Am On Starvation Mode

Am I in starvation mode, or is this normal?

So I've been dieting+exercising for about a month now and have lost about 8-10 lbs. I currently weigh 123 lbs and my height is 5'3" and am a 15 year old girl. I didn't even know anything about starvation mode or what it was until a few hours ago after hearing it from a friend...I got curious as to whether or not my body is in starvation mode.

- I take in around 900 calories per day and exercise, burning 140-160 calories from running. So my net calorie intake is 700-900 calories in a day. I feel completely full after eating my meals and don't feel hungry.
- I *think* I have somewhat bad circulation...after using the pump to measure my blood pressure for this lab in my biology summer class, my arm felt numb for a while. Also, my hands get cold after running.
- I haven't seen much weight loss in the past 2 weeks or so...but this could be because I'm gaining more muscle now from running.
- I've felt a little dizzy once in a while, for example while going up a flight of stairs and standing up after sitting for a few hours.

Are these symptoms of starvation mode, or is this normal and part of the weight-loss that my body is experiencing? If my body is in starvation mode, what are the effects of it, how can I fix my diet to get out of this mode while still losing a good amount of weight/fat?


How does starvation mode feel?

you feel light headed and dizzy especially when you stand up or walk around - you feel nauseated and sick with pains in your stomach and even chest sometimes, you are hungry but feel if you eat you will be sick but when you do eat you cant stop and go crazy like you have never eaten before.

What are the Symptoms of Starvation Mode?

The only starvation mode is starvation. And, there are no symptoms for someone who is dieting beyond those common to fasting type diets (weight loss, hunger, etc) in the early throes of starvation. Your body will begin to burn valuable proteins in addition to body fat and you'll never know it's happening. However, as the starvation progresses you'll experience fatigue, weakness, mental confusion, hair loss, loss of appetite, emotional issues such as melancholy or depression, and many other symptoms until you eventually die, usually from heart related issues.

The fact that you cannot differentiate between early starvation and extreme dieting is one reason extreme dieting is so dangerous.

Good luck and good health!!

What would cause my Body to go into starvation mode? If I’m in trying to lose weight and go on a calorie deficit, would it go into starvation mode?

Your body NEVER goes into starvation mode until near death. There are no “modes”. Starvation Mode is something made up by ignorant people to explain the plateauing effect noticed by some people during weight loss efforts.There is no such ‘mode’ in the scientific literature.

How long does it take your body o go into starvation mode when you starve yourself?

I'm 13 and I didn't eat anything on Monday or Tuesday but today(Wednesday) I ate 1500 cals and then tomorrow and Friday I am going to stave again and probs sat and sun. But what I'm wondering is after two day does your body go into starvation mode or after howany days? did I put on weight my eating today?

Am I going to lose weight or go into starvation mode?

If this is a hypothetical, bad idea. If it is serious, doctor visit is likely good advice. To the question: when your body is properly fed and nutriented and hydrated it will contribute to and draw from its reserves (like fat) regularly. As you reduce what you give your body beneath the amount it needs to sustain itself it begins drawing more and more severely on other increasingly vital parts of your body. In short times of malnutrition or high energy needs you will begin to burn muscle as fat. This is true even if you have enough fat if your energy needs are too high, because burning muscle is quicker than fat with higher output. In longer times your vital organs and tissues, bone and everything you want to hold on to for extended periods of time will also begin to burn and atrophy. Serious decay of the vital organs is one of your bigger concerns, can cause irreparable damage after a certain point. Short answer, don't do this. Longer answer, you can do short intervals of deprivation of different kinds of nourishment, but this is usually done while supplementing your shortcomings with something else, and for a short controlled period of time. No matter the circumstances, seek advice from a professional before pursuing activities of this nature, they are hazardous.

Question about starvation mode and anorexia?

eat low calorie healthy foods, an egg white has only 20 calories (throw away the yolk, it's loaded with fat & calories) celery takes more calories to chew and digest than it gives, mushrooms have zero calories, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, are all low in calories, (don't use dressing) you can eat low calorie foods, maintain the weight and be healthier than ever. At 5' 1" and 102lbs, you're thin, but it's not dangerous.
standard weight charts say at 5' you should weigh 100 lbs and add 5 lbs for every inch over 5'. So at 5'1' you "should" be 105. So 102 isn't at a danger point, but you gotta eat.

Health: how do you know when your body is going into starvation mode?

When you are actually starving your breath will smell of ketones and your sweat will smell strongly of ammonia. You will feel extremely lethargic and may hallucinate. You will probably lose your appetite and for me, the thought of food made me feel sick. You may feel cold and you will almost undoubtedly have digestive issues as well as constipation possibly followed by diarrhoea. it gets a lot worse from there until you die probably of cardiac arrest after being in a coma for several days.I have reached the first five - not as a result of a diet but a resupply on a long rainforest expedition going wrong.I really really don't recommend it -it took a surprisingly long time to recover from.