Anonymous Poll Would You Rather Have The Kkk In Charge Of America Or Marxists Why

Why do leaders from terrorist nations like Iran,Syria and Libya openly support Obama?

Because he is a weak leader and that is being generous!

Edit: A note for Romare and other like thinkers with regard to this question:

The Moral High ground does not work if you want to be a world leader! Carter tried that and failed miserable, Iran walked all over him. He too took nukes and first strike off the table and said we would not use them!

Of course other nations want Obama, why not, it will make us weaker and therefore them stronger. Is that the legacy you want to leave future Americans? A weak run of the mill Socialist mud hole? That is the Direction Obama wants to take us! The big stick is still appropriate if we want to stay on top! Carrots don't work in the Middle east! Carter should have learned that but sadly he did not. Those folks only understand strength and scoff at the weak and the timid! If Obama is elected then Israel will have no choice but to attack Iran otherwise Iran will attack them as soon as Obama is sworn in! Hello World War III!

Peace through strength! When is the last time any middle east country lived up to any agreement? Diplomacy for them is just a stall tactic to gain their own strength while weakening their opponent!

Proud Vet

Are the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) considered as Christians?

Generally members of a group who don’t like the behaviors or beliefs of a subset of a group will disavow that group - so most Christians would say that members of the KKK aren’t ‘true Christians’.So I’m sure that most KKK members view themselves as Christans and most Christians view KKK members as not true Christians.Different sects of Christianity also don’t recognize other sects as Christian - many Protestants and nondenominational reject Mormons and Catholics as not being ‘true Christians’.We also see this with other religious groups such as many Muslims disavowing members of ISIS as not being ‘true Muslims’.For groups for which there aren’t official membership criteria there will always be this conflict between how different people choose to define membership and nonmembership in the group.So the KKK are Christian in that the consider themselves to be, just as ISIS are Muslim in that they consider themselves to be; but the majority of Christians reject members of the KKK as being true Christians, just as the majority of Muslims reject ISIS and being true Muslims.

Why has the KKK not been banned even though it is a terrorist organization?

Terrorist threat is“…a crime generally involving a threat to commit violence communicated with the intent to terrorize another, to cause evacuation of a building, or to cause serious public inconvenience, in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience. It may mean an offense against property or involving danger to another person that may include but is not limited to recklessly endangering another person, harassment, stalking, ethnic intimidation, and criminal mischief.”Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right:“And when White men talks about “restoring the Constitution”—or, more so, “Taking Our Country Back”— leftists and non-Whites are right to view this as threatening and racialist: it implies a return to origins and that the White man once owned America.”Then, the violence is now direct with this:“For us [whites], it is conquer or die. This is a unique burden for the white man, that our fate is entirely in our hands.”White men don't conqueror peacefully or without violence. Ask the native people of the North, Central and South Americas.If ISIS made these threats they'd be subject to drone attacks. They'd rightfully be labeled a terrorist organization. The Alt-Right are terrorists. “White privilege” is keeping them off the domestic terrorists list. Black groups, like the Nation of Islam, call for black separation because of the way blacks are maltreated by their government and fellow Americans who self-identify as “white” and they are listed as a hate group. The Alt-Right has a history of terrorism. They are a terrorist organization.

Why did the KKK target Italians and Poles?

The Klan didn’t target Irish, Poles, or any other white group. Instead the Klan believed that America was a republic, rather than a liberal democracy, which means that America belongs to Americans, and WE should control who comes into our country—not liberal elites looking to undercut labor, or Democrats looking for new voters. In other words, all the Klan wanted, along with almost all Americans, was to have our borders shut to further immigration. This is the real reason liberals have such an irrational hatred for the Klan; they see it as a potential threat to their power, and they are right.In fact, immigration is specifically why the Second Klan was formed. Being fraudulent reformers, the progressive liberals talked a good game on shutting the borders, but were steadfastly opposed to every proposal to make America for Americans again. Thus, the Second Klan formed, and since most immigrants were in the north, so was this Klan. And as soon as the borders were shut in 1924, this Klan quickly began to disintegrate, not to be reformed until the predatory liberal measures they call the civil rights movement.

What do you think about Obama dropping charges on black panthers?

What do I think about it ?

I know that it is yet another attempt by Obama to use his influence for racist purposes as he has done for 20 + years.
It was bad enough when he was a community organizer but it is sickening now that he is President.

