Am I Unhealthy Or Normal

Is a BMI of 16.8 unhealthy?

If you got that way by starving yourself, then it's unhealthy.

If that's just your natural weight, then it's healthy.

We need to realize that skinny shaming is just as hurtful as fat shaming. If a girl is naturally skinny, we shouldn't assume she's an anorexic.

If you eat a normal diet and you have a BMI of 16,8, that's just the way you are. You should just be happy with the body you have and not let people tell you you're too skinny or unhealthy. It's just a natural random genetic variation. The genetic lottery makes some people have a higher or lower natural weight (the weight they have when eating a normal diet).

Even if you've finished growing in height, you might still be filling out. You may or may not gain a few kilos in the next few years but don't worry about it either way.

By the way, BMI is bunk. It's a totally inaccurate way of measuring health and scientists stopped using it years ago. Please, just be happy with yourself the way you are :)

Im 13 and healthy, is it normal to have cellulite?

I am very healthy and exercise often exercise, I rarely eat junk food but yesterday I looked in the mirror and I have cellulite on my A$$, did I do something wrong. Its not lumpy or anything just ugly. Is this normal am I unhealthy? Can I get rid of it without paying a lot of money? Please help me!

By the way am I healthy I am 13, 5.5 feet and about 107-109 pounds. I feel healthy but do I need to loose weight? Will that help? Thank you so much for answering!!!

I'm 12 almost 13 & I weigh 65 pounds? is this normal? Am i unhealthy?

That is very underweighed i was that much when i was in forth grade am now in 7th but am still kinda underweighed but i got my period already and i weigh 83 pounds but you know am getting in better shape :) Am starting to look better !:D
But when people say you look very skinny or a twig or anything else just laugh and say ha your jelouse :) or just walk away /ignore them thats what i do sometimes...And it doesnt really matter what certain amount you weigh it will come when your body thinks its ready

What is an healthy, normal amount of teenage masturbation? what would be considered as an unhealthy amount.?

According to a survey of over 10,000 males by the web site in the second half of 2007, the average male masturbates 6.78 times per week. Age makes a difference. Most males start at age 12-13 and many do it very often when they first learn. At age 12-15 inclusive, the average is 8.24 times per week. That's more than once a day, on average. At age 16-19, inclusive, the average is 7.4 times per week.

Masturbating more than once a day is also pretty common. At age 12-15, inclusive, 20 percent of males masturbate 11 times a week or more. Only three percent of males in that age bracket masturbate as little as once a week.

So once a day (and occasionally twice) is very, very, very normal!!! Twice a day (regularly) is also frequently done in the early teens.

Am I an unhealthy weight? 5'8" and 110 pounds?

it could be your immune system. you should get some blood tests it could be something underlying like hyperthyroidism.

with regards to your weight i checked your BMI and it came up 16.7. which is abit underweight

BMI Categories:

* Underweight = <18.5
* Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
* Overweight = 25–29.9
* Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

just try and eat small regular meals and this should help :)

Are grilled sausages healthier than normal?

Are grilled sausages ok or unhealthy?
Am watching what i eat but am also not obsessive either. I am not on a diet etc just eat lots of fibre, fruit, veg, drink water and run 5 days a week.
Today i have a craving for sausages. Normal everyday sausages you buy in a supermarket in Britain/Ireland. Not the American Pepperoni type sausage. just a normal pork Sausage like from a butcher.
If i buy 4, and grill them instead of frying them, and have them with wholemeal home made bread, is that ok? Is it still bad or grilled are they ok?