An Undiscovered Planet Many Light-years From Earth Has One Moon Which Has A Nearly Circular

An undiscovered planet, many light-years from Earth, has one moon which has a nearly circular periodic orbit.?

Gravitational force between moon and planet provides the centripetal force for orbit velocity ω rad/s

G.Mm.Mp / R² = Mm.Rω²
ω² = G.Mp / R³ = (6.67^-11)(6.10^22 kg) / (2.42^8m + 3.95^6m)³
ω² = 2.735^-13
ω = 5.23^-7 rad/s

Period time .. T = 2π / ω = 2π / 5.23^-7 .. T = 1.20^7s

T = 1.20^7(s) / {3600(hr) x 24(d)} .. .. ►T = 139.0 days

btw .. how come we know so much about an "undiscovered" planet !☺

An undiscovered planet, many lightyears from Earth, has one moon in a periodic orbit. This moon takes 19.0 days on average?

An undiscovered planet, many lightyears from Earth, has one moon in a periodic orbit. This moon takes 19.0 days on average to complete one nearly circular revolution around the unnamed planet. If the distance from the center of the moon to the surface of the planet is 216500 km and the planet has a radius of 4.250 × 10^3 km, calculate the moon\'s radial acceleration.

An undiscovered planet,?

An undiscovered planet, many light-years from Earth, has one moon which has a nearly circular periodic orbit. If the distance from the center of the moon to the surface of the planet is 2.36000 × 105 km and the planet has a radius of 4275 km and a mass of 5.80 × 1022 kg, how long (in days) does it take the moon to make one revolution around the planet. The gravitational constant is 6.67 × 10-11 N·m2/kg2.

ASAP!! Physic !!!! An undiscovered planet, many light-years from Earth,?

First calculate force
F=G*(m1*m2)/r^2 where G is uni. grav. const., m1 and m2 are masses, and r is radius from CENTERS. This question is tricky because they give you radius of planet and distance of moon from surface; you need to add these two to get distance between centers.

From there, you need to apply centripital force.

F=m2*w^2*r where w is ANGULAR velocity. (take m2 as moon)

therefore, w^2=G*m1/r^3

what you want is the period, T. T=1/f=2(pi)/w


I hope I didn't make a mistake somewhere!

Circular Motion?

An undiscovered planet, many lightyears from Earth, has one moon in a periodic orbit. This moon takes 1460 × 103 seconds (about 17 days) on average to complete one nearly circular revolution around the unnamed planet. If the distance from the center of the moon to the surface of the planet is 245.0 × 106 m and the planet has a radius of 3.10 × 106 m, calculate the moon\'s radial acceleration.