Another Math Question Help Pic

How do you solve this math question: (Pic. included)?

There are many correct answers here.  I will just comment on the theory.First you should understand that (4-x^2)/(2-x) is undefined at 2, because when you substitute in 2, you get 0/0, which is undefined.  Mathematicians, due to their quirky nature (and other reasons beyond the scope of this question) like to ask:"Well, I know that this is undefined, and could take on any possible value, but what *would* the value be if it *were* defined?"Or more practically, what would the value be for points "close to" 2.If x is a number close to 2, but it is not exactly 2, then "2 - x" is no longer 0.  It is illegal to divide by zero in math, but dividing by something that is "close to zero" is perfectly fine.  That also means that cancelling out (2-x)/(2-x) is also fine, because no matter how big (1/(2-x)) gets, (2-x) gets equally small and they cancel out.One other thing to mention.  When a polynomial is 0 at a certain value p, then that means that it will have a factor of (x - p), so that means that you can always know to look for a factor of (x-p) in a situation like this.  This is really pretty cool when you think about it.So, as other posters have mentioned, you cancel (x-2)/(x-2), which is equivalent to multiplying  by 1 unless x is 2, and you are left with (x+2), which takes on a value of 4 at 2.The limit in the question is just mathematicians way of saying "Really, really close, like however  close you think you got to 2, this limit is even closer than that."And who says mathematicians don't have a sense of humor.

Math Questions help? Best answer gets 10 points?


(to explain u i call ea Point a,b,c,d,e (a is most north west b-c-d are
the other circles in the [] square if you follow the clock, e is the other circle)

1) e and a can always have the same collor
2)a and d needs to have antoher Color than c and b
i work in 4 times the 1'st time i "think" that the Colors of point c and e are the same (can be red green or blue)
than you know that Point a haves the same Color as c
Point b and d needs to be the another Color than a-c-and-e
than you know that there are 6 possibilities if point c and e haves the same Color

point a and c can have the same Color too, if you have that there are another 6 possibilities

e and b or e and d can have the same Color tho,
if you know that it makes another 12 possibilities

more things aren't possible
so you need to have 24 possibilities (if you follow the way of the 1st 6 possibilities you know the other too, you work at the same way,
look wat i did and you will see that, that's why i only wrote that part full down ---the anwser is : a) 24

i only can awnser the 1st one sorry, i'm only 14 years old and, i'm not bad i math, but sorry (the 1st one is correct i'm sure)

plzz choose me for the 10 pnts.. i worked about 10 minutes on it (includes typing lol ):s plzz (sry for bad english i'm dutch..)

dont listen to 1st comment, it's np for me to do that, if i stuck one math, i ask 2 (and she isnt rite cous ask ur question
takes a longer time than do it)

Help with an image point math question?


Another math question?

Use sine for the first and cosine for the second.

y = 40*sin(72 deg in radians)

x = 40*cos(72 deg in radians)

y = height
x = distance from shadow to dimitri

Japanese 1st grade JHS math question - see pic - q7?

P moves at 2 cm/sec, therefore x = 2t (t in seconds)

Area = 8x cm², that is y = 8x ; since x = 2t, then y = 8(2t) or y = 16t

I presume that you mean RATE of change of x and y (NOT "range")

So if x = 2t, then dx/dt = 2 cm/sec

and y = 16t, then dy/dt = 16 cm²/sec

For y = 24 cm², substitute in y = 16t :

24 = 16t, therefore t = 24/16 = 1.5 seconds.

Is there a app where you can upload a picture of a maths equation/homework and a maths teacher solves it for you and give you the answer?

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Help math questions, determine coordinates of image point ? What does that mean?

1- the equation for y=f(x)=4x
since when we plug x=1 we got y=4
the function
y= 3f[-4(x+1)]-2
has the graph which is the graph of y=4x shifte(x+1) one unit to the left, times (-4) is vertically stretched by (-4)and since it is multiply by (-1) it is reflected in the y-axis
the the whole f stretched again by (3) then shifted downward (-2) two units.
for you to completely understand this function , graph these fuctions
y= (-4)(x+1)
y= 3(-4(x+1)) +2
and last but not least
y= 3(-4(x+1)) -2
you will see what is happening to the original graph of y=4x
for each graph just make a table
x | y
0 | 0
1 | 4
etc and so on and so forth.

2- 540= 2L + 3W
whereas Perimeter= 2L+2W=2(L+W)
since you dont know the ratio beween the L and the W, you can not reduce the variable L and W down to just W
if you know for example the L= 3/2 W then you can plug this valua in place of L and write a function in respect of width.

Math problem need some help?

Let x = # wallets, y = # portraits
x + y = 10
y = 10 - x
325x + 1050y = 6150 note: currency in pennies here
325x + 1050(10 - x) = 6150
325x + 10500 - 1050x = 6150
-725x = -4350
x = -4350/-725 = 6
# wallets = 6 answer

x + y = 10
6 + y = 10
y = 4
# portraits = 4 answer

6(3.25) + 4(10.50) = 61.50
19.50 + 42.00 = 61.50
61.50 = 61.50