Am I The Only One Who Finds This Wrong

Am I the only one who finds the mall boring?

Don't get me wrong, I like new stuff. Maybe once or twice a year I'll go to the mall and splurge-- for me that's like maybe almost 100 bucks worth of stuff including the foot court and such. I was there today just to see a movie, I looked in a bunch of stores... Saw a bunch of nice stuff. I have lots of money saved up from working... yet I simply didn't want to surrender any of my hard earned cash for a lot of what I consider to be over-priced stuff. 30 bucks for a t-shirt? PLEASE.

Jeans? I already own a ton of them already. Plus the fact it was crowded. Who wants to navigate thru a crowded mall on Labor Day? I mean maybe the only element of the mall I can find at least somewhat fun is if I mingled a bit with a girl in a store.

Interestingly enough, I saw a good # of teen couples in the mall who were just mostly looking. I guess that's fun and all but for how long? After 10 minutes of browsing with no intention of buying anything, I got bored and left the mall after I saw my movie.

Do you think one night stands are morally wrong?

Although I wouldn't go out of my way to judge to many people who do this I do believe one night stands are morally wrong whether the people are consenting adults or not. Every time someone does this it devalues the act of sex. Sure sex doesn't have to have any emotional baggage and can be casual but that doesn't make it the right way to do it. A lot of people call casual sex animal sex and they're right but we are not animals (even if you believe in evolution), we have considerably more developed emotions than any animal and whether you like it or not these emotions have an effect on us. Those not effected by emotions are sociopathic and I think a person can develop a sort of socipathic way about them in dealing with certain situations; in this case sex. Some people develop an attitude of 'this is something you just do' and learn to detach their emotions from the sex act as they might detach their emotions from a job. Sex then becomes impersonal and devalued.

Personaly I have only considered casual one night stand sex twice and am glad I didn't do it because I know I would have regreted it. I probably would have also felt ashamed of it and resentful toward the girl I did it with. It is also dangerous because of diseases regardless of condom use, something a lot of sexperts nowadays don't seem to get as they promote promiscuity to the masses.

I think sex should only be between people who care for one another, whether they are in a deep relationship or just friends.

Are one-night stands morally wrong?

If nobody is harmed and no self-respect is lost, then no, it's not wrong.

But of course, it's rarely that simple. When a betrayed spouse or lover discovers the betrayal, then the simple one-night stand becomes much more complicated. Even where there's no betrayal involved, many people find it difficult to reconcile the one-night stand with their image of themselves as decent and upright persons, because our society has attached so much guilt to sex that it's a wonder we can think about it at all.

This is turning into a long-winded answer. What I mean is: Sex is not wrong, therefore one-night stands are not wrong in themselves. The wrong part is all the other stuff that tends to go along with them.

Am I the only one who thinks incest is disgusting and wrong?

The big problem with the situation you described is that older trusted family members are selfishly coercing younger vulnerable kids who are underage into sex, or in other words, statutory rape. The incest is totally beside the point, what's wrong is the betrayal of trust and child abuse.
Perhaps the person who made the original post was trolling, but 7 percent of all rapes happen within families. It is a serious situation that should not be made light of. Most incest is rape, but not all.

What's wrong with Am I the only one who cannot access it?

mr. macfullary ji

i having problim also .
now i geting inside slow slow .
plese cheking this link direct .

You did something wrong, but no one ever found out, do you want to confess?

Well for me if I ever did something wrong and no one found out about it, of course I will confess this either to my mom or a priest because we can’t just hide it in ourselves . It’s a sin that we keeping on holding on. You have to let it out to someone you know or barely you can trust.I admit I’m a bipolar person so I get easily upset or change my mood. When someone asked me one time if I was okay I answered, “ why do you even care?” that was really rude of me. Only for that question I realized that I was doing wrong and I felt bad about it because that was so rude to answer a person like that all of a sudden. So I apologize .I’m not telling you that just saying sorry, will make things work. That everything will be alright. No! When you say sorry you gotta be sincere on it, you gotta be true from what you’ve said and lastly you need to earn their trust back if it takes you for years then so be it at least you now for yourself that you already says sorry. But if he/she don’t accept it, then leave them. Do not commit on someone that doesn’t appreciate you. You’ll just making it worse and hurt yourself. The more you force yourself, the more you’ll suffer in pain.

Why do i always find something wrong with every person i date!?

I do not think that there is anything wrong with you. I think that you are dating the wrong persons. What you need to do is make a list of the characteristics that you are looking for within the person that you want to be with. Then you start dating individuals. Not on a intimate level, but as a getting to know process. These persons will be your social friends. After getting to know them you will find that their may be individuals that have most or a few of the characteristics that you are looking for. Go through the elimination process, and hopefully in the process you will find someone that appreciates you for who you are. There is no telling where you will meet someone. You just live your life and enjoy being single and you will see how things fall into place. While you are enjoying your singleness, keep your eyes 'opened'. I can relate to how you feel, but you need to know what you are looking for in a relationship before you start one. Do not settle for mediocrity. You may never find someone with all the characteristics that you are looking for and we all have to compromise. But never compromise if it will make you uncomfortable or miserable.
Stop beating up on yourself. Know that you are a wonderful person. Go out and treat yourself. Your sunshine will come and then you will get over all the 'disasters' that have walked through your life. Finally, do not grieve over your experiences,each one will make you stronger and into a better individual.

Is it wrong to find other men attractive if you're in a relationship?

No, it just means you find them attractive, aesthetically pleasing.Saying you cannot find other people attractive while dating is just like saying you cannot say the sky is beautiful when you marry, or that nobody is allowed to watch porn or own playboy magazines unless they're single. It's wrong to force someone to only be visually pleased by one single thing.Bisexual people identify as Bisexual because they are attracted to either gender, and not because they will date both a man and woman at the same time. Monogamous bisexuals date just one person, and they may find anyone else attractive, but they'll still love their partner in the ways they cannot love another visually-pleasing person.