Am I The Only One Who Sees No Difference Between Conservative Republicans And Radical Muslims

What's the difference between Radical Patriots and Conservative Patriots?!?

Depends on who is doing the labeling, that's all. The Founders were called radicals by the tyrannical British government that they opposed at the founding of the United States. Conservatives are called radicals now by the tyrannical, liberal United States government. So it depends on who is doing the labeling.

And if liberals like anything (besides sex and drugs, of course), it is labeling. Personally, I don't think being a radical is all that bad a thing; especially when the likes of George Washington and Patrick Henry were called radicals. I consider that being in good company.

Why don't Republicans realize that Muslims are Conservatives?

This is a huge problem with the far Right: they have made a religion out of their political ideology. Liberals are evil and Conservatives are good. Like all religious people they have to filter EVERYTHING through their religion: if something is against "us" then they are "liberals" (ex.: I like hockey and NASCAR bores the hell out of me, my cousin Cecil thinks I am a liberal now and I have never talked politics with him). Fundamental Muslims are mainly anti-American so conservative Americans, who can't allow liberals to be Americans in their view, make them be liberals. It just makes the world simple for those types.

*see TAXPAYER: he just made my point.

I'm Muslim and I hate liberals more than conservatives. Am I a political anomaly?

SalamAccording to actual science instead of prejudicial claims, you likely are.American Muslims Are Young, Politically Liberal, and Scared America, Muslims are the 3′rd most routinely Democratic voting block after Blacks and Jews. Just more than a third of American Muslims are young, millennials, actually. Also, a solid third of American Muslims identify as Liberals. The next biggest political orientation is Independent. Then comes Conservative. There is very little agreement between the USA’s Muslims and the Religious Right of America. Why? Because the Christian Right hates Muslims with a burning passion as they seek to impose Christianity on America, yet there is no coherent, cogent American Islamist movement. Even though Muslims did vote slightly more for Bush than Gore, in every election since, they have voted overwhelmingly Democratic and in the last election were overwhelmingly for Clinton. Muslims are also an enormously diverse group that is changing rapidly. The past sixteen years have been transformative for American Muslims, which has led us to overwhelmingly be Democratic. So, in the end, it is extremely strange that you are Muslim and claim to HATE Liberals.Salam.

When will Republicans admit there is such a thing as "Radical Christianity” and that it is dangerous?

There are a lot of variations to this question that need to be addressed. The first thing we need to get out of the way is that there is no shortage of Republicans who not only admit there are radical organizations operating under the name of Christianity, but that those organizations are a despicable and gross misrepresentation of Jesus Christ's teachings. The KKK is a Democrat created organization that also bastardizes the teachings of Jesus Christ. These types of hateful organizations are, like BLM and White Supremacists, unfortunate evils we must deal with in order to maintain a truly free society.Christianity is supposed to be the teachings of Jesus Christ, but because religions are man made, they get really far from Christ's teachings at times. There is not one example of Jesus Christ teaching us to be violent toward one another or to be in any way hateful or dishonest to one another. The summary of all of Jesus's teachings is in His singular command to "love one another as I love you". Notice that this is different than the Golden Rule which teaches us to "do unto others as we would want them to do unto us". The difference is that some of us have some really bizarre things we would like others to do to us which others may definitely not want us to do to them. Jesus Christ sets the example for how we should treat others by using Himself as the guideline.In contrast, it is the teachings of the Qur'an that dictate how Muslims should behave toward others. Right off the bat, the teachings in the Qur'an differentiate between how Muslims should treat other Muslims and how Muslims should treat non-Muslims. Jesus teaches us to treat everyone the same. Since it is taught in the Qur'an that under certain circumstances, that should be instigated by Muslims, it is required to go so far as to kill others. No where does Jesus Christ hint to such a thing. So, there really is no such thing as a radicalized Christian, only radical people committing wrongs under the disguise of Christianity. Radical Muslims however can rise up from literally any Muslim obeying the commands of the Qur'an.

