Annoyed Mommy Of Puking 3 Year Old

Why is my child became so annoying?

I know that is a really harsh word to call a three and a half year old, but it really is to that point. It started when she started going to headstart this year and has gotten worse. I am not talking about the normal "annoying" things kids do such as the questions and playing and such. Those do not bother me at all, well I can deal with them. My daughter has became very demanding of me, constantly yelling Mommy, mommy mommy ALL the time. Even when we are playing together. We spend a lot of time together after school so I don't think there is a lack of interaction. She doesn't even give me a chance to respond and it is really starting to aggravate me. I can't do anything! It takes me 2 hours to wash one load of dishes because she has me running all over the house. I have talked to her about it, I have tried ignoring the behavior, I have tried asking her why (no response to that one, she's 3) I don't know what to do. She also constantly makes these weird loud noises all of a sudden. She refuses to do anything for herself anymore, instead yelling for me to come pick up her cup or toy or whatever fell just out of her reach. We did not raise her to be this way and I am not sure if she is picking something up from the other kids at her preschool. How do I deal with this? I want my daughter back.

Why is my 1 year old son throwing up cow's milk, but was fine with cow's milk formula?

Since he never spit up formula, I don't think it's a cow's milk allergy. However, it is definitely reacting to something in the cow's milk and having a harder time digesting it. The formula broke down most of the proteins and left some entirely out (like casein) to make it easier for a baby to drink. There are requirements for when your baby is put onto milk, and 12 months is about the age that most kids meet those requirements, but not ALL of them.

-Your toddler should be eating less than 16-24oz of formula a day. They shouldn't go above that amount of milk per day.
-Your toddler should be eating enough solids that they get most of their nutrients from the solids.
-Your toddler should be drinking from a sipper cup. Bottles encourage guzzling, and that can cause them to drink too much too fast and get sick.
-Your toddler should be able to drink it without getting sick. (Try the other recommendations first.)

Now, there's a good number of kids who aren't able to drink cow's milk without getting sick until they're closer to 18 months old. With my daughter, at 16 months my daughter was drinking less than 16 oz (she's in the 2-3% so I went with the lower number) and at 20 months she stopped having an upset tummy to the milk. She has no reactions to milk at all now. In the meantime, I used a toddler formula. It's not that expensive, and since you're striving to get them drinking less you really aren't using much after a while.

Honestly though I'd give him another month and try adding an ounce here and there, give him time to get used to it. And then go to 1/4 and if he handles that then give him time to adjust to that. And slowly, like over weeks, adjust the amount. Or just wait another month and try it again next month like I did until he handles it.

I am babysitting my 3 year old sis and she is throwing up everywhere what do i do my moms cell is off !?

Okay, first be calm, because she will take her cues from you. Keep trying your mom's cellphone. In the mean time if there is another family member you can contact try calling them. Throwing up is good, because her body is trying to get rid of whatever is making her sick. Two really important things you will want to check is her temperature, and her water in-take. Feel her to see if she is warm, if you do not know how to take her temperature have that adult help you when you reach them. Sponge her off with a wet rag to cool her down and remove any vomit from her skin. Let her sip water, or sprite. You do not want her to gulp anything. If you have a pedilite popcycle those are great. They will hydrate her quicker with less for her to vomit. Also, try to distract her while you wait for an adult to arrive. Put on some cartoons and try to keep her from thinking about being sick. Make sure she does not start to vomit in her sleep or on her back. You do not want her to choke. If things get really out of control- she starts to dehydrate, her eyes roll back in her head, she has seizures or anything else you think you cannot handle and you still have not reached mom or another trusted adult dial 911 for help.

Is it ok to give a 3 year old Tums or Rolaids for upset stomach?

I would normally ask her doctor - but it's after hours, dr offices are closed & the next best thing around here is the emergency room.
I don't exactly consider this an "emergency" my daughter just says that she has a tummy ache (no vomiting or fever or diarrhea...just a tummy ache)

4 week old puppy throwing up her milk (bottle fed)?

The mother dog tried to kill her and her litter mates so I took her in. She had been eating fine but throwing up all her milk now(?). I mad the nipple hole larger and she gets chocked sometimes to I am going to have to change back to small flow. Could it be that she was just getting slightly choked?? Please no rude comments! I cannot take her to a vet so please no comments on that (my vet is closed for the holidays). She also had just plain water earlier which she's never had before. Thanks and I need some quick responses! P.s. she still licks my finger and acts OKAY but I can tell she don't feel good.

How old to clean up their own throw-up?

My mom was a single mother, so she wasn't usually home for a few hours after school. Or she usually had to work if I was sick. I don't really blame her, or think she was being a bad parent. And I wasn't raised to just let throw-up lie on the floor till she got home, that'd be sick. But I was just wondering if anyone else had to clean up after themselves.