When Obama was Illinois State Senator in 1996 he ran on the New Party ticket which was the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America. Their own newspaper reported that " Barack Obama who is a card carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America was elected State Senator ". Prior to his election Obama had worked as a community organizer in Chicago where he was asked to teach ACORN workers how to recruit voters. After Obama was elected State Senator; as a result of his 20 + year affiliation with Jeremiah Wright & Trinity Church, Father Pfleger, Louis Farrakhan & the Nation of Islam + the New Black Panther Party......Obama used his position first as State Senator and later as US Senator to obtain huge grants for all of his long time friends & associations............including the New Black Panther Party.

Therefore nobody in his right mind would believe that Obama would not do everything within his power to protect his friends of 20 + years.....the New Black Panther Party.

Should the Ku Klux Klan be considered a domestic terrorist group?

Short Answer:A big, resounding yes.Long Answer:I decided to look up some well agreed upon definition / grading rubric of terrorism online. The closest one to a "rubric" was one by Bruce Hoffman, a political analyst. He says:By distinguishing terrorists from other types of criminals and terrorism from other forms of crime, we come to appreciate that terrorism is :ineluctably political in aims and motivesviolent – or, equally important, threatens violencedesigned to have far-reaching psychological repercussions beyond the immediate victim or targetconducted by an organization with an identifiable chain of command or conspiratorial cell structure (whose members wear no uniform or identifying insignia) andperpetrated by a subnational group or non-state entitySource: Wikipedia, which cited: Bruce Hoffman, Inside terrorism, 2 ed., Columbia University Press, 2006, p. 41.I figure the definition of terrorism doesn't change based on the domestic or international nature of the group. Let's break down the KKK according to this rubric:1. Ineluctably political in aims and motivesThe KKK's big aim is to have a White Protestant America, which makes it inherently political as it aims to define who can live within the confines of national borders. Score: 1 point.2. Violent – or, equally important, threatens violenceKKK has orchestrated many lynchings of African Americans and threatened violence and threatened violence against African Americans / non-white minorities many times. Ku Klux Klan, Later Klans, 1950-1960s. Score: 1 Point.3. Designed to have far-reaching psychological repercussions beyond the immediate victim or targetBy having the goal of a White Protestant America, and threatening / committing violence against people who do not fit that category, they are affecting the consciousness of a nation and trying to instill fear into certain communities as a whole.Score: 1 Point.4. Conducted by an organization with an identifiable chain of command or conspiratorial cell structure (whose members wear no uniform or identifying insignia) andDoesn't fit the "no uniform" criteria, but there is an identifiable chain of command. Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabularyScore: 0.5 Points. (-0.5 for having a uniform / insignia)5. Perpetrated by a subnational group or non-state entityThe KKK isn't a nation or a state-entity, but rather an organization of people within a nation, so this fits too.Score: 1 Point.Score: 4.5/5. Definitely a Terrorist Organization.

Do black people get charged with hate crimes too?

They do.In 2014 According to the FBI statistics, 66.4 percent of the 3,407 reported  single-bias hate crimes that were racially motivated in 2013 targeted  blacks.                                                      Looking at racial and ethnic categories (and  counting Hispanic and other national origins as separate categories, as  the FBI does):                                                      The racial categories have remained quite  constant in share of incidents, aside from a sharp drop in anti-Asian  incidents. For the latest year, the share of racial/ethnic incidents is:  anti-black, 52 percent; anti-white, 19 percent; anti-Hispanic, 11  percent; anti-other ethnicity, 8 percent; anti-multiple races, 3  percent; anti-Asian, 3 percent; anti-American Indian, 3 percent. Hate Crime in America, by the NumbersHere is an example:Even as far back as 1999The FBI’s “Hate Crime Statistics” for 1999  show that 2,030 whites were arrested that year for “hate crimes”  against blacks, compared to 524 blacks who were arrested and charged  with a “hate crime” against whites. I think the OP needs to make themselves familiar with FBI stats.

What percentage of KKK members vote Republican?