Are Muslims socially conservative or liberal ?

They were probably considered liberals when they made up all those laws in the 600s.

How far would conservative Republicans want to go in profiling Muslims?

How about all Muslim shopkeepers have to post a white crescent on their door?
Sounds fair, right?
How about crescent patches sewn onto their clothes?
Can't take chances when it comes to security, am I right?

Why did Democrats oppose radical Republicans?

Why do muslims oppose radical muslims? Why does any one type of demographic oppose a fringe element that gives everyone a bad name?It is not only Democrats… it is Progressives, Liberals, Conservatives, and just about everyone else who is tired of the “win at all costs,” method of operation that has silently sulked into the Republican party since the “failed coup” of the tea-party (wherein the Republicans ‘secretly’ tried to infiltrate the TeaParty, only to realize that while they were doing this, the TeaParty wack-jobs were busy infiltrating and taking over the Republican party)…The Republican/GOP, honestly, is no more. There are now three separate and opposing parties constantly battling each other: The traditional Republican/Conservative, the Tea Party Republican (whack job) and the Ultra-Con/Ultra Right… Each of these has its own agenda that they keep trying to advance, and the only thing that semi-consolidates them is the unwillingness to grant any Democrat any success… regardless of the circumstances.One thing that I think most people do not understand fully, is that NEITHER the Democratic Party (DNC) NOR the Republican Party (RNC) are government establishments — they are both effectively PRIVATE GROUPS that are operated for gains of the specific party and or members, much like the Federal Reserve is NOT a government institution at all… The only thing that both of these have in common, is the total contempt for a third party, because that takes away from their power base…

What's the difference between a liberal and a democrat?

A liberal is someone who believes in liberalism, which is political and ideological philosophy. Liberals have a wide array of viewpoints, but generally support freedoms and equality. These can range from freedom of speech to gender equality.Liberalism has been around since the 14th or 15th century, during the Renaissance where liberal ideas first came to prominence. Throughout history, liberals have supported progressive viewpoints that favor equality. The first few liberal viewpoints were the push for democracy and freedom of religion (17th century), followed by classical liberalism (18th-19th century) which supported banning slavery and serfdom, better working conditions, and colonial independence. Later, once these goals were achieved, liberal views shifted again towards the progressive, favoring civil rights and women’s suffrage (20th century).Finally, here we are now with modern or social liberalism, which is even more progressive and supports universal healthcare, immigration rights, LGBT rights, women’s rights, and greater wealth equality. Note how liberalism references mainly ideologies, and liberals simply believe in that ideology.In contrast, democrat is someone who supports the democratic party, and doesn’t reference their ideology. If the democratic party had conservative viewpoints, a democrat would also be conservative. However, in the U.S. today the Democratic Party has modern liberal views (see: Burnie Sanders), and thus Democrats are also liberal.The difference lies once you go out of mainstream U.S. politics. Socialists and communists are also liberal, just extremely so. So are European liberals. Both of these groups have liberal views, but aren’t Democrats because they don’t participate in U.S. politics and the Democratic Party. Therefore, most Democrats are liberal but not all liberals are Democrats. Likewise, Republicans are conservative but not all conservatives are Republicans.Note: Democrat is also defined as someone supporting democracy, such as in ‘social democrat’, but because this is the U.S. I’d assume that definition isn’t relevant.Thanks for the A2A.

Why were most domestic terrorists republicans? (mcveigh, eric rudolph, unabomber)?

Because us republicans don't have this common sweeping thought of socialization behind us. Sometimes, people become republicans, rebelling against the liberalized media, yet they are not exactly sure what they are rebelling against. It's true. Republicans are crazier, not as organized, and uncoordinated. We are fighting this lazy mentality of people taking the easy route. We are fighting a machine of human sloventy and as in the movies, the rebels always fight among themselves because of how large and overimpending the enemy and the knowledge of what would happen if they lost, the dark degrading spiral into welfare state and reverse industrial revolution.