Ancient Historical Names

Ancient egyptian slave names?

Many ancient Egyptian names contained the name of a god. At times, the god may be assumed, so we have names that contain the phrase "god is gracious", or "whom god loves", but here the term god undoubtedly refers not to an abstract deity but rather to a specific, assumed deity which might be a local god, or the god to whom the parents prayed. Much of the time, the god was named.

Common words or phrases were often used in names. These included ankh (life), mery (beloved), hotep (peace), nefer (beautiful) and khenemet (one who is joined with)

Many names could be used by both males and females, and in these instances, an identifier, such as a hieroglyphic man or woman, was appended to the name in order to make it masculine or feminine. However, "et" on the end of a name, or sometimes in the middle of it, appears to have been a feminine identifier, and "pa-sheri" (masculine) or "ta-sherit" (feminine) was somewhat similar to the equivalent of "Junior" today. We also find Si, meaning son, or Sit, meaning daughter.

Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the United States of America.?

1.) Name two other cultures that the Ancient Egyptians could have traded goods and ideas with and why.

Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, Roman Empire, Roman Republic, Ancient India, Edo Japan, Middle Ages Europe, Renaissance, Emergence of Islam, Aksum, Shang Dynasty, or Ghana?

2.) Writing first developed in Mesopotamia. Which culture probably got the idea of writing from the Mesopotamians?
{the cultures from above along with Ancient Egypt}

3.) Has the United States existed as long as any of these cultures? If so, which ones?
{all cultures above}

And if you could please answer these too it would be great, if not thats okay. I will choose you for best answer though.

4.) Based on the Rosetta Stone, were the ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks sharing information? Suport your opinion.

5.)Could the Ancient Greeks have traded goods with the Shang Dynasty of China? Explain.

6.) Could the ancient Indians have traded goods with the Europeans of the Middle Ages? Explain.