Am I The Only One Who Sees How Clearly Baked Bill Maher Was Last Fri

Will 18-35 year old white males keep watching The Daily Show without a white American host?

Well I am just barely still in that demographic and like the Nightly Show I plan to give it a fair shake. Though with the Nightly Show I had no allegiance to the original because I found Colbert profoundly annoying. At any rate this for me means watching as much of the first season as possible. At first I really wanted Jessica Williams to take the helm, I still think she would have nailed it while actually shifting the show in vital ways. After thinking about it I believe Trevor can accomplish many of the same things. As much as I love Stewart to death I think his exit is well timed. Making fun of cable news has become simply too easy. Indeed the only time I see any cable news at all is on the Daily Show. I am a cable cutter and there are far better news options on the internet than those offered by cable networks. Cable News is for old people that are not savvy enough to find something more reputable to watch. For the last several years Stewart has been making fun of something I simply don't care about and as time has passed its all most entirely U.S. focused content has gotten tiresome. Trevor being not just from a different country, but a whole different continent is a huge asset. Further it being a place where Americans make massive generalizations about life there will prove to be a gold mine in my view. Based on his comedy I have seen The Daily Show just became a fake global news show, and for the first time in a long time that excites me. I have never wavered in my watching of the show, but its been some time since I was excited to do so. That is a very good sign. Due to the new hosts age, his international appeal, key changes made in on screen talent (notably the departure of the very tired Jones/Bee duo), and the possible format shifts there things bring I think the 18-35 demographic is safe. Further what else is this demographic going to watch? Its not like their are many other viable options out there. He might take a hit here in the U.S. but I think he will make up the difference on international markets.

ABC story in sign language?! Really need help.?

So for sign language I need to sign an abc story &it doesn't have to be the whole alphabet but the letters you use have to spell the story your basically telling. I need help really bad! Please explain a story to use!

Does Ann Coulter really believe all the anger and hatred she spouts off, or is it part dog and pony show for her followers?

Ann Coulter likely believes everything she says. I’m not even sure why this is surprising. Seriously, what is it about a reasonably articulate, super conservative person that boggles people’s minds? Is some of it for show? Duh. She sells that show. People buy shows. We buy them from snarky liberals who say funny but insulting things (Joan Rivers, Chelsea Handler, Howard Stern, Bill Maher [who is a close friend of Coulter’s]). Conservatives buy jokes and acts from snarky conservatives like Ann Coulter, Milo Yeein…[whatever, you know who I’m talking about] and Ben Shapiro. Just because she makes millions and has armies of fans doesn’t mean she doesn’t believe it. Snark sells. Insults sell.Side note. As part of my 2018 resolution, I no longer read or listen to reporting or commentary from one reporter/pundit on what other people are saying or doing (“Okay, I met with Mr. So-and-so, and here’s what I think he said.” No. Not interested in what you think. Just play me the full interview and let me hear/see what they’re saying). That means, Based on an admonition I received late in 2017, my goal is to only watch the actions of a given individual and listen to their words. That’s it. No analysis by “professionals”, no commentary, no reliance on someone telling me what they think someone else thinks/is/believes/says. That’s my rule, you do you, boo!Here’s a good way to assess —with as much assurance as humanly possible given “the problem of other minds”— what Ann Coulter thinks. It’s interesting and, well, kind of hilarious. (For the record, I think that Coulter’s opinions are generally [but not always] wrong, but her words are hyperbolic intentionally to get people’s dander up … don’t give her what she wants.)

What did you think of Bill Maher's interview with Milo Yiannopoulous?

Sometimes I think it’s Judo. Yiannopoulous expects to be attacked viciously. He gets off on that. He knew he could get a rise out of Larry Wilmore so that’s who he went after, and he knows how to push those buttons. In the interview Maher even cites more than once how liberals always take that bait.Maher, however, has been playing that game with the likes of Ann Coulter for decades, so Little Milo is way out of his league there. Or maybe it’s just for ratings. That video on YouTube is already almost at a million views. Maybe I’m giving Bill Maher too much credit. But one of the first things he says is that Little Milo is “colossally wrong on a number of things,” which very few interviewers would say.To be clear, the worst things about Yiannopoulous are not even what he says but how and why. When someone trolls so relentlessly, they can’t keep it up for long without becoming increasingly dishonest. I guarantee you that he doesn’t remotely believe half the shit that he spews from his mouth, but he keeps it up because he gets attention. There comes a point where you’re all-in, and you’ll run off a cliff just trying to top yourself.Don’t even look for him to crash and burn spectacularly- he’d love that. Just wait for him to burn out or fade away and languish in obscurity, just like Howard Stern, or any sniveling little shithead shock jock does when he isn’t fashionable anymore.

Is Donald Trump a social justice warrior?

YES. Although he is the right wing version. let me explain.Trump simply cant take a joke….ever. for example in reaction to Trumps birtherism Bill Maher made a joke asking trump to produce his birth certificate showing he wasnt the son of orangatang. Trump sued bill over this.Another example is him simply refusing to go to the WHCD. He got roasted there a few years ago so clearly he couldnt go because he would be no longer in his safe space.One final example is his hipocrisy on cursing. He curses often at hiis rallies (which is fine). However when the former mexican president said the f word while talking about the wall, trump made sure to say in the next debate that he had said ‘a disgusting filthy word and he should apoligise’. Hipocrisy anyone?