This is a question that will never have a definite answer, and there is information out there that people use to make their case for both sides. The fact that everyone agrees on is that 6 confederate soldiers in Tennessee created the KKK in 1865 right after the civil war.The most recognized version of what happened to the KKK over the decades was that they were dominant in the deep south and would use its intimidation to sway elections by attacking black slaves and republicans to set an example. But the KKK died out, however in the 20th century it came back in the 10’s and 20’s when our country had a immigration issue, and in the 50′ and 60’s during civil rights movement.One of the defining moments in our history was when JFK was running for president and he was able to get MLK of of jail in Georgia. MLK thanked Kennedy and the black vote that had been shifting for a while to the democrats, almost completely went blue. A couple of years after Kennedy’s assassination, Lyndon B Johnson signed the civil rights bill of 1964. Johnson was a democrat and with the help of Bobby Kennedy fought to get this bill passed among democrats that were completely against it.When it came to voting for president that year, the deep south that had always voted democrat flipped to voting republican. The parties had been slowly switching platforms since the end of the civil war(Did you know that Republicans used to be for big government?) Some debate that switching platforms never happened.[1] Many feel that the KKK went to the republican party. For recent evidence look at the 2018 election. Any self proclaimed KKK member or Nazi sympathizer running for office was under the republican ticket. So, do a little research and see what you think.Self-described white supremacists and Nazis:Russell Walker, North Carolina state House District 48 John Fitzgerald, California’s 11th Congressional District Steve West, Missouri state House District 15 Arthur Jones, Illinois’s Third Congressional DistrictAll four lost their electionCandidates that had ties to white nationalists:Loser: Corey Stewart, US Senate for VirginiaLoser: Seth Grossman, New Jersey’s Second Congressional DistrictWinner: Steve King, Iowa’s Fourth Congressional DistrictWinner: Steve Scalise, Louisiana’s First Congressional DistrictWinner: Ron DeSantis, Florida gubernatorial raceFootnotes[1] How white supremacist candidates fared in 2018

Why do the US not want Russia to attack the ISIS?

Why do the US not want Russia to attack the ISIS? ISIS will do the Omar mosque possibly. China will attack Russia. Russia will be the only country not under the Jewish antichrist from the tribe of Dan. Future Russian Tsar will protect all who don't want to be under the antichrist (flying pale homesexual man with red eyes). Hence, Slavs (particularly Russians) are the chosen people. In general, Orthodox Christians are the chosen people. Orthodox Church's three biggest saints (in this order) are Theotokos Virgin Mary, John the Baptist (who was beheaded on 9/11), and Tsar Nicholas II (who bled for 5 hours). Seraphim of Sarov and Sergius of Radonezh will soon be resurrected. Putin's real name is Shalom-ov; he's a Jew just like everyone who controls Russia today. Poroshenko's real name is Waltz-man; he's a Jew as well; only Jews control Ukraine. Hence, there is no Cold War as Jews control USA too. It's all a charade. Order out of chaos. Ever heard of Scido amafreikis? It's hard-boiled egg sprinkled with ashes from a cloth soaked in Christian blood. That's what they eat. The rest of Christian remains is given to McDonalds. Iran is to be blamed for the SoL. KKK and ISIS are funded by Sionists. ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service = daughter of Mossad. Al Qaeda = daughter of CIA. First Mossad does the Statue of Liberty, then some "old" bridge, then explosion in the sea floods New Sodom (New York), later New Gomorah (Los Angeles) is flooded. The Most Holy Trinity punishes when murder (abortion), witchcraft, and sodomy are legalized together. America has to go. Good-bye, America, you filled the earth with your poison (pornography, abortions, sodomy, murdering civilians worldwide, etc.); and now you pay for the blood of the innocent. 666 is not forgivable; it leads to permanent hell. 666 is given with World Passport with no name on it (grey plastic card). Police 666 people on highways. Food stores and prisoners 666 people too. Reject vaccines. Don't go into UFO to be healed by demons. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; don't take any electronics with you so that antichrist's minions can't make contact then. Feed the pigeons. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael. Pray to Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov. Forgive me.

If the Republican party stance on women, race, relationship and immigrants were to be norm of the US, will it be similar to a backward Islamist state?

First of  all Donald Trump is entitled to what ever opinion he would like to have, on any given subject unless of course America is now an Orwellian State, which seems to be the objective of those Marxists who wrap themselves in the American flag, hide behind Political Correctness and call themselves Democrats or Republicans.I find the question repulsive, not so much of itself, but rather that it is intended to stereotype a group of people, and to identify them with the savagery of Islamic terrorism. Such a shamefully hateful and divisive statement is best left to Barack Obama when he associated Republicans with those Islamists who would destroy Israel, the United States and who gleefully fund those who burn people alive, cut off heads, torture and rape women and children. The question is hate speech at it's best and if this is representative of a Democrat, America is in big trouble as it sounds as if it came from the mouth of  a Hitler heralding the hatred of the Jews. I would, not at all be surprised to see a picture of the OP in jack boots, a swastika proudly waving, herding Jews, men, women and children into the Nazi death camps.