and efforts at deepky discounted rates.Because they provide value to society that isn't reflected by their FINANCIAL earnings.  YOU may feel they haven't EARNED and contributed.  But WE do. I live in Michigan. We have had a water contamination crisis on our hands. A university professor and his students obtained samples of water, tested them, and helped provide evidence that the water was contaminated. A pediatrician was the one who took it upon herself to have children tested. Will they be getting a huge financial reward? No, not likely. Did they provide a valuable contribution to society? Yes. You can't assign a specific monetary value to what they did, though in the longterm they will have saved money.How do we assign value to saving lives, or preventing deaths? Before someone says to me: but Flint is an example of the failure of government, so the government is not effective. No, Flint is an example of running a state government like a business.  Why do opponents of socialized services feel entitled to be the beneficiary of the talents, skills and work of others who don't make make as much money as you , or as much as the people you think " earned it? "Why do you think you people don't accept the notion that because your " market value" is high that you should be entitled to so much more economic  power? We also believe, and there are examples in real life to support it, that socialized services yield better results.

Why do people on welfare think that they're entitled to MY money?

Did your parents pay for the entire cost of building each school you attended? Did they pay for each road & sidewalk you walk on?Entirely on their own?Did you?What the hell are YOU doing using MY SIDEWALK? My road? My school?How dare you think you have a right to use these things before you were even old enough to work and help pay for these things that benefit all of society.Don’t you DARE call MY police force or MY fire department!Do you have kids? Well, don’t die and leave them behind. Why should I give a moment of my time, let alone MY money to help them. Screw them, let them starve and stay cold.It’s MY money.IF that’s the way you think, and you are really that narrow minded and lack THAT much empathy, I am truly grateful that I will never have to actually ever interact with you in real life.Public “works” benefit everyone. Providing assistance to a child now, insures a healthier future for our society. You will have to interact with these people. They will be your future gas station attendants, future doctors, nurses, scientists, and traffic cops, judges, etc. .At some point, today, you will use some of the basic welfare that your government has already provided to you, assuming you live in an industrialized country of any kind.Do you have running water? Your taxes pay for the sanitation, filtration, & delivery of the water. You pay for usage and access, but not for the pipes or the water filtration department or the government entities that insure quality control. Not in FULL.Taxes are a shared responsibility of all of the public for the benefit of all of the public. If you can guarantee that you will never use another road, or community hospital, or public school or a single government service of ANY kind and you will never be interacting with the rest of us, then, maybe, then you can refuse to share your hard earned “wealth” with the rest of us. You would also need to prove that you will never become disabled, unemployed, homeless, or injured/ill without insurance.I suspect you will find that to be impossible to do.

Do you still ask your parents for money sometimes?

Do I still take money from my parents? First let's define exactly what is meant by take.If you mean like take it from them without their knowing or consent, I never did, so I can't say I still do.However, if you mean take, as in accept it when it's given to me, I would say no also. My mother on occassion will purchase clothing for my son or, for example when I had a very bad cold a few weeks ago, Mom came by with some soups and tea and fruit and a few other things, but it would be a very rare occasion, of which I can't recall any in the last several years, that my parents would GIVE me money. Even if I were to ask for cash, I'd have to have a damn good reason.There have been perhaps a handful of times in the last 5–7 years where I had required a short term loan from my parents which was paid off at the time I had specified. In these infrequent instances, my Mom has been known to draft a legally binding contract and make me sign it. (Street Wise Mom).But to wrap this up, no I don't still take money from my parents.