Anericans Were Dumb Enough To Vote For Bush Jr. So If They Vote For Randy Paul Are They Just As

Out of the two US presidential candidates which one do you think is worse, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Strange as it may sound, the question evokes in me a conflict between my gut and my heart. My gut reaction is the country is going into a period of anarchy where the better angels of our nature are betrayed and lost from sight. In that country, I suppose someone like Donald Trump is the better president, although I’m at a loss to say why.I don’t see Trump holding the country together, unifying or building. He seems intent on doing the exact opposite. I do see his movement as a reaction to the excesses of political correctness but for all the rhetoric, that seems trivial.Hillary I see as the president if I feel the country will last another hundred years. That there will be a United States to lead the world further in the directions of the Founders and the Age of Reason. That may sound opposite or obtuse to some who’ve internalized the rhetoric of Originalists, but I feel and think it’s accurate.The conflict between these two impressions sorrows me overall.

Liberals, given the current political climate, have your feelings about President Clinton's "Lewinsky Affair" changed?

Monica Lewinsky is a person with a full name and who is entitled to tell her own story. She is not an affair that happened to a presidency. She is a human being who can say exactly what happened and how she feels about it.And she has. Extensively. I don’t get to tell it for her because it’s not my story to tell or twist or use to my advantage. Neither do you. Neither does anyone.Here is a link to the TED talk where Monica Lewinsky tells her story clearly about her affair with Bill Clinton as well as the impact of the aftermath and all that she learned. She shares her perspective in great detail:The price of shameThis talk has been viewed on this link alone nearly 13 million times in three years.Monica Lewinsky clearly states she had a consensual affair with her boss, the President at that time. That she wishes she had not fallen in love with him. But that the worst part of this was the bullying and public shaming that came from the public and press and that nearly drove her to take her life. She discusses this bravely in hopes of helping others who are targeted by public bullying.I’m not going to appropriate another woman’s story which she is using herself in anti bullying campaigns - the way she chooses to use her own story - for any other purpose.If 13 million people or more have heard her say she had a consensual affair that she regrets - but still we have those that want to say the affair was not consensual and draw comparisons to #metoo and to politicians accused of rape and sexual assault? For political advantage against liberals or for whatever reason? Then they should listen harder. To her. The woman who has the right to say.I personally believe affairs with wildly unequal power dynamics aren’t fair. But it it sounds like the worst part for Monica Lewinsky was public shaming.And we are two different people. And she owns her own narrative.I don’t twist other people’s words.Critically listen to her speak for herself at the link to TED and form your own opinion.It will certainly be more accurate then any opinion that is not formed with Monica Lewinsky as the primary source of information.

Do the people who disrespect our President Trump realize we voted him into office for very good reasons and that they are one of the reasons?

Dear Glenn Comstock:Do the people who disrespect [Donald] Trump realise we voted Him into office for very good reasons and that they are one of the reasons?I quote you verbatim, emphasis mine. It wasn’t enough that you gave Trump the title “our president,” but you had to deify Him. I have been saying all along that you Trump followers remind me of a cult. Thank you for the admission.Your question also owns up to what I’ve been hearing all along: we had to suffer for eight years so now it’s your turn. I’ve been hearing that folks like you voted for Trump out of spite.Your question contradicts itself. Voting out of spite is not a good reason. It is a stupid reason, to be quite honest.But to answer your question: yes, we know that you voted for Trump out of spite. We know that you think we don’t respect you enough so you voted for Trump.Do you realise that voting for Trump is what alienated me against you? Or do you care? I do not know how you would answer the first, but your answer to the second is probably “no.”I won’t mention any of the reasons Donald Trump does not deserve our respect. I won’t mention corruption or incompetence, and you won’t have to repeat your “fake news, liberal bias, snowflake” mantra.May you find what you are looking for!Yours,Chrys JordanP.S. Your right to free speech entitles you to write your own answer, to be the boss over that content (within Quora’s rules), to make your point as you see fit, and to receive whatever credit your answer earns. I dare you to write your own answer. You who don’t agree with me: are you up to the challenge?

If Democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility, why do fiscal conservatives vote Republican?

There is a big difference between fiscal conservatism & fiscal responsibility.Fiscal conservatives may say “ no more taxes” but then a war is started & there is no plan to pay for it & the veterans that come home from it. That may look good in the books & the quarterly reports. But without planning for a source of revenue or what areas are going to be cut, that is irresponsible.I liken it to saying your check book is balanced because you ignore the student loan payment & stop paying it.The state of infrastructure in this country is another example. The longer we wait to repair it, the more expensive it will be to repair it. Meanwhile, drinking water in communitiies across the country are contaminated. Citizens then have little recourse but to sue municipal & state governments. Who is on the hook for tha ? Tax payors.I live in Michigan. The situation in Flint is shameful. But we have had years of partisan finger pointing— where are we today?The water is Flint is worse.At the same time , the Michigan legislature just allowed the Nestle corporation access to the Great Lakes to pump & sell bottled water. The cost of the permit? $ 200.[1]There is zero fiscal responsibility there.How about spending millions of dollars to to do urine drug tests? Michigan did this after two other states had similar programs & failed. It saved no money on welfare programs & it cost Michigan taxpayors millions— and made money for a biomedical company.Michigan’s for profit charter schools — another burden on the Michigan taxpayor.Conservatives stick with the GOP for any number of issues.But selling the modern GOP as fiscal & economic wizards? That is a tough sell.Footnotes[1] Nestlé pays $200 a year to bottle water near Flint – where water is undrinkable