Ankle Sprain Or Break Yes I

How to break or sprain your ankle?

open big heavy wooden door or just a car door and stick the ankle through it and slam it shut.

get on a moped or a quad-bike or ride normal bike really fast down hill and slam on the breaks either sticking out hands to save body and break wrist or sticking out legs to do same with ankles.

simply trip down stairs.

jump off something high eg tree, stairs, 2nd or 3rd story building

put legs up on car dashboard and have a crash so that the airbag comes flying out and hits her ankles (that will def break them)

smash it with something heavy eg brick, car battery

find a hobo, tell him that if he manages to break your ankle, you'll give him a money

whine and whine to a angry wrestler about your ankle was twisted and don't shut up till he gets annoyed enough to break it as pay back for being to annoying.

How to pretend:
put small bump (eg wood) on road then stand on edge of curb as if she is about to cross and as a car goes passed and hits the bump, jump back screaming and holding ankle.

How to stop the pain:
Get an anaesthetic first so that it don't hurt her when she breaks it.
Get an adrenaline rush to stop immediate pain
Numb it with ice first

How long does it take for a sprained ankle to heal?

The truth is it depends on what you do to heal it? If you just use rest and ice and wait for it to heal itself, it could take a very long time. The average healing time using rest and ice is about 4 - 8 weeks for the most minor of sprains. However, up to 30% of people who use rest and ice still have pain 1 year later.The problem is that the ankle will still be weak and unstable after it "heals". I put that in quotes, because even though you can get back to normal activities, your ankle won't really be healed up. It will still be tender and at a high risk for another sprain. That's why so many people keep re-injuring the same ankle time and time again. It's weak, unstable and has a poor range of motion. Not only does this negatively affect the ankle, but also the areas above it (the knees, hips and low back).I have found that in order to heal a sprained ankle quickly and fully, you need to do a good rehab or healing program for the ankle. Then, it usually takes about 3 - 7 days (for grade 1-2 sprains... for grade 3 sprains- the most serious kind, it takes about 1-3 weeks vs. 2-6 months or longer with rest and ice). In order to do a good ankle rehab program, you can either go see a Physical Therapist or try a good at home ankle rehab program (I recommend the H.E.M. Ankle Rehab System), which is designed to help you heal a sprained ankle fast (about a week for most sprains) and protect you from future sprains without the need for ankle braces, wraps, and tape. It is simple to follow 3 step system backed by the latest scientific studies and does not require any equipment.If you do a good ankle rehab program, your ankle will heal fully and that means pain-free, strong, stable ankles that improve overall movement and reduce the risk of future injury.Thanks!

I think i might have sprained/broken my ankle?

Without an X-Ray there is no absolute way to tell whether it's broken or not.

However as a first aider, there are things I ask to tell the difference between a broken ankle and a sprained ankle.

How did they obtain the injury? .......

Did it make a noise? If yes, a cracking noise normally indicates a break, a tearing or a popping normally indicates a sprain.

What does the joint look like? Crooked and lumpy as well as swollen normally indicates a break, just swollen normally indicates a sprain.

Is there any numbness in the area? Numbness normally indicates a break, feeling normally indicates a sprain.

How bad is the pain? Severe pain normally indicates a break, less extreme pain, normally described as discomfort normally indicates a sprain. Most of the time if you've broken your ankle, you'll be in so much pain it'll be undescribable some of my more unlucky patients have said they wanted to curl up in a corner and die it hurt that much.

Can they move the joint? No normally indicates a break, yes but painfully normally indicates a sprain.

Can they apply weight to the joint? No normally indicates a break, yes but painfully normally indicates a sprain.

A sprain takes about 2 - 8 weeks to fully heal, not including rehabilitation. will help you if it is just a sprain.

Edit: The rule that if you can walk on it, it's not broken does NOT apply to everyone. Plenty of people have walked around on broken ankles for weeks thinking the pain was just a sprain. I can include myself in that group and I'm a first-aider so I should know the difference between a break and a sprain.

Your best bet is to go and see your doctor. Even if it's just a sprain, he can give you some idea of how long it will be before you can start training again and how bad the sprain is.

Is a sprain worse than a break? Why or why not?

Well, it depends on what break or sprain you got. A break (fracture) is the cracking of a bone ranging from a compound fracture to a micro stress fracture.A sprain is the stretching or tearing of a ligament (an elastic you tissue that connects bone to bone). You probably have heard of “spraining your ankle”. That is the most common case. What you did when you sprain your ankle MOST of the time is either stretched or tore the ligament that connects your fibula (outside leg bone) to the talus (ankle bone). Sprains can be of degrees 1,2, and 3. Degree 1 is a strong stretch in the ligament causing micro tears. Degree 2 Is a partial and visible tear in the ligament. Degree 3 means the ligament got completely torn in half.If the sprain is degree 3, it will almost always be more serious than a break of the bone. Degree 3 will require surgery to fix and will leave you out from using that limb for quite a while. Breaking a bone most of the time doesn’t require surgery. Degree 2 and 1 sprains will probably be less serious than a break. If you think you sprained your ankle, if you can walk with pain, then you probably have a first degree sprain.Breaks on the other hand vary greatly. You could get a stress fracture, a break in the bone so small that it doesn’t even register on an xray (doesn’t make it much less painful than a regular break thought), to a compound break where your ulna is cracked in half and sticking out of your skin.Breaks can be fatal depending on where you get it. If you completely dislocate a spinal vertebrae, you will be flat out dead. If you break your pinky you probably won’t die.Your question was really general, but I hope you can use the preceding information to figure out whether you think a sprain or break is more serious.Good luck!

What's wrong with my ankle? Broken? Sprained?

I understand. I'm a dancer and a former elite gymnast, from which I suffered years of ankle injuries and actually developed a chronic ankle problem. So, I feel your pain :D

It sounds to me like you have probably sprained your ankle. Sprains can be really painful, and severe sprains are often worse (on a pain level) than breaks. But, because your ankle is not bruised, a break is unlikely, which is the good news! There are a few things you should do:

1. If your ankle is extremely swollen, particularly if the swelling turns purple or black and blue, or if you cannot bear weight (not as in it hurts to walk, but as in the ankle actually shakes and cannot support your weight), you should see a doctor right away. You'll need X-rays done to rule out fracture, and you may need an Aircast and/or crutches for the most severe sprains, which will make it easier to walk for a few days.

2. Even though it hurts, icing the ankle is very important. Keep it elevated above the heart, and put something between the ice and your skin to protect your skin from the cold. You should ice for 20 minutes at a time, a little longer in the beginning, and every few hours. Even after the ankle starts to feel normal again, icing after physical activity (along with stretching!) will keep it feeling up to par.

3. Wrap your ankle. You can use an Ace bandage if the sprain is mild, but I'd suggest a store-bought support brace for moderate sprains and an Aircast for severe sprains. Your doctor might give you alternate methods of stability.

4. Rest. You should stay off the ankle for a few days, longer if the sprain is severe. Ultimately, time is the best healer for this kind of injury. After a few days, you might try some mild stretching. Applying heating pads before stretching and ice afterward will keep your ligaments in your ankle from further injury. If it hurts too much, stop. you don't want to cause more damage. If the sprain is moderate to severe, you might also want to keep some sort of support brace on the ankle when you return to activities to prevent re-injury.

5. There is no real remedy for the pain of a sprained ankle, except time. Your body needs to heal. But, taking Advil or Aleve might help with some of the pain, and will definitely help with some of the swelling. You can use these and other OTC medications to try and relieve pain a little.